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Cause and Effect

English material for class XI

By ; Hailul, S.Pd
Kompetensi Dasar
3.7 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait hubungan sebab akibat , sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan because
of.., due to….,thanks to..
4.7 Menyusun teks transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait hubungan sebab akibat, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai konteks
When we talk about cause and effect we use
the following signal words :
Effect resulting from a certain
Cause signal words : cause, we use the following words :
 Because  As a result
 The reason for  Then
 On account of  Hence
 Bring about  For this reason
 Give rise to  Therefore
 Created by  Outcome
 Contributed to  So
 Led to  Consequently
 Due to  Finally
 For this reason  Therefore
 unless  In order to
Some example of cause and effect
Koala are almost extinct because people Early man learnt to grow food, and as a
killed too many of them result, their lives became easier
Cause- people killed too many of them Cause- early man learnt to grow food
Effect – Koala almost became extinct Effect -Their lives became easier
Haze caused by massive forest burning I was so angry with her because she broke
Cause- massive burning her promise
Effect - Haze Cause – she broke her promise
Effect – I was angry
Since they are in love , they forgive each Since Corona virus spread out people work
other’s mistake from home
Cause- they are in love Cause – Corona virus spread out
Effect- they forgive each other mistakes Effect – people work from home
Due to , Because of, owing to, thanks to are
following by a Noun
Due to
Because of
Owing to
+ Noun
Thanks to
Example : -I didn’t go to school because of rain
-the patient passed away because of
corona virus
Because , since, as, for, are followed by a
Since Subject + verb
As a result
Example : My younger sister was sad because I
broke her cell phone
he got a low grade on his exam as a result of
he didn’t study well
Task 1.
Read the cause, write the effect, then write the complete
sentences using signal words. First has been done for you !

1 All the flights were cancelled because of windy

Cause – Windy
Effect – all flights were cancelled

2 …………………………………………
Cause – she ate too much
Effect -…………………..

3 …………………………………..
cause – I ran out of money
Effect - ……………………….
4 ………………………………
Cause-He is afraid to fly
Effect -………………………

5 …………………………………….
Cause – after the car accident
Effect -…………………………..

6 …………………………………..
Cause - he ate a lot of candy
Task 2.
Read the sentences and find cause and effect. First one
has been done for you !

1 The milk spilled over the floor, so Jane got a mop an cleaned it up
Cause – milk spilled
Effect – Jane mop

2 Sitti has planned a trip to her uncle’s house because she loves her cousin
Cause -………..
Effect -………….

3 The green house gasses trap the heat in the air, so the earth becomes
Cause - ……………
Effect -………………….
4 Because the Sumatran tigers almost extinct, the Indonesian
government declared them as endangered species
Cause- ………..
Effect- ……………

5 Animals are becoming extinct because humans are moving

into their habitats.
Cause - ………….

6 All people are expected to do social distancing because of

covid -19 pandemic
Pelajari materinya
dan kerjakan tugas
pada task 1 dan 2
Kirimkan tugas
anda paling lambat
17 April 2020 melalui
wa 085255514954
Terimakasih !!!!!
#work from home
#study from home

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