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Ladder is very important during an emergency situation , partially

during fire, when every second count’s towards the success or failure of
an operation.

They have two type of ladders;

1. Ground ladders
2. Aerial Ladders
Ground ladders vary in sizes fro 3.1 to 17meters (10.55 feet) Long .
It id being carried on a pumper or firetrucks.
Forms of Ground ladders:
1. Wall
2. Extension ladder
3. Hook Ladders (roof) or straight ladder
4. Attic ladder
5. For rescue
6. to stretch lines into a fire building
7. Provide ventilation by giving Access to ports , scuttles, windows,
roods, or other places that are hard to reach.

This is consists of a
bed and one or more fly
ladders. The fly ladder
slides through guides
on the upper end of the
bed ladder. It contains
locks (pawls or dogs)
which hook over the
rungs of the bed ladder.

is a retractable ladder that is
installed into the floor of
an attic and ceiling of the floor
below the attic. They are used as an
inexpensive and compact alternative
to having a stairway that ascends to
the attic of a building.

This type of ladder

best used in rescue
where a ladder in place
is already falls short of
the endangered person.
It allows the user to
climb up or down, one
storey at a time.\ (e.g.
scalling orpompier, and
dire escape).

This is a type of ladder that

contains only one section. It
ranges in length from 12 to 16
feet. The most common size is
the 14-foot straight ladder. The
roof or hook ladder is a straight
ladder adapted for a special
purpose. Hooks are mounted on
a movable socket that permits
them to fold inward when not
in use.


The lowest or widest section of an

extension ladder. Also, the bottom end of
aground ladder. • Beam. Main structural support
of a ladder, supporting the rungs or rung blocks.


a long extension ladder, especially on a fire

engine, used to reach high places.
Straight Ladder

A type of ladder that contains only one

section. Ranges length from 12 to 16 feet but
the most common size is the 14-foot straight
ladder. The roof or hook ladder is a straight
ladder adapted for a special purpose. Hooks
are mounted on a movable socket that permits
them to fold inward when not in use.

This is consists of a
bed and one or more fly
ladders. The fly ladder
slides through guides
on the upper end of the
bed ladder. It contains
locks (pawls or dogs)
which hook over the
rungs of the bed ladder.
Straight Ladder

A type of ladder that contains only one section. Ranges

length from 12 to 16 feet but the most common size is
the 14-foot straight ladder. The roof or hook ladder is
a straight ladder adapted for a special purpose. Hooks
are mounted on a movable socket that permits them to
fold inward when not in use.
Handling of Ladders
A. Ladder Safety

• Always wear protective gear including gloves when working with ladders:
• Choose the proper ladder for the job;
• Use leg when lifting ladders below the waist;
• Use the proper number of fire fighters/ personnel for each raise;
• Make sure that ladders are not raised into electrical wires;
• Check ladder for proper angle;
• Check rung locks be sure thst they are seated over the rungs;
• Do not over load the ladder
B. Working Rules for Ladder length and Ground Ladder Placement

• Ladder should extend a few feet preferably 5 rungs beyond foot edge for both footing
and handhold for person stepping the ladder
• For ventilation, ladder is place bat the side of a window, windward side;
• For rescue from a window opening, the tip of the window sill
• if the window opening is wide enough, the ladder maybe extended maybe into one side of
the opening, two or three rungs above the window sill.
Important Factors and Precautionary Measures in Ladder Raise

• Fire fighters must need to look overhead for electrical wires or equipment before making
final section on where to place a ladder or what method to use for raising it
• A distance of at least 10 ft from all energized electrical equipment.
• In general, metal and fiber glass extension ladders are designed to be used with the FLY
OUT except specified by the ladder manufacturer.
What should you do to secure safety when using extension ladders?

• Place ladders in firm, level surface and to ensure the footing is secure
• Erect extension ladders so that the upper section rests in front, botton section
• Place the ladder feet so that the horizontal distance between the feet and the top support
is ¼ of the working length of the ladder.
• The ladder will be leaning at 75 angle from the ground

ONE MAN CARRY- remove the ladder from the apparatus and pass either arm through the
ladder at the middle of its length. Carry it with the hooks forward and lowered.

SIX MAN CARRY- the same with as the four men carry except that an additional two men
are placed in the middle on the opposite sides to carry a heavier ladder.
Four- man carry- two man near each end on opposite sides of the ladder. Face the top of the
ladder. Reach down and grasp a rung with the hand nearest it. Raise the ladder on the

Ladder raising requires practice and cooperation . Before raising the ladder, you must know
how far you should place the heel of the ladder from the building


1. One-man raise
2. Two-man raise
3. Three-man raise
4. Four-man raise

1. One-man raise- place ladder against the building;

2. Walk the ladder up the building by using the rungs;
3. Place the ladder against the building
4. Lift the ladder the the ground to the ground and place
it back to the correct climbing angle
5. Safety the ladder by placing the ball of either foot on
The bottom rung.

