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F lu id M ec h an ic s

V isc osit y , m e asurem e n t of visc osit y ,

Newt on 's equat ion of visc osit y S u rfac e
t en sion ,
Ph y sic al Propert ies of F lu ids
� D ensity �
� Specific � Surface
Volume Tension
�Specific �
Weight Pressure
�Specific �
Gravity Buoyancy

C ompressibility

V isc osit y
� The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to
shear or angular deformation.

� It is the property of a fluid by mixture of which it offers

resistance to deformation under the influence of shear
forces. It depends upon the cohesion.
� It can also be defined as internal resist offered by fluid
to flow.
� It is denoted by µ.

� It is also termed as coefficient of viscosity or absolute

viscosity. or dynamic viscosity or molecular viscosity.

F ac t or affec t in g visc osit y
� C ohesion
� C ohesion: It is the attraction between molecules of fluid.
More the molecular attraction (cohesion) more is the viscosity
(resistance to flow) of fluid.
� It is dominant in liquids.

Newt on ’s E qu at ion of V isc osit y
� C onsider two parallel plates, in which lower plate is fixed and
upper is moving with and uniform velocity ‘U’ under the influence
of force ‘F’. Space between the plates is filled with a fluid having
viscosity, µ.
U M oving
plate Force,
Y Dy

du F ixed


� F= Applied force (shearing force)

� A= C ontact area of plate(resisting area)
� y=gap/space between plates
� U= Velocity of plate
� As the upper plate moves, fluid also moves in the firection of
applied force due to adhesion.
Newt on ’s E qu at ion of V isc osit y

� At boundaries the particles of fluid adhere to wall and so their

velocities are zero relative to wall.This so called non-slip condition
occurs in viscous fluids
Newt on ’s E qu at ion of V isc osit y
� Factor affecting Force, F
(i)F  A; ( ii ) F  U ; ( iii
)F  y

� Hence,F  AU F  AU
y  y
� W here, µ is coefficient of viscosity

� Assuming linear velocity profile (as shown in figure)

   du
Newt on ’s E qu at ion of V isc osit y

 du
  dy

� The above equation is called as N ewton’s equation of

� The equation shows that the shearing stress is directly
proportional to the velocity gradient and its is known as
N etwon’s law of velocity.

� In the above equation

� du/dy= velocity gradient or rate of change of deformation
� µ = absolute viscosity
� τ=shear stress
Un it of V isc osit y
� V iscosity   M / LT
N-s/m2 Lb-s/ft2 Dyne-
(Poise, P)
Kg/(m-s) Slug/(ft-s) g/(cm-s)

W idely used unit is

Poise=0.1N .s/m 2
� K inem atic V iscosity
SI   L2 / BG
m2/s ft2/s cm2/s

W idely used unit is S toke=10-

9 4 m 2 /s
� Q . 1: A flat plate 200mm x 750mm slide on oil (µ
=0.18N .s/m2) over a large surface as shown.W hat force, F,
is required to drag the plate at a velocity u of 1.2m/s if
the thickness of the separating oil film is 0.6mm?

Assignment 2
� Q .2: A space 16mm wide between two large plane surfaces
is filled with SAE 30 Western lubricating oil at
35oC (Fig11.8).W hat force is required to drag a very thin
plate of 0.4m2 area between the surfaces at a speed
u=0.25m/s (a) if this plate is equally spaced between the two
� Solution:
surfaces? (b) if t=5mm?
� Y=16mm A=0.4m u=0.25m/s
� T=35oC µ =0.18N .s/m2 (from figure A.1)

S u rfac e T en sion
� The tension force created
at the imaginary thin
surface due to unbalanced- B
molecular attraction is
termed as surface tension. A

� Molecule A in figure above is situated at a certain depth

below the surface. It is acted upon by equal force from all
sides.W hereas molecule B (situated at the surface ) is
acted upon by unbalanced forces from below.
� Thus a tight akin/film/surface is formed at the surface due
to inward molecular pull.

T y pes of m o lec u lar at t rac t ion
� C ohesion: It is the attraction force between the molecules
of same material
� Adhesion: It is the attraction force between the
molecules of different materials

� Surface tension depends upon the relative magnitude of

cohesion and adhesion but primarily it depend upon the
� W ith the increase in temperature cohesion reduces and
hence surface tension also reduces.

� C oncept of surface tension is used in capillarity action

C apillarit y
� It is the rise of fall of liquid in a small diameter (< 0.5”)
tube due to surface tension and adhesion between liquid
and solid.
� For capillary action diameter of tube is <0.5” while
for large diameter tubes this phenomenon become
v2 D
h θ h

W ater Θ<90 Mercury Θ>90
� The curved surface that develops in tube is called
V apor Pressu re of liqu ids
� Vapor Pressure: It is the pressure at which liquid
transforms into vapours or it is the pressure exerted by
vapours of liquid

� All the liquids have tendency to

release their molecules in the
space above their surface.
� If the liquid in contain have
limited space above it, then the
surface is filled with the vapours.

� These vapours when released from liquid expert pressure

known as vapour pressure.
� It is the function of temperature. More the temperature
15 more will be vapor pressure.
V apor Pressu re of liqu ids
� S aturated vapor pressure: It is the vapor pressure that
corresponds to the dynamic equilibrium conditions
(saturation) i.e., when rate of evaporation becomes equal to
rate of condensation

� B oiling vapor pressure: The pressure at which vapor

pressure becomes equal to atmospheric pressure.

T h an k y ou

Q uestions….

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