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Resting is our way of gaining energy from a long
tiring day due to traveling. That is why each and every
person needs rest, not considering if he/she is placed
outdoors or indoors.
As time passed by, there were a lot of products and
innovations that were created to aid the different
difficulties or hassle of a person having a rest. One of
this product is a bed. A bed provides comfort to every
person that allowing them to rest and sleep very well.
There are many activities, such as trips to the beach,
outings to parks or other outdoor venues, and
attendance at or participation in sporting events, that
require an individual to bring specialized equipment to
and from remote locations.
These same activities also often present situations
in which individuals may become wet and may involve
locations in which individuals would desire a mat or
other item upon which to rest (Miller, Jeffrey; Toppen,
Trevor, 2019).
A large number of people enjoy outdoor sports such
as hiking, backpacking, camping, hunting and fishing,
etc., where extended periods of time are spent in an
outdoor environment, being subjected to a wide
variety of environmental conditions.
In many cases, tents and other types of portable
shelters are utilized to provide comfort and protection
from the effect of certain environmental conditions.
In many cases where outdoor activities are
enjoyed in remote locations, the equipment
involved is desired to be sufficiently light and
portable that it can be transported by the user
such as, by means of backpacks, pack animal,
etc. It is to such a lightweight and portable
camping and sleeping facilities that the present
invention is directed (Russel, 2019).
In this study, the researchers aimed to
provide the aid to the hassle and
inconvenience that a traveler might
encounter. The researcher would like to
innovate a convertible bag that can be a
sufficient companion for anyone who love
adventures and outdoor leisure.
This study aims to innovate a travelling bag that can be
converted into a portable sleeping bed. This study will also
answer the following questions.
1. Do the travelers encounter difficulties in packing their
things especially when traveling or going out?
2. Is the innovated product effective to use?
3. Does the innovation gives solution to the inconveniency
that the travelers experience when traveling?
4. How do you describe and rate the quality of the Layas
Conceptual Framework
 Sleeping Bed An innovation of Performance of a

(doubled layer) traveling bag that convertible traveling

is convertible into bag in making a
 Traveling bag an outdoor convenience to the
 Bag strap sleeping bag. traveler.
Table 1: The possibilities of the travelers encountering difficulties in packing your things,
when traveling or going out for an outdoor activity.


Yes No

30 23 7

100% 76.67% 23.33%
1. Do the travelers encounters difficulties in packing
their things, when traveling or going out for an
outdoor activity?
The table above shows that 23 out of the 30
respondents which means 76.67% out of 100% said
that they really do encounters difficulties in packing
their things, when travelling or going out for an
outdoor activity. Mostly of their reasons is because
they find it a hassle to bring a lot of things that would
be needed when traveling.
Therefore, the researchers concluded that many of the
travelers faces difficulties when packing things up for
R1: because of the difficulties I face when putting all my
things in just one bag.
R5: because during our travel we have many things to
R10: because no matter how big our bag, we still can’t put
our clothes in together.
R15: because there are many things to bring.
R20: because I want to be faster on packing my things.
Table 2: The effectiveness of the innovated product Layas Bag.

Yes No
30 22 8

100% 73.33% 26.67%
2. Is the innovated product effective to use?

The table above shows that 22 out of the 30

respondents which means 73.33% out of 100% said
that the Layas Bag can be an effective traveling bag
when traveling. Mostly of their reasons is because
they think the Layas Bag can help them pack their
things and at the same they would have a portable
bed whenever they feel the need to sleep.
Therefore, the researchers concluded that many of the
travelers find Layas Bag an effective traveling bag for
traveling to different places.
R5: because I think it well help pack our things and a bed
to sleep.
R10: because it is handy to bring.
R20: it is nice to sleep on.
R25: it is effective for us athletes because we travel so
R30: because I don’t have a problem bringing pillows and
Table 3: The implication of the Layas Bag when it comes to solving the
inconveniency that the travelers experience when traveling.

Yes No
30 16 14

100% 53.33% 46.67%
3. Does the innovation gives solution to the inconveniency
that the travelers experience when traveling?

The table above shows that 16 out of the 30 respondents

which means 53.33% out of 100% said that the Layas Bag
solves the inconveniency that the travelers experience when
traveling. Mostly of their reasons is that the Layas bag is a
multipurpose bag which means there are many things they
could do with the bag helping them solve different
inconveniencies they usually experience when traveling.
Therefore, the researchers concluded that the Layas
Bag is a solution to the many inconveniencies they
experience when traveling
R26: because it is easy to fold.
R24: because the heavy things that I carry feels
lighter when I use the bag.
R23: because it fits for a lazy person like me.
R18: no hassle
R16: so that I won’t have a problem bringing any
Table 4: The respondents’ actual rate of the quality of the

  5 4 3 2 1
30 10 9 5 1 6

100% 33.33% 30% 16.67% 23.33% 20%
4. How do you describe and rate the quality of the
Layas Bag?

The table above shows that 10 out of the 30

respondents which means 33.33% out of 100% rated
the quality of the product with a rate of 5 with 5
being the highest rate. Mostly of their reasons were
because they found the product highly efficient to
use when traveling to different places.
Therefore, the researchers concluded that the
Layas Bag’s quality is good enough for the
travelers to use.
R12: I rated it 5 because I really like the quality of
the product.
R9: because the product is unique.
R7: because the innovation is good for travelers.
R5: because I didn’t find any wrong about the
R2: because I really do love the product.
Materials and Procedures

Leather Bag Neck Pillow Sleeping Bag

Pillow Thread and Needle
Figure 1. Materials Used in the
Figure 2. Attaching the Pillow on the Figure 3. Attaching the Sleeping Bag
Sleeping Bag to the Leather Bag
Figure 4. Attaching the Compartments inside
the Bag
Figure 5. Sewing the Button outside the Leather Bag

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