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Lecture 8, Eighth Semester

Department of Mechanical Engineering


Gas Dynamics

Instructor: Dr. Asadullah

PhD. Hanyang Univ. South Korea

July 28, 2020

The flow in a constant area duct with heat transfer and without friction is known as
Rayleigh Flow.

Types of Flow Heat transfer Friction

Isentropic No No

Rayleigh Yes No

Fanno No Yes

In this lecture, we consider the consequences of heat. To isolate the effects of heat
transfer from the other major factors we assume flow in a constant-area duct without

In systems where high rates of heat transfer occur, the entropy change caused by the
heat transfer is much greater than that caused by friction.
We shall first consider the general behavior of an arbitrary fluid. To isolate the effects
of heat transfer we make the following assumptions:

We proceed by applying the basic concepts of continuity, energy, and momentum.

Let suppose the mass velocity is equal to constant G, thus

This is the first major flow category for which the total enthalpy has not been constant.

The momentum equation to the control volume shown in Figure 10.1. The x-
component of the momentum equation for steady, one-dimensional flow is
In both cases we are led to equivalent results since both analyses deal with constant
area and assume negligible friction.

If we multiply equation (6.9) or (10.8) by the constant area, we obtain

The constant in equation (10.11) is called the impulse function or thrust function by
various authors. We shall see a reason for these names when we study propulsion
devices in Chapter 12.

For now let us merely note that the thrust function remains constant for Rayleigh flow
and across a normal shock.
Return to equation 10.9b, that is

If the fluid is known, one can also plot

lines of constant temperature on the
same diagram. Typical isothermals can
be obtained easily by assuming the
perfect gas equation of state. Some of
these pv =const lines are also shown in
Figure 10.2.

It is plotted as a straight line in the p–v plane (Fig 10.2). Such a line is called a
Rayleigh line and represents flow at a particular mass velocity (G). Normally, we
would expect the effects of simple heating to increase the temperature and decrease the
density. This appears to be in agreement with a process from point 1 to point 2 as
marked in Fig. If we add more heat, we move farther along the Rayleigh line and the
temperature increases more. Soon point 3 is reached where the temperature is a
Recall that the addition of heat causes the entropy of the fluid to increase since

Thus it appears that the real limiting condition involves entropy (as usual). We can
continue to add heat until the fluid reaches a state of maximum entropy. We must
investigate the shape of constant entropy lines in the p–v diagram. This can easily be
done for the case of a perfect gas that will serve to illustrate the general trend.

Comparing equations (10.14) and (10.17) and noting that γ is always greater than 1.0,
we see that the isentropic line has the greater negative slope and thus these lines will
plot as shown in Figure 10.3.
We now see that not only can we reach the point of maximum temperature, but more
heat can be added to take us beyond this point. If desired, we can move (by heating) all
the way to the maximum entropy point. It may seem odd that in the region from point 3
to 4, we add heat to the system and its temperature decreases. Let us reflect further on
the phenomenon occurring.
• The effects of heat addition increases the fluid density to decrease. This requires
the velocity to increase since ρv = constant by continuity.

• This velocity increase automatically boosts the kinetic energy of the fluid by a
certain amount. Thus the heat addition causes a definite increase in kinetic energy.

• Some of the heat that is added to the system is converted into this increase in kinetic
energy of the fluid, with the heat energy in excess of this amount being available to
increase the enthalpy of the fluid.

• Noting that kinetic energy is proportional to the square of velocity, we realize that
as higher velocities are reached, the addition of more heat is accompanied by much
greater increases in kinetic energy. Eventually, we reach a point where all of the
heat energy added is required for the kinetic energy increase.

• At this point there is no heat energy left over and the system is at a point of
maximum enthalpy (maximum temperature for a perfect gas). Further addition
of heat causes the kinetic energy to increase by an amount greater than the heat
energy being added. Thus, from this point on, the enthalpy must decrease to
provide the proper energy balance.

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