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Submitted by :
Fharhana Ismael
Kristine Malinao
Geline Paguia
Jamel Elias
Jhon Vincent Ortega
Submitted to :
Mr. Alex antenero




Surah al fatihah ( the opening )

" In the name of allah , The Beneficent , The Merciful "
" (All) praise to (only) Allah , the lord of the worlds . "
" The Beneficent , The Merciful "
"Master of the Day of judgment "
"Thee(alone) do we worship and of thee (only) dowe seek help
Guide us ( O'lord) on the straight path "
"The path of those upon who, thou bast bestowed thy bounthing
Not (the path) of those have evoked thy wrath ,nor (of those )
Who have gon astray "
Islam is a significant arabic word , which means " obedience " or
"submissions" the term denotes surrendering to god . A Muslim is one
who practices islam -one who surrender to god . Islam is the name of
religion revealed by God to Muhammad that Began in the year 610CE.
Benevolence ( ibsan) , compassion (rahmah) forgiveness and wisdom
(bikmah) are the virtues of a true believer of islam .
The life and Mission Muhammad

Muhammad is recognized as the founder of islam and the Prophet

of Allah . He was born in 570 CE into the Quraysh tribe in mecca.
His parent died when he was young and he raised by his uncle who
was an influential tribal leader .
Muhhammad generous , honest , truthful and sincere man.

When he came of age , he joined his uncle as he trade at various

places in the abrabian peninsula . He became renowned for his
honest transactions With his business partners. In time , he was
dubbed El Amin or "The truthful" . Aftluent traders trusted lus
merchandizing skills and entrusted him large amounts of money .

In his twenties, he met Khadiiah, a rich widow who was then

managing the business .Muhammad was first hired as a caravan
manager. He served her with devotion and honesty. Later, they fell
in love with each other and married. Muhammad did not have to
work very hard he had a time to think about the religious aspects
of humanity's existence. He Spent much time in deep, serious
He also painstakingly studied both Abrahamic traditions—Judaism and
Christianity. however, he was not satisfied with either of them.

He spent time praying and meditating in the cave at Mount Hira. In those
special hours, he had visions of heaven and God. A number of times. the angel
Gabriel appeared and revealed to him the faith. The angel imparted to him the
first revelations of the Quran and told him that he is the prophet of God. After
three Years. Muhammad Was commanded to preach the revelations. Foremost
of the revelations to Muhammad was the command to worship the one
supreme God, Allah, and that there are no Other gods aside from Allah.

During the initial years Of Muhammad's preaching and as he gathered rhe first
community of Muslims. he faced opposition and persecution from some
members of his and from other tribes in Mecca. In 622 CE. Muhammad and his
followers migrated from to the city Of Yathrib or Medina. This journey Was
called the higira and was considered by Muslims to bc the official beginning of
the Islamic Calendar.
History and development

The birth place of islam is the arabian peninsula , a region in the middle east
consisting mainly of dessert . Several towns emerged around oases throughout the
peninsula and the two most prosperous and powerful of these were Mecca and
Yathrib . The religion of arabia reflected tribal belief in god and goddesses who were
the protectors of individual tribes . The city of mecca was a significant sacred site since
this is where the kaaba is found . The kaaba is a shrine that housed the idols of tribal
deties it is also the holiests shrine in islam .

The Mosque of the Prophets in

Kaaba in Mecca
Spread of Islam
After the Prophet's death in 632 CE, the leadership of the Islamic community was
passed on the rightly guided caliphs, the "Rashidun" who were the first four
sucessors prophet. These caliphs governed for about 30 years, and their rule was
considered a of growth. expansion, and prosperity for Islam.

The first caliph was Abu Bakr, and under his rule the bonds among the tribes
strengthened. it was during his rule that the words of the Prophet Muhammad who
comprised the Quran were put into writing. The second caliph, Umar, began a
campaign of expansion and brought Islam outside of Arabian Peninsula The third
caliph. Uthman, expanded Islamic influence into Libya, Armenia, Afghanistan, and
Cyprus. Uthman was murdered in 656 CE and was a struggle for leadership between
two prominent Islamic leaders: Ali ibn Abi Talib Muhammad's . Muawiyyah,
Uthman's cousin and a member of the influential Umayyad family.

The civil war brought about a division within Islam, as supporters of Ali, believing that
their leader was dealt a great injustice, rejected Muawiyyah and established a
separate sect — Shia Islam. The Muslims who recognized Muawiyyah and the first
caliphs as legitimate rulers were called the Sunni
Upon taking leadership in 661 CE Muawiyyah reorganized the
caliphate and transferred to the city of Damascus in Syria . The
muslim advance , however was stopped by the franks led by Charles
martel in 750 CE , the umayyad dynasty was toppled by a rebellion
the power under the rule of Harun al -Rashid from 786 to 809 CE. the
Abbasid caliphate brought about the Golden Age of Islam.Significant
developments during this period were the consolidation of Islamic
law of Shariah and the emergence of Sufism — an ascetic and
mystical branch of Sunni Islam.

