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Arcs of a Circle


Consists of two points on a circle and all points

needed to connect the points by a single path.

The center of an arc is the center of the circle

of which the arc is a part.
Central Angle:

An angle whose vertex is at

the center of a circle.

Radii OA and OB determine

central angle AOB.
Minor Arc:
An arc whose points are on or between the side
of a central angle.

Central angle APB determines minor arc AB.

Minor arcs are named with two letters.

Major Arc:
An arc whose points are on or outside of
a central angle.

Central angle CQD determines major arc CFD.

Major arcs are named with three letters (CFD).
An arc whose endpoints of
a diameter.

Arc EF is a semicircle.
Measure of an Arc

Minor Arc or Semicircle: The measure is the

same as the central angle that intercepts the arc.

Major Arc: The measure of the arc is

360 minus the measure of the minor
arc with the same endpoints.
Congruent Arcs

Two arcs that have the same measure are

not necessarily congruent arcs.

Two arcs are congruent whenever they

have the same measure and are
parts of the same circle or congruent
Theorems of Arcs, Chords & Angles…

Theorem 79: If two central angles of a circle (or of

congruent circles) are congruent, then their
intercepted arcs are congruent.

Theorem 80: If two arcs of a circle (or of congruent

circles) are congruent, then the corresponding central
angles are congruent.
Theorems of Arcs, Chords & Angles…

Theorem 81: If two central angles of a

circle (or of congruent circles) are congruent,
then the corresponding chords are congruent.

Theorem 82: If two chords of a circle (or of

congruent circles) are congruent, then the
corresponding central angles are congruent.
Theorems of Arcs, Chords & Angles…

Theorem 83: If two arcs of a circle (or of

congruent circles) are congruent, then the
corresponding chords are congruent.

Theorem 84: If two chords of a circle (or

of congruent circles) are congruent, then the
corresponding arcs are congruent.
If the measure of arc AB = 102º in
circle O, find mA and mB in ΔAOB.
1. Since arc AB = 102º, then AOB = 102º.

2. The sum of the measures of the angles of a

trianlge is 180 so…
1. mAOB + mA + mB = 180
2. 102 + mA + mB = 180
3. mA + mB = 78

3. OA = OB, so A  B

4. mA = 39 & mB = 39.

1. Circles P & Q 1. Given
2. P  Q 2. Given
3. RP  RQ 3. .
4. AR  RD 4. Given
5. AP  DQ 5. Subtraction Property
6. Circle P  Circle Q 6. Circles with  radii are .
7. Arc AB  Arc CD 7. If two central s of 
circles are , then their
intercepted arcs are .

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