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5 P’s of PCC Online Classes

Position yourself and your camera
in an appropriate place and setup
for your class. Make sure that your
space is not distracting or noisy. If
you have activities that need space,
be sure to make some room for
them. Remember to dress neatly
and properly since you are
attending a formal class.
5 P’s of PCC Online Classes
Technical Concerns

Your internet connection is very

important! Make sure that it is strong
or sufficient in your chosen space to
be able to participate effectively. If
you are using mobile data, make sure
that you have enough bandwidth to
last the whole class. Download the
necessary applications to be used for
online classes. Update the application
beforehand. #PCC-Manila
5 P’s of PCC Online Classes

In online classes you are

required to activate your camera
to make sure that you are
participating, so test your
camera. Use your gadget with
the best camera to ensure quality
on your end.

5 P’s of PCC Online Classes

It is important that you have

powerful speakers so that you can
listen to the discussion effectively.
It is advisable to use earphones or
headsets so that the discussion will
be clearer, but don’t put it in

5 P’s of PCC Online Classes

Ensure that your microphone

works because you will be required
to participate and give inputs of
your own during class, but
remember to mute your
microphone during the class unless
you are called to speak up.

5 P’s of PCC Online Classes
Join the class earlier than the
call time to avoid being tardy
in case of unexpected
circumstances. Make sure to
accomplish your routines
before attending the class to
avoid interruptions while the
class is on-going. Leave the
class as soon as the teacher
has given the go signal.
Attend to your#PCC-Manila
online tasks
5 P’s of PCC Online Classes
Focus on the discussion and
avoid doing other tasks that
may divert your attention.
You might miss out important
details. Pay attention to your
teacher and others while they
are speaking or performing.
Be mindful of the
instructional materials being
used and learn as much as
you should. #PCC-Manila
5 P’s of PCC Online Classes
Be active in class.
Practice your English
speaking skills and
critical thinking by
sharing your thoughts
during discussions. Reach
out to your teachers for
questions or clarifications.
They are here to help
5 P’s of PCC Online Classes
Never forget the person behind
the screen. Always keep your
camera on so that your classmates
and teacher can see you. Make
sure to mute your microphone if
someone else is talking and listen
attentively to the speaker. Apply
the rules on how to call the
teacher’s attention. Wait to be
acknowledged before talking. Use
the chat box responsibly!

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