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Physics 114: Lecture 18

Least Squares Fit to

Arbitrary Functions
Dale E. Gary
NJIT Physics Department
Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting
 The general means to fit curves, surfaces, or higher dimensions to data
relies on minimizing chi-square, but there is no closed-form method to
calculate the coefficients. As usual, for a function y(x), say, the chi-square
is 2
 y  y ( x ) 
2   i 
  i 
 The techniques we developed in Chapters 6 and 7 only work when the
parameters in the function y(x) are linear, i.e. obey
y ( x)    a j f j ( x) 
j 1

 When this is not the case, i.e. when y(x) depends on products or powers in
parameters), then the minimization of chi-square results in coupled
equations that in general cannot be solved. We may sometimes be able to
linearize it, as we saw last time, but generally we need to proceed by trial
and error.

Apr 12, 2010

Searching Parameter Space
 The basic approach could not be simpler, philosophically. The idea is to
simply calculate a trial value of the function for a given set of values of
parameters, calculate the chi-square, and repeat for a large number of
parameters until you find the minimum chi-square.
 As a concrete example, consider a Gaussian function with parameters a, b
and c:  x b 
 
y ( x)  ae  c  .
fit to a set of data yi = 0.0008, 0.0211, 0.2327, 1.0546, 1.9648, 1.5049, 0.4739.,
with equal errors i =  = 0.2.
 Try a set of parameters a = 1, b = 1, c = 1. With these parameters, the
function y(x) gives y(x) = 0.0000, 0.0001, 0.0183, 0.3679, 1.0000, 0.3679, 0.0183.

 The reduced chi-square is then

1  yi  y ( x)  73.72
2       18.43. 1

  i  4
 A plot of the curves yi and y(x) are shown at right. 0.5

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Apr 12, 2010

Searching Parameter Space (cont’d)
 Now we simply try other sets of parameters and continue to calculate chi-
square, attempting to find a minimum chi-square such that the reduced chi-
square is about 1.
 The plot shows the result of trying other values of a from 1 to 3, stepping by
0.5, while keeping b = 1 and c = 1. 3

 The reduced chi-square for this set of five curves is


  18.43, 10.228, 5.778, 5.411, 9.016.


 Looks like a = 2.5, b = 1, c = 1 is the best so far. 1

 Now we change one of the other parameters, by 0.5

say, setting b = 1.2, and varying a again, with c = 1.

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

The plot is shown at right, and the chi-square for this



new set of curves is 2

2  17.951, 9.339, 4.661, 3.918, 7.108.


 Looks like a = 2.5, b = 1.2, c = 1 is the best so far. 1


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Apr 12, 2010

Searching Parameter Space (cont’d)
 If we repeat this 3 more times, increasing b by 0.2 each time, we end up
with the following 25 values of reduced chi-square:
b=1.0 b=1.2 b=1.4 b=1.6 b=1.8
a=1.0 18.4311 17.9506 18.3422 19.6973 21.8997
a=1.5 10.1180 9.3389 9.8318 11.8644 15.2623
c=1 a=2.0 5.7779 4.6612 5.1924 7.9024 12.5586
a=2.5 5.4107 3.9175 4.4241 7.8115 13.7888
a=3.0 9.0164 7.1078 7.5267 11.5916 18.9528

 Now let’s try c=1.2, and repeat the whole thing again:
b=1.0 b=1.2 b=1.4 b=1.6 b=1.8
a=1.0 15.3064 14.8579 15.3022 16.6286 18.7497
a=1.5 6.5330 5.8522 6.5054 8.4939 11.6843
c=1.2 a=2.0 2.4672 1.5487 2.4021 5.0517 9.3174
a=2.5 3.1090 1.9475 2.9921 6.3022 11.6491
a=3.0 8.4585 7.0485 8.2756 12.2454 18.6794

Apr 12, 2010

Searching Parameter Space (cont’d)
 After additional trial c values, we find a best fit of a = 2.0, b = 1.2, c = 1.4. Here
is the final fit with these values.



