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Basic Competency 4
Remove Weeds and Plant Remaining
1. Land Clean up Purposed

 Land sanitation actions aimed at:

1. Form after forest land preparation
2. Conversion plant to other plants to prevent
fungus disease attacks the roots, or root worm,
3. Aimed at replanting new plants to avoid disturbing
the soil organisms reinfection plant roots
2. Remove Plant remaining

Things to do before remove the tree:

a) Tree skinned about three feet wide, starting from the
neck down to the roots, wood peeling layer smeared
arborisida Garlon 480 or Trioxone to accelerate the
process of catabolism, so the roots, branches and limbs
quickly became mould and eventually die

b) Trees felled first, cut the remaining root of the neck

smeared Arborisida after one year of roots remove
3) For the cultivation of plants such as tree-shaped Palm
oil, rubber, or fruit trees is done by drilling in several
places rootstock. Drill hole through the layer of wood or
Xylem, then put into the Herbicide hole , hormonal
systemic (Trioxone) or 2.4-D, Sodium Arsenat
3. Sanitation Technique

Sanitation techniques in conducting the land for

seasonal crops and annual crops are different:

  a. To plant annuals
   - Carried out preventive
   - Conducted before the disease causing the loss
    on cultivated plants
 How to conduct preventive sanitation, among others:
1. Creating shade facing east
The purposed are:
  The morning sun may be shining on seed
beds, and to stimulate the growth of seedlings and
suppress the development of disease
2. Set the drainage to prevent the puddle exist too
long, so   soil moisture is not too high
3. Doing "Soil Treatment" in the media field planting or
nursery beds by:
a. Planting media material drying on the floor of a
special drying, before planting media
materials used
b. Steaming or doused with hot water
c. Put into boxes or stacked piles of planting
medium, then mixed with toxic pesticides
fumigation or breath, as Vapam, Basamid or
Metilbromida, after that was covered with plastic
sheets for two weeks.
d. Mixing fertilizers on acid physiological planting
medium such as ZA or powdered sulfur to the soil pH is
less than 6.
e. Doing ttillage

b. For Annual Crops

 - Curative done
 - Done after the disease causing the loss on cultivated
plants or plant intermediaries  in the garden
4. Land Clearing
Clearing the weeds and the remains of plant
frosanitation and processing of land is done by:
- Buried around the land
- Burned
- Composting
Things - things to note:
1. Sanitation techniques of land by the demolition stump
roots should not be done, due to the root stump
dismantled there will be destruction of soil structure
would lead to soil erosion
2. Combustion stump roots, stems and large branches
in the area of plant
 3. The use of chemicals in an effort to clear land applied
should be limited if necessary in order to ensure to
avoid avoid negative effects on the land

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