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Mental Health Awareness And

Psychosocial Support
Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic

Prepared by: Demuel O. Montejo, RPm

Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

We are currently facing one of the worst pandemic in the history of mankind - the COVID 19. Nearly
all of us are, in some ways and at some point, struggled or have been struggling to cope with the stress
caused by this huge crisis. Protocols and safety standards have been implemented and constantly
updated and improved to ensure maximum protection yet these standards are only aimed to promote
safety in the level of our physiological or physical health.
As a result, we basically overlook the equally indispensable aspect of our lives; our mental health.
We have become intently focused on the avoidance of the virus to the expense of our mental health.
Unawareness and the lack of care for our mental health pose a significant threat to our over-all well-
being. Mental health issues and disorders have undoubtedly risen in statistics during this time of crisis.
We need not be a psychologist or mental health practitioner to effectively cope with this stressor. We
have the ability to be resilient and become our own mental health advocates.
Welcome to this timely module, Asmans! 
I faithfully hope that this will aid you an arsenal in this great battle. 
In ASMA, we care and support.
Stay safe and sane always.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 Video Presentation Entitled: Dying of Coronavirus: A Family's Painful Goodbye

| NYT News
 Process Questions:
1. What feelings/emotions were evoked from you upon watching the video?
2. If faced with similar situation, how would you deal with it?
3. How would you cope with such huge stressor?
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

Does the pandemic really affect our mental

Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 According to Salari, 2020, nervousness and anxiety in a society affect everyone
to a large extent. Recent evidence suggests that people who are kept in isolation and
quarantine experience significant levels of anxiety, anger, confusion, and
stress. At large, all of the studies that have examined the psychological disorders
during the COVID-19 pandemic have reported that the affected individuals show
several symptoms of mental trauma, such as emotional distress, depression ,
stress, mood swings, irritability, insomnia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
post-traumatic stress, and anger. Research has also shown that frequent media
exposure may cause distress. Nevertheless, in the current situation, it is challenging to
accurately predict the psychological and emotional consequences of COVID-19. Studies
conducted in China, the first country that was affected by this recent Virus spread,
show that people’s fear of the unknown nature of the Virus can lead to mental
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

What is mental health?

Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 According to the World
Health Organization, mental
health is “a state of well-
being in which every
individual realizes his or her
own potential, can cope with
the normal stresses of life,
can work productively and
fruitfully, and is able to
make a contribution to her or
his community.”
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

What is mental disorder?

Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

A mental disorder ,
also called a mental
illness or psychiatric disorder, is a
behavioral or mental pattern that
causes significant distress or
impairment of personal functioning.
Such features may be
persistent, relapsing and remitting,
or occur as a single episode. Many
disorders have been described, with
signs and symptoms that vary widely
between specific disorders. Such
disorders may be diagnosed by
a mental health professional.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

What could Marlou be suffering from the

situation presented below?
 Situation Analysis:
 Marlou was unable to report to online class for 2 weeks. When the guidance
counselor had the chance to video-chat with him, he described to have
feelings of hopelessness, anhedonia or loss of interest with playing ML, loss of
appetite, hypersomnia or excessive sleeping, and suicidal thoughts. During
the pandemic outbreak, he said he started to worry so much that he became
insomniac because he ruminated a lot about contracting the virus and
infecting his family members. He did not go out of his room since then.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 Marlou might be suffering from both anxiety and

depressive disorder. We say “might” because we cannot be certain. Unless a
board certified psychologist or psychiatrist will assess him, we cannot
conclude because we are not authorized to diagnose him. The role of the
guidance counselor is limited only to initial assessment, i.e., to listen and
take note of the striking anxiety and depressive disorder symptoms that
Marlou has. Then, make a recommendation/referral to the psychologist or
psychiatrist. The only difference between the two is, the former can
prescribe a medication while the latter cannot. But they are equally
competent in addressing or treating the mental health issues.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

What is stress? What are anxiety and

depressive disorders? What are their
symptoms? How does stress contribute to the
development of such disorders?
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment

or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and
emotional responses. Stress is a normal part of life. You can experience stress
from your environment, your body, and your thoughts. Even positive life
changes such as a promotion, a mortgage, or the birth of a child produce
 The human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. Stress can
be positive or what we call eustress, keeping us alert, motivated, and ready
to avoid danger. Stress becomes negative or what we call distress when a
person faces continuous challenges without relief or relaxation between
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 The theory behind it is our body's

immune system responds by
revving up when we’re
under stress. Our adrenal glands,
which are small organs above
your kidneys, respond
to stress by releasing hormones
like cortisol and adrenaline.
These hormones are part of our
"fight or flight" response. In
addition, we can also choose to
either face or freeze.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 Anxiety disorder
is a chronic condition
characterized by an excessive
and persistent sense of
apprehension, with physical
symptoms such as sweating,
palpitations, and feelings of
stress. Going back to our
example with Marlou, he
exhibited excessive sense of
apprehension or worry most
particularly with contracting
and infecting his family
members with the virus.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

Some examples of
anxiety disorders based
on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders (DSM) IV Text-
Revised. PD-Panic Disorder; GAD-
Generalized Anxiety Disorder; OCD-
Obssessive-Compulsive Disorder; SP-
Social Phobia; PTSD-Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 Video Presentation Entitled: Anxiety: What You Should Know [Especially