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

But note that once we have the parameters, we can plot a much smoother

Gaussian through the points by evaluating it at more x values.




 Note that we could be even more precise by stepping with smaller steps.
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Apr 12, 2010

Complete Program for c=1.4
 yi = [-0.1474 0.0367 0.3146 1.0253 1.9107 1.4740 0.3642];
 x = -3:3;
 chi2 = zeros(10,10);
 c = 1.4;
 i = 0;
 for a = 0.75:0.25:3
 i = i+1;
 j = 0;
 for b = 0.9:0.1:1.8
 j = j+1;
 chi2(i,j) = sum(((yi-a*exp(-((x-b)/c).^2))/0.1).^2)/4;
 end
 end

Apr 12, 2010

Searching Parameter Space (cont’d)
 Here is the reduced chi-square shown for smaller steps, covering the same
range of a and b, but now as a 10 x 10 plot, and shown as an image.

2= 1.29

 The minimum chi-square is in a dip on a surface

in “parameter space”.

Apr 12, 2010

Grid Search Method
 The example we just looked at involved 3 parameters, and hence the
parameter space is 3-dimensional (one dimension each of a, b and c). We
could easily try to fit more complex functions that would have many more
 For example, for homework you will fit a triple Gaussian! Each has 3
parameters, so there are a total of 9. The search space for a solution (the
parameter space) is now 9-dimensional! Obviously, the fitting approach we
just did will work, but will it be very tedious. Let’s look at some ways to be
more clever and speed up the process.
 First, notice that we spent a lot of time calculating chi-square for
parameters that got worse and worse, near the edges of the grid. We
could select starting parameters, calculate chi-square, and step one
parameter until it chi-square starts increasing. If it is the first step, reverse
and go the other direction. This is like traveling downhill in one parameter.
Keep going until you find the minimum, then start on another parameter.

Apr 12, 2010

Grid Search Method

 You can refine this method to find the minimum more precisely. Once you
get close, you can make the step size smaller, and essentially zoom in to finer
 Finally, you can improve even more by doing a gradient search, essentially
going downhill in multiple parameters at once.

Apr 12, 2010

Lack of Convergence—Local Minima
 For complex fitting functions, it is very easy to find a minimum that is not
the true minimum, but only a local minimum. It is analogous to finding
yourself in a dip on the top of a mountain, when there is a deep valley
 If your initial parameter guess is near such a dip, the chi-square will be
minimized in that local minimum, but the reduced chi-square will be
nowhere near 1.
 One way to guard against that is to be clever about your starting position.
Recall our initial curve and initial trial of a = b = c = 1.
 Looking at the blue curve to be fitted, 2

our initial guess for b and c are pretty 1.5

good, but a clearly should be greater,

near a = 2.

 Generally, it is usually good enough to 0.5

choose bounds on the parameters. 0

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Apr 12, 2010

Bounds on the Parameters
 For our example of fitting a Gaussian, clearly the height and width should
always be positive. Many autofitting routines, including the MatLAB routine
fit(), allow one to set the lower and upper bounds on parameters.
 Let’s use the MatLAB routine for a more complicated general fitting of a
Gaussian on top of a baseline. You will do something similar for homework.
 For fit types, use cflibhelp 4545
Create the data:
 x = -5:0.1:5; 40
 y = 32.1*exp(-((x-0.23)/0.87).^2)+5.4; 35
 dev = 1.5*randn(1,101) 30
 plot(x,y+dev,'.') 25
 Create a “fittype” and call fit():
 f = fittype('gauss2'); 15
 gfit = fit(x',(y+dev)',f) 10
 Alternatively, set lower bound 55

first 00
-5 -4
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
 options = fitoptions('gauss2') options.Lower = [0 -Inf 0 0 -Inf 0];x

Apr 12, 2010

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