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Evidence: World leaders

Sinthia Sáenz
A leader of his  Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa. He
spent 27 years in prison for trying to overthrow the pro- apartheid
people government. After he left prison, he worked to achieve human
rights and a better future for everyone in South Africa.
 Nelson Mandela was born in 1918. he was in prisión from 1962 to
When did he 1990. He became president of South Africa in 1994, and retired in
1999. Nelson Mandela died on 5 december 2013 following a lung
live illness.
 Nelson Mandela became famous for his long figth against bad
Why is he government and racial prejudice. He became a hero to people all
over the world. As South Africa’s president, he was respected for
famous his courage and wisdom in bringing people together to live peace.
 Where was he born?
 Rolihlanhla mandela was born on 18 July 1918. he was later given
the name nelson by a teacher at school
The Young  He was born in the transkei, part of South Africa. The Transkei has
mandela mountains, valleys and grasslands called savannas. On a map, you
can find it in the southeast (bottom rigth) corner of south africa.
 Nelson went to a misión school, and then to college. He was Good
School and at school work. He also enjoyed boxing and running. At fort hare
University, he studied law. One of his Friends there was Oliver
college tambo. Nelson left the university in 1939, after student protests
about the way it was tun.
 Mandela married three times. His first marriage ended in 1957. he
and his second wife, winnie, divorced in 1996. at the age of 81, he
Family life married grace machel. He had six children and twenty
 Nelson mandela retired as predisident in 1999. from 2004, he
An inspiration gave up politics, to enjoy a quiet life with his family.

to others  Nelson mandela: an inspiration for people all over the world.

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