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Good Morning

Nama : Putu Eka Kharisma Dewi

Nim : 20110201001
Sastra Inggris
Mid-18th century, science fiction or science fiction came to the surface. At
that time, there was no universal definition of fiction as it is today. It is just a
genre of fiction that deals with imaginary innovations in science or
technology. Usually in the form of futuristic management, all of which are
framed in literary ideas. Science fiction is an imagination, but not fantasy.
Fantasy is impossible. Meanwhile, Science fiction might happen. This
possibility is associated with logic and the development of the world.

Fiction is a narrative that is partly or wholly related to events that are not factual but
imaginary and created by someone based on their imagination. Whether it is in the form
of spectacle, hearing or writing. Roughly speaking, fiction means a hoax and works of
fiction take steps in the form of a story, to convey the point, the author's perspective, or
just to entertain. Basically this type of work does not require facts, logic or true stories.
What and how it contains, all depends on the author. Fiction is something that arises
from an imaginary world.
The Elements of Fiction

The elements of fiction include: intrinsic elements, extrinsic elements and stories
and discourse.

• Intrinsic element
The intrinsic element is the element that builds the literary work itself. The intrinsic
element consists of the theme and message, the facts of the story, and the means of the
story. The facts of the story are things that will be told in a work of fiction.
• Extrinsic elements

Extrinsic elements are elements that are outside the literary work, but
indirectly affect the building or organism system of the literary work.
Extrinsic elements consist of elements of biography, psychology, the
environment of the author, the nation's outlook on life, and others.
• Stories and discourse
The story is the content of narrative expression, while discourse is a
form of something (story, content) that is expressed.
The Elements of Prose - Fiction
To be able to appreciate prose works well, knowledge and
understanding of the elements of the development of prose works is needed.
In the prose-fiction elements cover: themes and characterizations.
• Themes
Themes are ideas / ideas that the author wants to convey in the story.
This theme will become known after all the elements of prose-fiction have
been studied.
• Character
The character is the actor of the story. This character is not always in
the form of a human, depending on who he is telling the story in the story.
Character / character is the nature and attitude of these characters.
Characterization is the author's way of presenting these characters and
characteristics in the story.
There are several ways that the author does,
including through:
• Physical depiction. In this technique, the author describes the character's physical condition,
such as his face, body shape, the way he dresses, the way he walks, and so on. From this
description, the reader can interpret the character's character.

• Dialog. The author describes a character through the character's conversation with other
characters. The language, the content of the conversation, and other things that the character is
talking about shows the character's character.
• Depiction of the thoughts and feelings of a character. In works of fiction, we
often find depictions of what the character is thinking and feeling. This depiction
is a technique that the author also uses to show the character of a character.

• Another character's reaction. In this technique the author describes the

character of a character through what other characters say about the character.

• Narrative. In this technique, it is the author (narrator) who immediately reveals

the character's character.
Character differentiation
1. Grooves and Channels
2. Background
3. Style Language (Stile)
1. Grooves and Channels

• The plot is considered like a storyline. The definition is actually incorrect.

The story line is an event after event that happens one after another. More
than that, the flow is a series of events that are interrelated because of a
causal relationship.
2. Background

Setting is the place, the relationship of time, and the social environment in which the events
that are told occur. The setting in the story can be classified into: 1) the setting of the place,
namely the setting which is the location where the events of the story occur, be it the name of the
city, street, building, house, etc. 2) time setting, namely the setting related to the event of the
story, whether in the form of a mention of historical events, a depiction of the situation at night,
morning, afternoon, evening, and so on; and 3) social setting, namely conditions in the form of
customs, culture, values ​/ norms, and the like at the scene of the story.
3. Style Language (Stile)

Stile is a way of expressing the language of an author to achieve

aesthetic effect and power of expression. To achieve this, the author
empowers the elements of the stile, namely by diction (word choice),
imaging (depicting something as if the reader can sense it), figure of speech,
and rhetorical style. The purpose of the stile elements is as follows.
The purpose of the stile elements is as
• Diction.
In the use of diction elements, the author makes word choices (diction). Words are really
chosen to match what is wanted to be expressed and the expression to be produced. The words
chosen can be from everyday or formal vocabulary, from Indonesian or other languages ​
(regional languages, foreign languages, etc.), denotative meaning (have a straightforward,
actual, or dictionary meaning) or connotation (have additional meaning, namely the meaning
caused by the associations (images, memories, feelings) of the word.
• Image are words or words that can clarify what the author has stated so that what is
described can be captured by our senses. Through imaging / pengimajian what is
described as if it can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, touched, tasted, and so on.

• Language style is a technique of selecting linguistic expressions that are felt to represent
something that will be expressed and the expected effect. The technique of selecting this
expression can be carried out in two ways, namely by means of exaggeration and retois
Permajasan is a technique of expression using kias (the meaning does not refer to the literal

• Pemajasan is divided into 3, namely:

a. Comparative Majas

• Simile: Direct and explicit comparison, using specific task words as markers

• Metaphor: Comparisons that are indirect / implicit, the relationship between something
that is stated first and the second is only a suggestion.

• Personification: Grants the properties of inanimate objects with human-like

b. Majas / Interrelated Language Style

• Methanomy: Shows close linkages / affinities. For example, someone likes reading the
works of A. Tohari, it is said:

"He likes reading Tohari".

• Sinekdok: Using the whole (pars pro toto) to state a part or vice versa (totum pro photo)
for example: he cannot see the bridge of his nose.

• Hyperbole: Emphasizes intent by deliberately exaggerating it.

c. Controversy Majas

• Paradox: Contradiction, for example: he feels lonely in the midst of metropolitan human

• Storytelling: Storytelling, or often called a point of view, which is seen from the point of
view of the author (narrator) tells the story, is divided into 2, namely internal storytellers
and external storytellers. Internal storytellers are stories that are present in the text as
characters. Its characteristic is to use the pronoun me. The external narrator has the
opposite character, he is not present in the text (outside the text) and refers to the
characters in the third person or mentions names.
Thank You…

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