1. Place the ladder close the building. One man stand on

the bottom rung inside to steady the ladder.
2. The man on the top walks the ladder up to the building
By using the rungs of the ladder.
3. Turn the ladder so the extension is in the correct
Position for raising.
4. Untie the halyard the raise the ladder to the desired
5. Tie the halyard on rung and move the ladder out to the
proper claiming height.

1. Place the heel of the ladder as close to the building.

one man at the bottom rung of the ladder closest to the
wall. Other to at the top holding onto the beam.
2. The two men walk the ladder up to the building by using
the beam of the ladder.
3. Turn the ladder so the extension is the correct position
for raising.
4. Raise the extension ladder ;
5. Tie the halyard of the rung. Two men safety the ladder
Four man raise is very similar to the three
man raise but two men are used at heel
of the ladder on this raise.
Methods Used to Minimize Water Damage
1. Sawdust
2. Salvage Covers – these are tarpaulins, known as tarps. They
are made of cotton canvas material treated with a
waterproofing compound.
Two Sizes of Standard Salvage Covers
1. Small (12 by 14 feet, Accordion Fold)
2. Large (12 by 18 feet)
Two (2) ways of performing
1. Removed the materials outside the building involved in a fire.
Or to and area that is not involved in the fire.
2.Protect the material where it stands.
 This method is used when the size or the quantity of the contents of
the building dictates.
Factors involved in the savage work.

a) The amount of savage equipment available;

b) The personnel available;

c) The type and amount of material involved;

d) And the method of storage.
Smoke and heat cause of damage , but there is something else that can
do more damage than the smoke, the heat and the fire.

 Most of the damage from water is usually happened to materials/ a in

storage, and results from poor storage practices over which fire
fighter have no control during the fire.
Steps to Fold the Large Salvage Cover
• Two persons position themselves at the corners of one of the
longest sides;
• Both fold the cover double at the same time;
• Then redouble the fold again;
• Bring the two ends together; and
• Fold it again.

This operation involves a complete and detailed check of the

structures and materials involved in the fire to make sure that every
spark and ember has extinguished and there is no possibility of re-
Structural Stability
Before the search for hidden fires, the condition of the building in
the area to be search should be known. The intensity of the fire
during the burning and the amount of water used in its control are
the most important factors that affect the condition of the building.
Structural Stability cont..

The amount of water used determines the additional weight on the

floors and walls because of their absorbent qualities. Considering
these two factors carefully can prevent unnecessary loss of life
during overhaul because of building collapse.
Arson is sometimes a result of careful planning and considerable
preparation and sometimes it is committed on the spur of the moment. Since
fire fighters are not Law Enforcements officers, trained Arson investigators are
summoned to investigate suspected individuals and conditions. But fire
fighters are responsible for recognizing and preserving evidence of arson.
Without this evidence, a trained investigator is always seriously handicapped.
Fire fighters can become proficient in recognizing and preserving evidence of
arson and can recognize the evidence sequence that will benefit the
investigators when he arrives.
Steps in Preserving Evidence:

1. Protecting and Preserving Evidence

2. Guarding Evidence
3. Identifying and Removing Evidence
Protecting and Preserving Evidence:

1. Keep the evidence where you found it, untouched and undisturbed, if at all possible;

2. When you discover that you cannot leave at the fire scene, properly identify and
safeguard it. Make no changes of any kind in the evidence other than what is absolutely
necessary in the extinguishment of the fire;

3. Photograph the evidence immediately. One precautionary to be taken by all fire

fighters during the fire fighting operation is to avoid trampling over possible arson evidence
and obliterating it. Be careful in the use of water to avoid similar unsatisfactory results.
Guarding Evidence: (Ways to Protect Evidence Remaining at the Fire Scene):

1. Cordon or rope the area containing the evidence, or pile goods and
materials of various kinds around the evidence to keep people away until
the arrival of the investigators.
2. Post guards to prevent tempering with the evidence or handling it
needlessly. Leave plenty of room around the evidence to protect it exactly
as found.
Methods or Ways Investigator/s to protect Human Footprints:
a) measure footprints;
b) compare the prints;
c) estimate the length of stride and the position of the feet;
d) peculiarities in the gait (walk or run) of a suspect;
e) secure identifying marks on the soles and heels of the shoes
f) placed box over prints to prevent dust from blowing over clean prints;
g) keep them from in good condition for photographs and plaster casts.
Identifying and Removing Evidence:

1. Collect evidence should be properly identified, and preserved in clean

2. Make a careful notation of the date, time and place where the evidence
3. Initials of the person (investigators/persons who collected the evidence)
on cans, bottles, and other articles should be noted.
4. Keep a record of witness and of each person who has had or will have
responsibilities for the care and preservation of the evidence
5. Protect partly burned paper and ash between layers of plastic or between
pieces of window glass for the investigator and for transportation to a laboratory;
6. Preserve letters, documents and bills to assist in establishing a person’s
financial status which might be a motive for arson;
7. Place wood suspected od containing paraffin or oil in a clear container
and seal it until a chemical analysis will be conducted;
8. Pack objects such as charred candlewick and burned matches in a bottle
containing cotton to prevent breaking the evidence by jarring and handling;
9. Store samples of materials such as cotton, wood rayon, felt, and other
fabrics, in a clean, large-mouthed bottles, seal tightly and mark properly;
10. Volatile liquids, oil samples, oil-soaked rags, wasted and the like should
be kept in tin cans and seal them.
Fire fighters who discover evidence of arson should be able to identify it later.
When such materials has been properly marked, it is then ready to be turned over
to the proper authorities.
Building Cleanup:

After a fire is extinguished, water and debris will remain. It is the

responsibilities of the fire protection personnel to remove them. Scoop up non
salvageable materials, such as plaster, rags paper, and the like, into a carrier, carry
them out of the building, and pile them in a conspicuous place for future
examination. After most of the debris has removed, mop up the excess water on
the floors or use squeegee. If the floor is wood, it is good policy to take up the
excess moisture by covering the floor with sawdust for a while and then clean it
off. Do not leave damp sawdust on the floor longer than is absolutely necessary,
for it can damage the floor. The equipment used in removing water and debris
includes mops, brooms, squeegee, rags. rakes, shovel, and scoops.

Building Code – A standard rules for safety in the construction of buildings.

Building codes vary in their fire-resistance in according with the occupancy


1. Intended Occupancy and Use
2. Life Safety
3. Fixed Fire Protection System
4. Spacing of Structures
5. Height Requirements
6. Fire Retarding Features
 Intended Occupancy and Use
A building design is based upon the occupancy of the individual structure, considering
both the combustibility of the contents and the human factors of occupancy. Buildings
wherein large occupants are assembled such as dormitories, schools, hospitals, where
crowds may generate panic hazards, call for a higher and greater degree of fire safety
protection than do warehouses and building which are less populated. Buildings that
contain high combustible materials call for a greater degree of fire resistance in the
 Life Safety
The provision of adequate exits is the most important feature in designing a building for
life safety. Once fire is notified, occupants can leave the building in the least possible
time through exits free from fire, heat, and smoke.
Although panic in a burning building may be uncontrollable, it can be eased with the
measures designed to help prevent panic-an example of these is the exit signs. Panic
seldom develops in a burning building as long as the occupants are moving towards exits
that have no obstructions in the path of travel.
The life safety factor is affected by many building designs and features-designs and
features that prevent, reduce, or retard the spread of the fire such as: fire stops, fire
walls, and fire doors.
 Fixed Fire Protection System
Fixed fire protection system installed will be in accordance with sound economical and
engineering practices. These systems insure the maximum life safety-or maximum
degree of property protection where the size, type of construction or occupancy, or other
conditions create severe monetary fire-lose potential.
 Spacing of Structures
Planning and construction of an adequate separation of buildings and structures is very
important to prevent the spread of fire from an adjacent building or from area to area.
Spacing requirements that restrict types of occupancies or specified areas have an
important bearing upon fire safety. Consideration will be given to convenience, efficiency,
and savings. When buildings have different occupancies and different types of
construction are adjacent, maximum spacing requirements have to be observed.
 Height Requirements
Owing to the life hazard involved, it is a good practice to limit the height of structures
that have an unusually high degree of combustibility.
The height of buildings of masonry or concrete wall and wood construction is generally
limited to a height assumed to be the maximum at which the fire departments can
operate and fight fire effectively, working from the street level. The operational limit is
usually three (3) or four (4) stories. Wood frame construction is generally given lower
height limits. Fire resistive buildings are commonly permitted without any height limit, on
the theory that the integrity of the buildings will be maintained.
 Fire Retarding Features
While a facility is still being designed, everything possible should be planned and done
to make the facility eventually fire safe. Fire retarding features must be specified in the
plans. For the safety of personnel, important provisions in preventing the spread of fire
(both vertically and horizontally in buildings should be constructed).
a. Fire Stops – Wood is used as aa fire stop, it must be at least 2 inches thick.
Concealed spaces in the building should be filled with non-combustible material. Fire
stops must be inspected during the construction.
b. Fire Partitions – Fire partitions are installed to separate areas of hazardous
occupancies from areas of ordinary or light hazard occupancies that resist the passage
of fire from one area to another. Fire partitions must be constructed to have fire-
resistance ratings of 1 or 2hours. The degree of fire resistance will be governed by the
following factors:
- Type of building construction;
- size of the hazardous area;
- the severity of the fire hazard.
c. Fire Walls – Fire walls are installed for the purpose of preventing the passage of fire
from one building to another, or from one fire area of a building to another area. Fire wall
must be structurally sound and may serve as an important wall if no combustible
structural members are frame into the walls, it has a particular fire resistance rating
depending on its construction and thickness.
Fire walls must have a parapet with a minimum height of three (3) feet above the rood for
all types of roof construction except roofs top floor assemblies with a minimum fire-
resistance rating of two (2) hours. Wing walls are required except where exterior walls of
building are of concrete or made up of masonry construction. Fire walls will be bonded into
exterior walls.
Combustible eave construction should be interrupted by fire wall parapets corbelled out
two (2) feet beyond the building wall. Fire wall returns at exterior building walls will be twenty
(20) feet long of unbroken exterior concrete or masonry without combustible cornices or roof