In 1000 CE, Nigeria became the trading connection between the

central and northern regions of Africa, while Islam continued to
spread throughout the African continent. In 1099 CE, European
Crusaders succeeded in taking over Jerusalem from the Muslims . In
1120 CE Islam continued to spread throughout Asia, especially in
Malaysia, where the merchants intermingled with Muslims who
taught them the Islamic faith. In Anatolia Turkey, the first Ottoman
state was formed in 1299.
political and Cultural Developments in Contemporary Times

The First World War ended the Ottoman Empire. which was the last of
the Islamic empires.
After World War II, many Muslims emigrated from South Asia and the
Middle East to Canada, the USA, and Western Europe. In the 80s and 90s,
they formed religious and cultural organizations. These included the
European Council for Fatwa and Research, the Islamic Society of North
America and the Union of Islamic Organizations in France. At the
beginning Of the 21st century, Muslims in the West were not fully
integrated, and greatly suffered various forms of prejudice and
discrimination . Modern issues and concern are confronted by the
islamic community .
There are internal discussion among Muslim theologians and
intellectuals about how Islam should be interpreted, principally with the
issues concerning interfaith relations, the use of violence and women
rights. Intellectuals such as Amina Wadud in the United States and
Nurcholis Madjid in Indonesia endeavored to revive Islamic traditions by
showing could accommodate democratic-liberal ideas and societies. Their
vision of islam to recognized individual freedom of expression and full
gender equality.
Current Status of Islam
Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion. and it is the second largest terms of the
number of adherents. From 935 million people in 1990 , the number of Muslims has
increased to around 1.2 billion by 2.000, meaning that one in the five people follow
islam . Approximately 12.5 million more people converted to Islam. By 2002 80 %
of all Muslims were living outside the Arab world.

Central Beliefs and Doctrines

Belief in One God — Allah
Islam is a monotheistic religion. Muslims believe that Allah is the one supreme God
and has no partners or equals. He is the recognized Creator and Sustainer of the
universe. Allah is a unique. incomparable God. and is the one that should be
worshipped solely by believers

"In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

Say (O Muhammad) He is God the One God, the Everlasting Refuge,
who has not /begotten, nor has been begotten, and to Him is not anyone."
Sacred Text : The Holy Quran and Health

Muslim recognize the Quran as the word of god revealed to the

prophets Muhammad . Muhammad receive the first revelation in
610 CE on contemplative retreat , and succeeding revelation were
the given period of twenty two years . The hadith refer to reports
regarding the saying and action of the prophets Muhammad it is
considered to be an important guide in understanding the
revelation in the Quran and has a significant influence on Islamic
law .
The Five Pillar of Islam
refer to the five duties that every Muslim must perform . These act integrated into
the lives of Muslim and take precedence over worldly matters.

The Five pillars are following :

l. Shahada (declaration of faith): This testament of faith

is the foundation of all other beliefs and practices of
Islam, therefore considered the most important pillar
of Islam.

There is no god but God . Muhammad is the messenger

of God
2 . Salah (prayer): Prayer in the Islamic faith is a direct link between the
believer and God. Muslims must pray five times a day — at dawn, midday,
late afternoon, sunset, and nightfall. The salah is defined by rituals such as
ablution or a ritual washing which is done before prayer, and the
performance of prescribed actions, postures, and words during the
conduct of prayer.

3. Zakat (charity): The word zakat means "purification" and

"growth." Islam teaches that all things belong to God and
that wealth is held in trust by human being .
4. Sawn (fasting ) :This practice involves fasting and self control during the
holy month of Ramadan .it is another method of self-purification. Muslims
are required to abstain from drink, food. and sensual pleasures from dawn to
dusk. every believer is expected to refrain from anger, bad language, envy,
gossip, greed, inappropriate thoughts and actions, lust, and violence

5. Hajj (pilgrimage): the Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca which

must be performed by Muslims at least once in their lifetime.
It is done every year during the month Of Dhul Hijjah, the 12th
month of the lunar calendar. Hajj creates unity and fraternity
between members of islamic community.
Islamic Ethics
Belief and faith in the one God is a central tenet in Islamic ethics. Faith defines the
thoughts and actions of the believer and it is through action and speech that a
Muslim is able to express his faith and live a virtuous life. Islamic ethics is centered
on following the commandments Of the Quran and Observing Shariah Law .

Major Branches of islam

Muslims are divided into three major sects: the Sunnis, Shiites, and Sufis. Majority of
Muslims throughout the world are Sunnis, while in the countries of Iran and Iraq, the
Shiites form the majority. meanwhile Sufism is characterized by mysticism and
Shia Islam
Shia Islam had its roots from the followers of Ali ibn Abi Talib, who
struggled to gain leadership in the Islamic caliphate after the death of the
caliph Uthman in the 7th century.The death of Ali and his son Husayn, and
the later struggles Of his followers led to the formation of the Shia sect,
whose followers are called Shiites.

