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Facts about LIGHT

1. Light is a form of energy.

2. Light allow us to see things clearly.
3. Light travels is straight line.
4. When the light is obstructed, shadow formed.
5. Light can reflect
6. Refrection of light
Light Travels in Straight Line

Example situations:

Light from a car headlights Light from a helicopter Sunlight rays shine between the
tree trunks in a forest

 The light travels in a straight lines.

 The light of the torch cannot be seen because the
movement of cardboard B has blocked the view
of torch.
Shadow are formed when a moving light is obstructed by an object.
The clarity of the shadows formed may vary according to the type of
object that obstructs it. The types of object can be:-

★ Transparent
★ Translucent
★ Opaque
❏ Clear plastic and glass are examples of a transparent
object. It allows all the light to pass through it. No shadow
is formed with transparent objects.
❏ It allows some light to pass through it. Less clear shadow is formed. For
example :- tracing paper , sun glass and tinted windows,
★ It does not allow any light to pass through it. Clear shadow is
formed. For example: books, wall, aluminium plate, tree
Factors Affecting the size of a shadow
● Distance between the object and the light source
● Distance between the object and the screen

The size of shadow becomes larger if The size of shadow becomes larger
the distance between the light if the distance between the screen
source and the object is shorter. and the object is longer.
Factors Affecting the shape of a shadow
● Orientation of the object
● Position of the light source
Reflection of light
● Reflection of light will be clear on smooth and shiny surface
● Reflection of light will be not clear / will not be seen on rough surface
Ray diagram
Applications of reflection in daily life
Convex mirror Dental mirror

Side mirrors Mirror

To hide and
Helps the dentist to observe objects
Allows the driver see the patient’s from far
to see another dental condition
vehicle blocked
from the drivers
view Helps to see the
Allows the driver to image of our self
see the vehicles
that are blocked
from view
Refraction of Light
● When light travels through two different mediums, the direction of light will
● When the speed of the light changes, the light is refracted.
Formation of rainbow
● When the sun shines on the rain droplets, the light will be refracted. This will
form a rainbow.
You can form rainbow too…

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