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Basic Competency 2:
Wean Seedling


 Wean seedling are: separate / move the
seedlings to a group of individual plants in a
container in accordance with a distinctive size of
 Generally weaning
seeds derived
from planting seed
on germination
basin or from
The aim

 Accelerate the growth of seedlings due to reduced

competition among the seedlings in the absorption
of burly, oxygen and water
 Easily adjust the seed with new environment
 Reducing the mortality rate in the seed field
 Ease in the transfer of seedlings to the field.
In general, when the
seedlings are ready to wean :
- Grow healthy free from
disease and pests attack,
- fertile and uniform
- Candidate stem straight and
not swollen /
 Age with a normal size, each type of plant size and
age have a different.
Examples of chili plants, seeds are ready to wean
has reached a high 7 - 8 cm at the age of 10 - 11
days after planting
Roots Structure are well, upside roots steep
straight and long enough
Seedling seed disiram first

Seedling seed revoked with tweezers / trunk wood

 Watering the seedling Media until moist so the
media more loose and give the opportunity to
the roots to absorb water.
Seeds revoked in a manner holding the base
of the stem carefully tear out the root of the
seed with a seed timber ago while playing
 For this type of sensitive seeds and pathogenic
pests before planting with clean water, and dip it to
solution pesticides (concentration and immersion
time is adjusted type seeds).
Revoked after the seeds, planted seeds flee with
the planting hole with the first according to the
depth of the root of the planted species.
 In doing planting seeds into the container,
placing the upside root arranged with the
straight in order not to disrupt the root growth.
After the seed is planted planting hole is closed
with the planting media while being slowly
around the base of the stem to the root of a
neck seeds can stand upright and strong.

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