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Speaking unit 3
• Why is our planet in danger?
• invasive species, diseases (endemic, epidemic, pandemic), the incensement of pollution
(emission of carbon dioxide), warming climate (greenhouse effect), insufficient of food and
fresh water resource (water pollution and eutrophication) , uninhabitable residential area and
• How do people damage the environment?
• Improper waste disposal, lack of environmental awareness, excessive use of fossil fuels
(emission of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide), disposal of chemical waste from factories
and laboratories, inappropriate way of disposal of polystyrene, plastic and plastic bottles.
Borneo Pygmy
• How many endangered species do you know of? Banteng
Black Shrew
Sunda Pangolin
Malayan Tiger

• I’m going to describe a situation to you. A ( school ) committee is trying to decide what
( projects) its students could do to help (protect) the environment. Talk together about the
(different) things the students could do and then (decide) which project would be (best).
• C1 start- a school blog
• C2 recycle- plastic , paper and cans
• C3 plant- trees
• C4 clear up rubbish and litter on the beach
• C5 put up – posters for a campaign
• C1 start- a school blog- First of all, a school blog is one of the alternatives (ways) to convey/ share the
importance of environmental awareness. It is because cleanliness is next to Godliness. We must put our
effort to maintain the cleanliness in school and our home. The school blog can provide endless
information for many students to read and share the proper way to separate the recyclable items into
the recycling bins. They can also upload the latest information in social media for public to read.
• C2 recycle- plastic , paper and cans- Shall we talk about the importance of recycling? We can identify
the recyclable items at our home and segregate (separate) the recyclable items into the categories of
plastic, paper, cans, glasses and bulk items (batteries, ceramic, furniture, metals, electronic appliances).
Next,we can send and donate the recyclable items in the local charity organisation.
• C3 plant- trees- The City Council encourages local residents to plant more trees to avoid landslide,
erosion and collision of wind. Besides, trees can undergo photosynthesis to increase the concentration
of oxygen by sequestering carbon dioxide.
• C4 clear up rubbish and litter on the beach- Next, the school committee can organise a field
trip to help the local residents and students clear up the excessive rubbish and litter that
blocked the river. The rubbish like plastic bottles, polystyrene, aluminum cans, beer glass
bottles and plastic bags can be cleared to avoid blockage. It is aimed to minimize land and
water pollution. By participating the trip, students can raise environment awareness towards
the environment .
• C5 put up – posters for a campaign- In addition,teachers can encourage students to
participate in drawing competition to draw posters related to the environmental campaign in
school. Besides, students can raise their awareness by conducting mini researchs about the
importance of recycling, proper way to dispose and why we must plant more trees.
• Are zoos a good or bad idea? Why?/ Why not?
• In my opinion, the concept of zoo is a bad idea. This is because people think they can visit the zoo
without realising the importance to sustain and preserve the environment. Those endangered species
like Malayan tiger, Sumatera Rhino and Orang Utan will face extinction and became specimen if
people don’t practise proper way preserve our environment.
• Should you help to protect the environment? Why/ Why not?
• Yes, I should help to protect the environment by practising the concept of recycling, planting more
trees and carpooling to reduce the usage of fossil fuel. These are ways to contribute less emission of
carbon dioxide.
• If we don’t protect the environment, what do you think will happen in the future?
• We will face problem like insufficient of food resource. Moreover, we may not have the chance to
drink clean and fresh water due to the increasement of pollution.

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