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ID: 20171-22155

• This research tells about agricultural industry of Pakistan including the

problems faced and the issues they are surrounded by. Analysis which
includes the major crops, feudalism and other problems faced by Pakistan.
Moreover this paper also suggest some recommendations that government
can apply or use in order to make the agricultural industry more efficient
and effective.

• Agriculture has constantly played an vital role in the development of country’s economy.
• In the previous times, agriculture was essentially executed to provide just enough food for the people. Later, human
beings started using agricultural products for trading reason and in exchange they would another product commonly
regarded as barter system.
• Agriculture is one of the most vital sectors of Pakistan economy. It makes up round 19 percent of country’s GDP.
Developing nations like Pakistan rely on the agriculture to generate adequate revenue for the country that it can live on
in the current times.
• Agriculture not only just contribute to GDP however it also employed forty two percent of labor work force of the
country. The major products of Pakistan’s agriculture quarter are cotton, rice, wheat, mangoes, and different vegetables.
• These vegetation are divided into two specific seasons according to the climate conditions of Pakistan. Rabi season
which starts from November to April and Kharif season which lasts from May to November. Despite the massive
farming in the country, Pakistan is a net importer of agricultural products.
• 1. Source of Employment
• 2. Food Requirement
• 3. Contribution to Exports
• 4. Increase in GDP level
• 5. Decreasing Poverty
• Wheat
• Rice
• Cotton
• Sugar Cane
• Maize
Feudalism in Pakistan

• Feudalism or we can say Zamindari in exists in Pakistan where very powerful personalities possesses the
Land. In Pakistan many this type of people including politicians possesses the land. Many of the people
believe that this system is inherited from British to Pakistani and ever on account that Pakistan came into
being, Pakistan is having trouble from the oppression of these land lord people.
• In many rural areas of Pakistan Majority of the areas are owned by these personalities.
• The feudal lords have all the land in the rural areas and they didn’t help the farmers and doesn’t behave
with them and portray unjust practices to the farmers. They manage matters like credit score facilities,
provision of fertilizers, seeds, distribution of water and tractor permits. In rural areas of Sindh, Baluchistan
and Southern Punjab feudal lords misbehave with the farmers and the cruel treatment by them.
• The landlords are creating their image in Pakistan and taking more and more work from farmers and having
more and more profit. The treat the farmers unethically mistreat them.
Feudalism in Pakistan
• having more and more profit. The treat the farmers unethically mistreat them.
• Mostly they treat unjustly the small farmers who wants to earn for their living because they know they can
take more and more work from them. Even they did not provide enough income to the farmers to fulfil
their needs.
• Many small farmers did not get enough income to fulfil their needs which force them to live in rural areas
because they cannot afford to live in urban areas. They are doing challenging work but not getting enough
• Pakistan is an agriculture country the farmers wants to earn for their livelihood but these feudal land lords
are discouraging them and did not give them enough pay. They did not provide the farmers proper
knowledge and schooling about farming because they think it is waste of money. So illiterate farmers will
be unaware of their rights.
Land Reforms

• In the period of General ayub khan the land reforms regarding agriculture the growth was
comparatively good as compare to previous time but their reforms were allowed to hold 500 acres of
irrigated land and 1000 acres of unirrigated land and addition 150 acres will be allowed if required
more space.
• When the time to Zulfiqar ali Bhutto government started he made some decisions regarding agriculture
as now one person is allowed to hold 150 acres of irrigated land and 300 acres of unirrigated land. If
benefited as he hand over the other part of the land to farmers which actually helped farmers to gain a
sense of social security and they got the land which gives them the motivation so it creates a positive
impact to the life of farmers.
• He introduced different types of tax schemes for people who owns the land. 25 acres different tax, 50
acres different tax and it is divided further.
Green Revolution
• The Green Revolution took place between the years 1960-1980, when increase the agriculture. Pakistan adopted the
green revolution in 1960s and saw it’s immediately outcomes in the beginning. It provides opportunity so that
countries that they are capable to produce plants at any time of the year in an ability that used to be a good deal
greater than before. It enabled farming practices that have been not accompanied or recognized. The increase to the
financial system got here in the early levels for Pakistan.
• Green revolution makes remarkable increase in the quantity and quality of agricultural output. After green
revolution wheat and rice production increased. Overall increase in agricultural production. The first factor through
which green revolution was occur was seeds. Before they are using 1189kg per hectares which was increased to
2769kg per hectares. Second factors is research of yielding plant varieties and better methods of agriculture of high
production and output. Third is fertilizer by increasing chemical fertilizer it is benefiting the production side. Then
comes the modern machinery which helps them for cultivation and harvest crops in shorter period of time then
before and it is also time saving. I.e. tube wells, tractors, thrashers etc. The new technologies also increase the
production and reduces the cost of the products.
Green Revolution
• Green revolution in Pakistan was in between 1960-1980 but after that
downfall started so after that Pakistan didn’t take much step for
upbringing any extra ordinary growth and didn’t introduce any
technology. As compare to china they are doing well as compare to
Pakistan there growth is being increased. Their exponential growth
increase by 5-6% which shows if you put innovations in this sector it will
benefit but our innovations was stopped in 1980’s.
Issues and Challenges

• Shortage of Water
• Lack of Education
• Low standard of Farmers
• Lack of Machinery
• Insufficient Loans
• Water logging and salinity
• The findings shows about the agriculture products and contribution to Pakistan’s
economy. Its exports and history.
• It shows that agriculture contribution to the economy is great. It also shows about the
current problem Pakistan is facing.
• The findings shows that due to agriculture problems there is fluctuations in
Pakistan’s economic growth thus, Pakistan’s economic growth is going to slow-
down. Total factor of production is also going to slow down due to the instabilities.

• There are two types of policies regarding agriculture in Pakistan. First category covers fixing prices of agriculture
output and inputs including international sale and purchase, import and export duties, foreign exchange rate etc.
• Second one involves redistribution of land ownership as well as the condition’s tenancy and inheritance.
• Price policy is also maintained as to produce certain goods in desired quantities.
• To accelerate agricultural growth
• To improve farmers income
• To ensure the production is fulfilling the domestic demand
• To focus on the production of agriculture sector as Pakistan is considered an agricultural country but many issues arise.
• Improve productivity so that domestics needs would be fulfilled first,
• Incentives and proper education to be provided to the farmers in order to best work done.
• Agriculture is the biggest industry in Pakistan and its contribution towards GDP till now is remarkable. The
problems Pakistan is facing is lack of knowledge, innovations, land reforms issues, water issues and some
different other issues which needs to be solved to uplift agriculture sector of Pakistan. Government should
give attention to these so in future these issues will be solved by providing education to farmers, solving
water issues through dams and introducing new technologies in Pakistan.
• As we all know education plays an important role in each and every industry. If farmers are more educated
they can come up with new ideas and new innovations. They should be aware of the new chemical products
to beautify the land. Fresh water is also an issue in our country so the authorities should look into this mater
and come up with some good solutions. For all these authorities should work to make it happen we don’t
want this on a paper. Practical work should be done. Pakistan is moving towards industrialization and
agriculture also a major contributor in GDP so Pakistan should have a really work hard to overcome the
issues faced by this sector.

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