Sunni Islam
The Sunnis, unlike the Shia, believe that the Muslim community can elect
their leaders. Fot the Sunnis, Muhammad did not designate a successor.
Both Sunnis and Shiites believe in the Quran. but they have a different
collection Of hadiths.
is a mystic and ascetic tradition that emphasizes personal piety and
spirituality. Sufis believe that they can establish direct communion with
God and that they can understand the hidden meanings regarding the
nature of God and the world. Eventually Sufism later developed into a
popular movement and was institutionalized in the form of collective.
The Sufi emphasis on intuitive knowledge and devotion to God made it
popular among mainstream Muslims.
Holy Days and Celebrations

Eid al Adha ("Day of Sacrifices")

Is a four-day festival observed by Muslims starting on
the 10th day of the month of to commemorate the
event of Allah appearing Ibrahim (Abraham) in a
dream, commanding him to sacrifice his son Ishmael
to show his devotion to Allah. All believers Of Islam
are Obliged to Offer a sacrifice on this day. A family
may eat the meat they sacrifice, but a substantial
portion be given to the poor and needy.

Eid al Fitr (Festival of the Breaking of the Fast")

Is the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal, the
tenth month of the lunar Islamic calendar. It marks the
end of Ramadan, which is a month of fasting and
prayer. Many muslim listen to khutbo (sermon ) and
give zakat al-fitr (charityin the form of food ). Eid al-Fitr
begins each year with the sighting of the new moon,
indicating the end Of a month Of fasting and reflection.
the first month of the Islamic liturgical year. The first day of
Muharram is the beginning Of the Islamic year, and is
counted from the year Of the Hegira— the year in which
Muhammad traveled from Mecc%i to Medina. The Islamic
New Year is celebrated with invocations, fasting, and prayer.

Mawlid al-Nabi
celebrates Muhammad's birthday. It is fifed as
the 12th day of the 3rd month of the Islamic
calendar. means birthday of a holy figure and
al-Nabi means prophet. The day
comemorated with recollections of
Muhammad's life and Fundamentalist
Muslims, such as the Wahhabi sect, do not
celebrate it.
Islam in the Philippines

Islam is one of the major religions in the Philippines, with

Muslims composing about 10% of the total population.
Majority of Muslims in the Philippines are found in Mindanao,
specifically in the provinces of Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi,
Maguindanao, and Lanao del Sur. Muslim communities can
also be found throughout the country, particularly in Davao
region and Metro Manila.
Islam was one of the first world religions to bc established in the
Philippines during precolonial times. Arab traders and missionaries
were instrumental in the spread of Islam in the Philippines throughout
the 14th century. The Sultanate of Sulu was established in the 15th
century and soon became a powerful empire that controlled trade
across the Sulu Sea. At its height during the 18th century, the
sultanate encompassed Zamboanga Peninsula, Tawi-tawx, sulu ,
Sabah, Palauan, and Basilan. Another powerful Muslim community
that emerged in was the Sultanate of Maguindanao
With the arrival of the Spaniards in the 16th century the
Muslim communities in Mindanao faced the challenge of
colonialism. Both the Sultanates Of Sulu and Maguindanao
faced several attacks from Spanish forces. They were able
to repel Spanish attempts to conquer their territories, and
maintained their sovereignty and way of life. The
Americans, on the hand, were able to force the Muslim
communities to submit to their rule. Throughout the 20th
century, Muslim and native communities in Mindanao were
gradually forced from their native lands, which were
occupied by Visayan settlers. Over the decades, the region
of Mindanao was charactcrizcd by slow progress. The
Muslim and indigenous communities were most affected
by this.
During the 1970s, Filipino Muslims led an armed struggle against the
government in a desire to gain autonomy. The Moro National Liberation
Front was the separatist group in Mindanao throughout the 1970s and
80s. In 1984 another rebel group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front,
was established. These two organizations were defined by the desire of
Fllipino Muslims to assert their identity and sovereignty. The struggle
for autonomy is defined by the concept of "Bangsamoro" which is the
ideal Muslim nation composed Of FllipinO Muslims from the historically
Muslim-dominated regions in the Philippines. The concept Of
Bangsamoro has defined current developments in the Muslim Struggle
for autonomy.

The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) was created in

1989 and providedMuslim Filipinos the opportunity to oversee their
political affairs within the region. In 20 the Philippine government
announced plans to establish a new autonomous region. Bangsamoro,
and a comprehensive agreement was signed in 2015.
Europe has experienced increased rates of migration since the mid-20th
century. During the 1960s, the precentage of Muslim immigrants to Europe has
significantly increased. The emergence of Muslim communities throughout
Europe has sparked many debates regarding immigration and integration

Conflicts throughout the Middle East and Arab Region has led to increased
numbers of migrants, most Of whom come from the war-torn country of Syria,
seeking asylum in Europe. Many European states, however, have struggled to
deal with these migrants. Members of the European Union, in particular, are
split over the best means to deal with the migrants.

As Europe struggles to clarify and reform its immigration policies, the vast wave
of migrants continue. These migrants often travel through dangerous terrain
and are victimized by traffickers. In 2015, it was estimated that about 3000
migrants perished as they made their way across the Mediterranean Sea.
Though challenges to immigration still remain, a numbe of positive measures
have been implemented by a number of European nations

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