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Name of Members

Ni Kadek Dwi Rahayu 1801541022

Ni Putu Krisni Febrianty 1801541027

Noun is a word that functions as

the name of some spesific thing
Verb is a word that expresses an or set of things, such as living
action or a state of being. creatures, objects, places,
qualities, state of existence, or
Verbs Nouns Verbs Nouns

to arrive the arrival to refuse the refusal

“Mr.Jack with Mrs.Jane is “The arrival of the “The opponents “He comes to the
going to arrive in Jakarta BIPAS students will will not to refuse manager room with
soon” greeted lively” your challenge” the refusal which
  has agreed”

to deny the denial to dismiss the dismisall

“ A Manager have a right “Yesterday, there
“A President “Last month,
to deny the proposal” was the denial of have a right to there was the
an uncommercial’s dismiss a dismissal of an
-al political parties”
minister.” employee.”

to propose the proposal to approve the approval

“ A Secretary of deputy “ have you gave the “ The lecturer will “ we hope in order
want to propose the proposal to the going to approve to our agreement
decree to the head of head of faculty the assignment” get the approval
deputy” before?” from who has
to depart the departure to erase the erasure

“My “The depature of “If you want to “The erasure of

flight A2052 will erase, do not forget the colonialism
be take off soon.” to using a eraser.” must be
have to depart in
this live”
to fail the failure to enclose the enclosure
“Don’t be afraid “The failure will “Don’t forget to “ If you want to
to fail , be afraid bring a enclose your join us, please
-ure not to try.” happiness.” identity card to bring the
    the security.” enclosure, which
  you have got!”

to press the pressure to legislate the legislature

“before use it, “The pressure make “Who want to “The Legislature
you must be to them to be a legislate this law? of Indonesia will
press! strong.” If notfrom the
make new law”
authorized its
self .”
to deliver the delivery to inquire the inquiry
“Now, I’m not “The delivery “She goes to “The inquiry
trying to of pizza was new places, to was doing by
deliver a delayed” inquire the police”
nihilstic   something
message here” new”

to arm the army to discover the discovery

“The army “The army had “They are “The discovery
prepare a plan plenty of going to of America by
to arm F-16 weapons” discover the Christopher
C/D”   truth” Columbus”

to flatter the flattery to recover the recovery

“A boy trying “The flattery is “We are going “I care for the
to flatter his giving to show to recover this recovery of the
girl” an house” ammunition”
to agree the agreement to punish the punishment
“It’s not easy to agree with ”The agreement of “The police still “Justice demands
some opinion” weapons free area have a way to that the
  in Southeast Asia punish the thief” punishment be
was signature at suffered”

to pay the payment to employ the employment

“He wants to pay back the “The payment of “I have a person to “The employment
money he owes” the card will be employ in your of the rich country
-ment made in 12 months company” will go down from
installments” about 800 to about
700 million of

to govern the government to argue the argument

“To govern a country is not      
an easy job” “The government “I want to argue “The argument of
is bringing in a that every problem that girl was
new bill on this can be solved” accepted by all the
matter” people”
to annoy the annoyance to exist the existence
“I didn’t mean “The “The “The existence
to annoy that annoyance of restaurant of technology
girl” that girl was doesn’t need make everything
making all the the parties to is easy”
people shut up” exist”

-ence to refer the reference to perform The performance
“I ask you to “We use this “We standing “The
refer Ani come to book as the here to performance of
my office” reference of our perform our modern dance
  assignment” dance” last night was so
to attend the attendace to prefer the preference
“She was late “The ”Next year we “The
attendance of should preference
to attend the the student in prepare to sentence is use
meeting” classroom is prefer a new when we will
  very important president and give some
for them” vice suggestion”

to accept the acceptance to disturb the disturbance

“I am ready to “The “I didn’t mean “The
accept any acceptance of to disturb disturbance of
consequences” a new student you” the pollution is
in Udayana cause by
University will motorcycle”
be open in

To change a verb to a noun, first locate the verb, or

action word, in the sentence. Then, add a determiner
like “the” or “a” before the verb to make it into a noun.
Next, rewrite or rearrange the sentence so that it make
Thank You

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