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*Week 4- Administration and Supervision

on Classroom Level

*Learning Environment and Community

* Physical Environment
*It is not just the building but the facilities
consisting of chairs, tables, teaching tools,
equipment among others found in the
classroom. The facilities mirrored the taste
and purpose of the institution. If it is meant
to depict a more caring learning institution
then it should be manifested in the specific
and carefully structured rooms where
functionality, convenience comfort and
service are found.
*1. It allows the class to be more inspired and to think
in a clearer ways.
*2. Discarding the wastes inside the classroom will
provide more space for novel tools, projects and
creation of the students.
*3. Stress is minimized for the teacher especially when
he/she is in a hurry to locate visual aids needed for
particular lessons. The time spent for looking at a
learning materials could be developed to working with
your students on new projects or just listening to the
sharing of the students.
*1. Provision for a more convenient and accessible
place where frequently used classroom tools and
equipment are within easy reach of the students.
*2. It is good to identify the materials by labeling them
so that the students can easily spot them when
needed. The students should be reminded that they
have to return the materials in each proper place.
*3. Discard or share with your colleagues any teaching
paraphernalia you have stocked in your room and have
not used for past years. Review what were left so that
you will keep only those that matter.
*4. Plan pathways through the room to give way for the
free and convenient movements of the students.
* 5. Plot the seating arrangement that will give
provision for the students to have a full view of
teaching-learning presentations. Less movement
should be advocated by the teacher to avoid
*6. It is a must that you have your own locker to keep
your personal audio-visual materials intact.
*7. Be creative enough to provide a corner in your
room to post the personal and academic information
of your students. This will reflect the teachers’
interest and concern to his/her students.
*8. Do not overlook the needs of your special children
if you have any.
*The Concept of Discipline
*The effective implementation of discipline lies in the
teachers’ acceptance that students’ misbehavior is
not inherent in them. They are not conditioned to be
unruly although there are instances when students try
to tests the teachers’ authority over them. Discipline
is not just bordering on classroom order and control. If
this is the limited frame of mind by every teacher,
then they are losing touch of building a positive
teacher and student relationship which is the keynote
for effective discipline. Positive relations are
contributory to behavior and academic improvement,
heighten scientific interest, enhance relationship
among students, sustain emotional experience and
raise the level of students motivation.
*The 3 C’s of Discipline
*1. Credibility
*The teacher should be the first one to set
good examples to his students. If he wants
to impart the desired behavioral practice
and discipline, by all means, his behavior
must be beyond question. Tarnishing his
image before his students can happen if he
is the number one violator of his rules and
policies. In doing so, his credibility will
slowly crumble and the tendency is for his
students to no longer believe him.
*At the beginning of the term, the teacher must lay
down his cards so to speak to let the students
know of his rules and policies. The do’s and dont’s
under his management must be verbalized. The
teacher is duty bound to speak his mind on the
freedom and boundaries of his class. This must be
emphasized in words and in writing so that it will
be remembered and practiced by the students.
The teachers may even go to the point of coming
out with a written commitment to be signed by
the students of what they are accountable for.
This written communication must be
countersigned by the parents/guardians of the
*If class rules are given by the teacher, it
should be enforced 100% of the time, no
more, no less. Teachers are oftentimes
guilty of inconsistent enforcement of rules
and not emphasizing to the students the
consequences of their misbehavior.
Consistency is being fair and just in dealing
with misbehaving students. There should be
no discrimination in imposing penalties to
the offenders whether they are fast or slow
learners, poor or well-to-do and active or
passive students.

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