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Base Competency 2

describe the soil as a place to grow plants

a. Relation between Plant and the soil

Soil is the result of rock destruction and

organic matter on the top and in the soil
(Suwono, 1987)
The soil meaning secara ilmiah

natural matter accumulation on the

earth surface which occording into
horizones that consist of mineral
matter, organic matter,water and gas
as Plant growth media
b. Soil function

- Places of growth and root

- Supply the primary needs (water, air,
 elements nutrient)
- Secondary need available (Vitamin,
 enzyme, anti-pest toxin, etc.)
c. The process of soil formation

 physics
Especially the influence of weather changes and
extreme climate
 chemical
outbreak rock follow by new minerals forming
 Biological
There is a biological activity of organisms.
Factors wich affect the process of soil
formation :
Picture of land formation process
1. In this Period, Bed
rock begins to disintegrate
become less piece
2. In the second
period, Organic
matter that was on
the surface facilitate
3. In this period,
organic matter
and mineral fragments
provided nutrition for plant to
begin the growth on the other
hand soil horizone formed
4. Here, is a periode when
demolition of organic matter
and minerals give
contribution to support
developed tick vegetation
d. Soil profile
fresh organic matter and
the remaining plants

Accumulation layer of
straggling material from A

layer of soil parent material
Soil horizons
e. physical soil fertility
relationship between Soil phisical
characteristic and water

Water using Soil Water

of plant Phisical ability

circulation in the
1. The factors affect absorption ability
2. Water holding ability and permeability

 Every kind of soil has diferent holding

ability. For example, if One kind of soil has
most sand fraction, it will have less ability
to hold the water
3. Water using of plant
4. Water Circulation in the soil

 Water movement
    Capillary movement of water through the
aggregate, and soil pore is affected by

 Moisture movement
     Result of drying on the ground.
     The moisture move from the saturated steam
to the low pressure steam
f. Chemical Soil fertility
 Soil reaction (pH) affect and poison content.

 Nutrient stuff be differed into:

- Macro Elements: C, H, O, N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg
- Micro-elements: Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Mo, B and Cl

 Deficiency and kelebihan hara can raise injurious

symptom for pants
g. Nutrient absorption in Plant
Nutrient substance absorption by plants and the
availability of oxygen absorption by the plant can
through some mechanism

Mechanism of nutrient available

 Mass flow

Aliran massa merupakan gerakan unsur hara dalam

tanah bersama dengan aliran air menuju akar, karena
air disera p terus-menerus oleh akar (Sarwono, 1987)
 Diffution

Unsur hara yang terlarut alam tanah bergerak menuju

akar karena proses difusi. Difusi adalah proses
bergeraknya suatu zat dari daerah konsentrasi tinggi ke
konsentrasi rendah
 Root Interception

Akar tanaman yang terus tumbuh menuju tempat dalam

tanah dan menemukan unsur hara, sehingga
memperpendek jarak bagi unsur hara mendekati akar
(Sarwono, 1987)
Setelah hara dekat dengan akar, maka akar dapat
menyerap melalui :

a.Proses aktif (Proses yang meemerlukan energi

metabolik dari respirasi)
b.Proses Selektif (Penyerapan melalui mekanisme
akar mengeluarkan sejenis ion untuk mengikat
hara dalam bentuk ion)

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