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8E Atoms and Elements

What are atoms and elements?
Symbols for elements

Elements in the periodic table

Making compounds
Chemical reactions

Summary activities
Scientific Chemical Terms
• Matter Non-matter
• To know the difference • Mixture Atom
between matter and non- • Element
matter • Molecules
• To understand the main • Compound
difference between mixtures
and pure substances. • H.W.: State whether each of
• To be able to identify what is the following diagrams is an
element or a compound.
an element, compound, atom
and molecules
How many different substances are there?

How many
different substances
can you think of?

There are millions of different substances!

What are they all made of?
All substances are made of atoms
All substances are made of very tiny particles called atoms.
Many substances are made up of different types of atoms.

hydrogen and carbon and

oxygen atoms hydrogen atoms

iron, aluminium, carbon, nitrogen,

silicon, oxygen hydrogen, oxygen
and boron atoms and sulphur atoms
What is an element?
All substances are made of very tiny particles called atoms.
There are about one hundred substances that are made up
of just one type of atom. These are the elements.



The elements are the simplest substances in the universe.

The elements are the building blocks of all other substances.
Atoms in elements
An element is a substance made up of only one type of atom.

Copper is an Carbon is an Helium is an

element made up of element made up of element made up of
copper atoms only. carbon atoms only. helium atoms only.
Atoms and molecules of elements
An element is a substance made up of only one type of atom.
In some elements, the atoms are joined in groups of two or
more. A particle containing atoms grouped in this way is
called a molecule.

Oxygen is an
element made up of
oxygen atoms only.
How many atoms
are there in an
oxygen molecule?

Other elements, that contain atoms joined in molecules are

hydrogen, nitrogen, chlorine and bromine.
8E Atoms and Elements
What are atoms and elements?
Symbols for elements

Elements in the periodic table

Making compounds
Chemical reactions

Summary activities
• L.O.:
of elements
Iron Fe
Magnesium Mg
•To know that elements Hydrogen H Helium He
Sodium Na Nickel Ni
contain one type of atom
•To understand that each
element has a symbol and
that each symbol begins with
a capital letter
•To understand that a single
pure element cannot be
changed into any other
material by physical or
chemical change.
Introducing chemical symbols
A standard set of symbols is used to represent elements:
 The symbol for many of the more common elements uses
just the first letter of the name.
H = hydrogen O = oxygen
C = carbon N = nitrogen
F = fluorine I = iodine
 Others elements have  Some of the symbols are not
the first two letters. always as you might expect.
Li = lithium Pb = lead
Al = aluminium Au = gold
He = helium Ag = silver
Symbols as an international language
How to write symbols for elements
Two important rules should be followed when writing the
symbols of elements so that there is no confusion.
1. The first letter of an element’s symbol is always
a capital letter.
e.g. N (not n) for nitrogen
2. If there are two letters in the element’s symbol,
the second letter is always a small letter.
e.g. Co (not CO) for cobalt

No, Watson! It was

carbon monoxide
poisoning – not cobalt.
Chemical symbols game
The Story of ‘The Kid’
Write downwith symbols
the symbols for eachactivity
element listed and
use these to spell out a word that matches the clue.

1. Board game: carbon, helium, two sulphurs CHeSS

2. Relative: sulphur, oxygen, nitrogen SON
3. Fuel: carbon, oxygen, aluminium COAl
4. Group of fish: sulphur, hydrogen, oxygen,
aluminium SHOAl

5. For the rubbish: boron, iodine, nitrogen BIN

Symbols for molecules of elements
In some elements, the atoms are joined together and
form molecules. Combining the symbols of the atoms
in a molecule gives you the formula of the molecule.
What is the formula for the molecules in each element?

oxygen O2
There are
groups of
two atoms
in each

nitrogen N2
8E Atoms and Elements
What are atoms and elements?
Symbols for elements

Elements in the periodic table

Making compounds
Chemical reactions

Summary activities
The Periodic Table
• Objectives: • H.W.:
• 1- To identify the atomic and the mass numbers. • 1- Define the atomic and the mass
• 2- To explain the arrangement of elements in numbers.
the periodic table.
• 2- Locate each of the following in the
• Keywords:
periodic table:
• Atomic Number.
• Mass Number. • Metals –Non-metals – Metaloids.
• Periods • 3- Define: Mixtures and give three
• Groups. examples.
• Metals.
• Non-metals.
• Metaloids.
Periodic table 9/1/2020
• Homework:
• 1- Mention the groups and the period for each of the following
elements: Lithium, Potassium, Argon, Silicon, Sulphur, Caesium,
Chlorine, Bromine, Cobalt, Carbon, Oxygen, Magnesium, Tin) :
• 2- Find from the periodic table the atomic and the mass numbers of
the following elements: Hydrogen, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum,
Zinc, Neon, Astatine
Arranging elements
Metal or non-metal?
Is this element a metal or a non-metal ?

Hard to

Li Be iron
(I) (Fe)
copper (Sb)
(Cu) B C N O F Ne
magnesium (S) (P)
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt ? ? ?
Metals and non-metals in the periodic table

The periodic table is a list of all the known elements which

are arranged according to the similarities in their properties.
Metals are on the Non-metals are
left and in the centre. mostly on the right.


What type of elements are between metals and non-metals?

Types of elements in the periodic table
Metal, non-metal or metalloid?
cobalt (Kr)
(Sc) metalloid

H Which
non- He
Li Be metals on? B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt ? ? ?
Metals are on Metalloids sometimes Non-metals
the left and in behave like metals and are mostly
the centre. sometimes like non-metals. on the right.
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Hydrogen location in periodic table
Reason 1:
H or Hydrogen is isolated in the Periodic Table as it is a non-metal that
also behaves like a metal. Non-metals, by definition, form anions, or
negative ions, but in the case of Hydrogen it forms a 1+ or positive ion
like metals. So, it cannot be placed in the metals category nor the non-
metal. Therefore, it is isolated. But don’t forget that even though
Hydrogen forms anions, it is still considered widely as a non-metal.
Reason 2:
Quite similar to reason 1. The Periodic Table is made so that the
elements are shown in increasing number of protons. So technically
Hydrogen should be placed in the metals section of the Periodic Table.
But Hydrogen has more features and behaves like a non-metal (e.g. do
not conduct electricity, is a gas at room temperature etc.). Therefore,
Hydrogen is isolated and alone in the Periodic Table.
• L.O.: patterns • H.W:
1- To identify the physical and • 1-Name the least reactive
the chemical properties. metal in group 1
2- Spotting patterns and trends • 2- How many outer shell
ascross periods and down electrons in:
groups. • Group 1
3- Electron arrangement in • Group 2
• Draw an atomic diagram for
2- Keywords: Mg.
• properties.
• shells

Periodic Law
The periodic recurrence of elements with similar
physical and chemical properties, when the
elements are listed in order of increasing atomic
number, results directly from the periodic
recurrence of similar electronic configurations in
the outer shells of respective atoms
Arrangement of electrons
Valence electrons
• Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost electron shell of
an element. Sometimes, it is also regarded as the basis of Modern 
Periodic Table. In a period, the number of valence electrons increases
as we move from left to right side. However, in a group this periodic
trend is constant, that is the number of valence electrons remains the

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