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Good afternoon !!!

Specifically, the study will answer the

following questions;
The study will generally determine the
factors affecting the attendance rates of
Senior High School in San Pablo Integrated
School for school year 2016-2017.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile of the Senior High
School students in San Pablo Integrated School
in terms of;
1.1 Economic Status
1.2 Number of siblings
1.3 Attendance Rates

2. What is the level of performance of

Senior High School students in San Pablo
Integrated School in terms of attendance
rates for school year 2016-2017?
3. What are the factors that affect the
attendance rates of Senior High School

4. What are the strategies that can be

developed to strengthen student
performance in terms of attendance?
Age :____________

Direction: Put a check in the appropriate line of

the choice.
1. Demographic Profile
1.1 Economic Status
___High (30,000-50,000 per year)
___Middle (15,000-29,999 per year)
___Below Poverty (5,000-14,999 per year)
1.2 Number of Sibling (s)
___4 = 10 or more
___3= 6 to 9
___2= 3 to 5
___1=1 to 2
1.3 Attendance Rate
2. Level of performance in terms of Attendance
___ attend classes regularly

___ absentee

___ arriving late

___ leaving early

___ taking prolonged rest breaks
___ cutting classes
3. Factors that affect student Attendance Rate
___ Poverty
___ Number of Sibling (s)
___ Health issue
___ Bullying
___ PWD/ Person with Disability
___ Laziness
___ Family Problem
___ Distance from School
4. Strategies that can be developed to strengthen
students performance in terms of attendance

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