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In The Doctor’s

 Receptionist (n) /rɪˈsep·ʃə·nɪst/ : lễ tân

 Register (v) /ˈredʒ·ɪ·stər/ : đăng ký
 Patient (n)  /ˈpeɪ·ʃənt/ : bệnh nhân
 Contact address (n)  /ˈkɒntækt əˈdres/ : địa chỉ liên lạc
 Height (n) /hɑɪt/ : chiều cao
 Weight (n) /weɪt/ : cân nặng
 National health (n) / ˈnæʃ·ə·nəl helθ :Số thẻ Y tế quốc gia
number ˈnʌm.bər/
 Print (v) /prɪnt/ : In
 Registration (n) /ˌredʒ·ɪˈstreɪ·ʃən/ : sự đăng ký
 Document (n) /ˈdɒk.jə.mənt/  : tài liệu
Need + to V (bare) : Cần làm gì đó
Need + N : cần cái gì đó Remembe
I’m too fat. I need to lose weight
(Tôi mập quá. Tôi cần phải giảm cân thôi)
I want to play my friends a song, so I need a gitar
(Tôi muốn đàn cho các bạn của tôi nghe nên tôi cần một chiếc đàn gi-ta )
Exercise 1:Listen to a man registering with a doctor.
Complete the form with the man’s details

First name Geoff

Surname Black

Address 94 Hill Street

Date of birth (please enter number 08/09/1970

Home phone 466738

Mobile phone 07781 677688

Height in metres 1.8

Weight in kilograms 89

National ensurance number 94782841227

Exercise 2: Tick in the correct box

Statements True False

1. The men’s first name is Black  

2. The men’s full name is Geof Black 

3. The men lives at 94, Hill Street   

4. 14 stones is around 98 kilograms  

5. It’s 1227 at the end in Geoff’s National Health number  

Exercise3. Listen again then fill in the blanks.

1.The men wants to (1)__________

register as
a (2) ______________
2.The (3)_______________asks
receptionist the
men for some details.
3.The men’s (4)_______________
contact address is
at 94, (5)_______________in
Hill street
Receptionist: Can I help you?
Man: Can I register as a patient here, please Receptionist: 466738…
Receptionist: Okay, well, I’ll need to put some Man: And my mobile number is 07781 677688.
of your details on the computer. One moment. Receptionist: 07781, and sorry what was after that?
Here we are - right, can I take your name Man: 677688
please? Receptionist: And lastly I need your height and
Man: Geoff Black. weight?
Receptionist: Is that J - E - F - F? Man: Really?
Man: No, G - E - O - F - F. Receptionist: Yes, I do, I’m afraid.
Receptionist: G - E - O - F - F, Ok that’s fine, Man: Well, I’m 6 foot tall.
and your surname’s Black? Receptionist: Oh, I need it in metres.
Man: Yes, Black. Like the colour. Man: In metres? I think it’s about 1.8.
Receptionist: Can I take your date of birth? Receptionist: And your weight?
Man: Yes, it’s the 8th of September, 1970. Man: I don’t know. Around 14 stones. I don’t know
Receptionist; The eighth.. . of the ninth… what that is in kilograms.
1970. And a contact address? Receptionist: I’ll check it on the computer. 14
Man: 94, Hill Street. stones is… that’s around 89 kilos.
Receptionist: 94, Hill Street - here in Man: Okay.
Nottingham? Receptionist: Do you know your national health
Man: Yes. number?
Receptionist: And a contact telephone number Man: Er - yes, I have it here. It’s 947 - 8284 - 1227.
please? Receptionist: 947 - 8284 - 1277, is that it?
Man: My home number’s 466738. Man: Er, no, it’s 1227 at the end, not 1277.
Receptionist: 1277. Okay, thank you Mr Black.
Back That’s all I need. I’ll print out your registration
documents now.
See you
next time!!

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