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Social Problem

Jam Gadang
Group Members :
• Arief Suhanda (1810512010 )
• Esa Lovena (1810522018 )
• Fauzia Wendrisa ( 1810523013 )
• Hijjul Husna ( 1810523001 )
• Noer Rachmadani Hernirat
( 1810523011 )
Benteng Ps. Atas
Kec. Guguk Panjang
Bukittinggi City
Sumatera Barat 26136

Jam Gadang is popular with the

iconic clock tower built in 1926
in a charming park.
Issue Selected
1. Environmental Hygiene
2. Discipline of Visitors
3. Health Protocol Compliance
4. Lack of Interactive Historical Information

Goal : Goal :
Goal :
Increase visitors Goal :
Creating a Raising awareness of
healthy awareness in order to Increase visitors
visitors to maintain
environment and maintain the knowledge about
health protocol regulation
can increase preservation of the historical
recommended by the
visitor comfort surronding plants around place
Jam Gadang

We think this issue is important because :

Jam Gadang is iconic tourism in West Sumatera, whose sustainability must be maintained because it is a
holiday destination for tourist from inside and outside West Sumatera
Social Problem
Environmental Hygiene
a. Every trader who sells around the Jam
Gadang is obliged to provide trash cans
for buyers

b. Putting trash cans at points where

visitors often litter

c. Make an appeal to always dispose of

trash in its place

d. Conduct a direct warning to visitors.

e. Making trash can innovations by

designing trash cans with unique striking

f. Create a mobile trash robot innovation

Discipline of visitors

a. Provide a guardrail around

the garden so that visitors
do not step on the plants

b. There is a warning from the

security forces against
destroying plants
Health Protocol Compliance
a. Limitation on the number of visitors to
maintain the established health protocol

b. Prohibit visitors who do not wear

masks from entering the Jam Gadang

c. Providing strict sanctions for violations

of health protocols can be in the form
of social sanctions

d. The use of a robot with the AI Camera

(Face Mask Detection Alert) feature to
detect visitors who are not wearing
Lack of Interactive Historical

a. Interactive LED panel near

the park showing the history
of the Jam Gadang

b. Make a Tour Guide Cite

provided by the Local
Government with a Tour
Guide that can speak
various languages
Thank You

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