The following are some of the hazards that can be found everywhere:
1. Sparks – Live sparks from chimneys, refuse burners, stacks, and other similar sources
must be given priority consideration. During periods of low humidity and high wind velocity,
special attention or precautions must be taken in those areas where five risk is possible or
not negligible.
2. Mechanical Devices – Engines of any type, or other machines in which friction is created, are
possible sources of fire. An overheated bearing or an engine or machine is one good example.
Elimination of lint and dust from the surroundings of the moving mechanical device, an all excessive
flammable lubricants should be cleaned or remove promptly to avoid possible combustion created
from friction. Grinding wheels and other spark-producing equipment are a frequent cause of fires and
should not be allowed in areas which might contain highly flammable gas or vapors. Neither should
flammable materials of any type left in an area where sparks may fall upon them.

3. Acids and other Chemicals – All kinds of strong acids, such as nitric, sulfuric, and hydrochloric,
although they are not themselves flammable or supporters of combustion.

The chief hazards of this acids is the possibility of their leaking or spilling from their containers. Fire
or explosion is possible if they are come in contact with other acids.

- Heat may cause nitric and hydrochloric acids to expand and burst their containers. Strong acids
should be store in a cool compartment unexposed to the hot sun and free from all flammable
materials. Nitric acids is capable of igniting some flammable materials.
Sulfur melts and flows while burning. It should be stored away from the heat and other
chemicals. Handling of sulfur creates sulfur dust, which is subject to explosions.
Phosphorous, which ignites spontaneously upon contact with air, is poisonous and is a
serious fire and personnel hazards, it should be kept under water in a tin container in
complete isolation from other chemicals. Care should be taken to prevent mechanical
injury to the container.

- Chlorine – a heavy, greenish, poisonous gas, given off by many manufacturing

processes. Is not flammable itself but may cause fire or explosion when in contact with
ammonia, turpentine, or finely powdered metals. Ventilation is of paramount importance.

- Chlorates, nitrates, and peroxides are all hazards because they emit large quantities
of oxygen when heated. Some of them may be detonated or explode when in contact
with materials such as: starch, sugar, dust, organic matter, and sulfur compounds. Many
peroxides may ignite nearby flammables when exposed to moisture.
4. Coal-Tar Derivatives – Coal-tar derivatives in both crude and refined forms are being
used quite extensively. Dyes, medicines, and explosives are manufactured from these coal-
tar products. Since derivatives are hazardous, many fires and explosions have been caused
by carelessness. The preparation handling and stored of these materials require the same
precautionary methods and do gasoline, benzene, and similar flammable liquids.

5. Effects of the Sun – The sun is frequently responsible for fires, though it usually
assisted by manmade implement. A forest fires have been known to start from discarded
bottles or other fragments of glass left by careless campers. The sun rays, shining through a
piece of glass which may be ideally curved and placed as to act as a lens, are concentrated
so as to ignite a piece of paper. Similarly, curtains can be ignite by a window pane containing
a bubble or some other irregularity.

Fire may also result from the sun’s shining through such things as laboratory flasks, fish
bowls, water bottles, and concave mirrors (which reflects heat).
The sun also contributes to spontaneous heating, thus aiding
ignition. The possibility that the sun will start a fire is somewhat
remote. However, when we consider the numerous condition
which may create this so called freak fires and the fact that any
of them may completely destroy a building, we realize that
these possibilities given careful consideration.


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