Word Questions: WH and H Questions Question Words

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Wh and h Questions
Wh and h Words
Question Questions
(Object, situation) what WordsQue – cual - cuales
(Object, situation) where
(Place, position) what Que – cual - cuales
(Place, position)
(People) who where Donde
Quien – Quienes
(People) who
( Time , Moment) When Quien – Quienes
( Time , Moment)
( Reason) Why When PorCuando
( Reason)
( Way, Shape)Why
how Por- Cuando
Como que
( Way, Shape) how Como - Cuando
The question words or affirmative question help to difinew and especify a
question in English, since these are written with, wh such as wat, who, whose,
when, ehere, why, which and how.

 Means that, which or which can be used both question ( as a relative mname)


1. What time is it? (¿ que horab es ?)

2. What is your name? (¿ cual es tu nombre?)
3. What is she doing? ( ¿ Que esta haciendo?)
4. What is the weather like? (¿ Copmo esta el cclima?)
5. What^s his phone number? ( ¿ Cual es el numero de teléfono?)

 Asks for a place or location where traslates to where or where


1. Where are you from? (¿de donde eres?)

2. Where are you? (¿ Donde estas?
3. Where are you live? (¿Dónde vives?)
4. Where were you born? (¿ Donde naciste?)
5. Where is the dog? (¿Dónde esta el perro?)
 Ask someting in relation to someone who traslates as who


1. Who is he? (¿Quién es el?)

2. Who isyour friend? (¿Quién es tu amigo?)
3. Who is talking? (¿Quién esta hablando?)
4. Who is running inthe park? (¿Quién esta corriendo en el parque?)
5. Who was at the party? (¿Quién estaba en la fiesta?)

 It is used at the begining of the question when it is required to find out who
owns something.


1. Whose is that car? (¿De quien es aquel automóvil?)

2. Whose is that bag? (¿De quien es aquella bolsa?)
3. Whose is this? (¿De quien es esto?)
4. Whose are this keys? (¿De quien son estas llaves?)
5. Whose is this book? (¿De quien es este libro?)
 To ask the momento time someting happened happens or will happen
traslates as When


1. When did they sell their home? (¿Cuándo vendieron su casa?)

2. When were you born? (¿Cuándo naciste?)
3. When willhe arrive? (¿Cuándo llegara?)
4. When was the race? (¿Cuándo fue la carrera?)
5. When did the concert start? (¿Cuándo comenzó el concierto?)
 It is often confused with what whichalso means what difference is what which
is used to ask for something when there areseveraloptions, that is, for

1. Which was the book you read lastweek? (¿Cuál era el libro que leíste la
semana pasada?)
2. Which wasthe lamp you broke? (¿ Cual era la lámpara que rompiste?)
3. Which monthis the coldest? (¿Cuál mes es el mas frio?)
4. Which one is your? (¿Cuál es tuyo?)
5. Which color do you like, blue or red?? (¿Cuál color te gusta, azul o rojo?)
 We use why to ask (the reason or cause) Why somethinghappened, happens
or will happen. Why is traslated as poe what.

1. Why are you working so late? (¿Por qué están trabajando tan tarde?)
2. Why is he here? (¿Por qué el esta aquí?)
3. Why is the sky blue? (¿Por qué el cielo es azul?)
4. Why are you sad? (¿ por que estas triste?)
5. Why do you wake up soearly? (¿Por qué te despiertas tan temprano?)

 It ia a question Word, that does not start wit wh buut is also among the basics hou means as


1. How are you? (¿Cómo estas?)

2. How was your flight? (¿Cómo fue tu vuelo?)
3. How can I help you? (¿Cómo puedo ayudarle?)
4. How do you feel today? (¿Como te sientes hoy?)
5. How do you wantyour cell po ne? (¿Cómo quieres tu celular?)

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