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Adjective Clause

Adjective clause is a type of dependent clause that works to describe a
noun in a sentence.

It functions as an adjective.

In this case, all the words work together to modify/describe a noun or

Adjective Clauses are Dependent.
A dependent clause is a group of words that consists of a subject and a
verb, yet it is not a complete sentence that can stand alone.
Adjective clauses begin with a relative pronoun, which connect them
to the word they describe, relative pronoun are:

That Whom
Where Whose
When Which
Who Why
• Chocolate, which many people adore, is fattening.
• People who are smart follow the rules.
Essential vs Non-Essential Adjective Clauses
Essential Clauses
For cases that the sentence wouldn’t hold the same meaning without the
clause, the adjective clause is called an essential clause.
For example:

I don’t like children who eat ice cream with their hands.

*An essential adjective clause doesn’t require any additional comma.

Essential vs Non-Essential Adjective Clauses
Non-Essential Clauses
A non-essential clause, on the other hand, gives extra descriptions that
is not strictly required to understand the writer’s intent.
For example:

Chocolate, that many people adore, is fattening.

*Non-essential clauses are set off with commas to show that they are
not as strongly connected to the rest of the sentence.
Relative Pronoun Example
Who He is the man who works hard to support their daily needs.
Whom The woman whom you saw last night is my sister.
Whose The man, whose car had a flat tire, works as an English Teacher.
Which Tom, which is very cute, is my cat.
That It is the car that I really like.
Where Bandar Lampung is a city where I was born.
When I still remember the day when we first met.
Why This accident shows the main reasons why customers leave your company.
1. The university ______ I earned my Bachelor’s degree has built a
new bussiness school building.
2. I’d like to teach the children _____ were with us last weekend about
3. Someone sent her a letter, _____ made her smile all day long.
4. The little girl ____ is running down the hill is my daughter.
5. The homeless was sleeping on the sidewalk, _____ was dirty and
smell very bad.
6. Ari lived a house. The house cost one billion rupiahs.
7. Jakarta is a big city. I was born here.
8. Radit is a handsome young man. He is my brother.
9. Aminah found a bird. The bird’s leg was broken.
10. Luna is the woman. We are going to recommend her for secretary.

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