During Coronavirus Outbreak]
 Process Questions:
1. What symptoms of anxiety do you have this time of pandemic?
2. How do you cope with them?
3. What advice can you give to the people you know who are experiencing
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 Depression is a mood
disorder that causes a persistent
feeling of sadness and loss of
interest. Also called major
depressive disorder or clinical
depression, it affects how you feel,
think and behave and can lead to a
variety of emotional and physical
problems. You may have trouble
doing normal day-to-day activities,
and sometimes you may feel as if
life isn't worth living. In our
example with Marlou, he manifested
a lost of interest in playing with ML.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 Some examples
of depressive
disorders based on
Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSM) IV Text-Revised.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 Video Presentation Entitled: Anxiety: Why Depression Is So Common in

Younger Generations [Gen Z]
 Process Questions:
1. How do you cope with the feelings of sadness/depression in this time of
2. Do you agree with the impression that your generation is more depressed? Why
or why not?
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

What is resilience? What are its six domains?

Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

How does one become or stay resilient in the

midst of pandemic?
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

1. Build your connections

 Prioritize relationships. Connecting with empathetic
and understanding people can remind you that you’re
not alone in the midst of difficulties. Focus on finding
trustworthy and compassionate individuals who validate
your feelings, which will support the skill of resilience.
 The pain of traumatic events can lead some people to
isolate themselves, but it’s important to accept help
and support from those who care about you. Whether
you go on a weekly date night with your spouse or plan a
lunch out with a friend, try to prioritize genuinely
connecting with people who care about you.
 Join a group. Along with one-on-one relationships, some
people find that being active in civic groups, faith-based
communities, or other local organizations provides social
support and can help you reclaim hope. Research groups
in your area that could offer you support and a sense of
purpose or joy when you need it.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

2. Foster wellness
 Take care of your body. Self-care may be a popular
buzzword, but it’s also a legitimate practice for mental
health and building resilience. That’s because stress is just
as much physical as it is emotional. Promoting positive
lifestyle factors like proper nutrition, ample sleep,
hydration and regular exercise can strengthen your body to
adapt to stress and reduce the toll of emotions like anxiety
or depression.
 Practice mindfulness. Mindful journaling, yoga, and other
spiritual practices like prayer or meditation can also help
people build connections and restore hope, which can
prime them to deal with situations that require resilience.
When you journal, meditate, or pray, ruminate on positive
aspects of your life and recall the things you’re grateful
for, even during personal trials.
 Avoid negative outlets. It may be tempting to mask your
pain with alcohol, drugs or other substances, but that’s like
putting a bandage on a deep wound. Focus instead on
giving your body resources to manage stress, rather than
seeking to eliminate the feeling of stress altogether.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

Try these simple breathing exercises…
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

Try these simple breathing exercises…
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

3. Find purpose
 Help others. Whether you volunteer with a local crisis management
organization or simply support a friend in their own time of need,
you can garner a sense of purpose, foster self-worth, connect with
other people and tangibly help others, all of which can empower
you to grow in resilience.
 Be proactive. It’s helpful to acknowledge and accept your
emotions during hard times, but it’s also important to help you
foster self-discovery by asking yourself, “What can I do about a
problem in my life?” If the problems seem too big to tackle, break
them down into manageable pieces.
 Move toward your goals. Develop some realistic goals and do
something regularly — even if it seems like a small accomplishment
— that enables you to move toward the things you want to
accomplish. Instead of focusing on tasks that seem unachievable,
ask yourself, "What's one thing I know I can accomplish today that
helps me move in the direction I want to go?" For example, if
you’re struggling with the loss of a loved one and you want to move
forward, you could join a grief support group in your area.
 Look for opportunities for self-discovery. People often find that
they have grown in some respect as a result of a struggle. For
example, after a tragedy or hardship, people have reported better
relationships and a greater sense of strength, even while feeling
vulnerable. That can increase their sense of self-worth and
heighten their appreciation for life.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)
4. Embrace healthy thoughts
 Keep things in perspective. How you think can play a significant
part in how you feel — and how resilient you are when faced with
obstacles. Try to identify areas of irrational thinking, such as a
tendency to catastrophize difficulties or assume the world is out to
get you, and adopt a more balanced and realistic thinking pattern.
For instance, if you feel overwhelmed by a challenge, remind
yourself that what happened to you isn’t an indicator of how your
future will go, and that you’re not helpless. You may not be able
to change a highly stressful event, but you can change how you
interpret and respond to it.
 Accept change. Accept that change is a part of life. Certain goals
or ideals may no longer be attainable as a result of adverse
situations in your life. Accepting circumstances that cannot be
changed can help you focus on circumstances that you can alter.
 Maintain a hopeful outlook. It’s hard to be positive when life isn’t
going your way. An optimistic outlook empowers you to expect
that good things will happen to you. Try visualizing what you want,
rather than worrying about what you fear. Along the way, note any
subtle ways in which you start to feel better as you deal with
difficult situations.
 Learn from your past. By looking back at who or what was helpful
in previous times of distress, you may discover how you can
respond effectively to new difficult situations. Remind yourself of
where you’ve been able to find strength and ask yourself what
you’ve learned from those experiences.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 Video Presentation Entitled: 12 Life Skills for Resilience, amidst the Covid-19
 Process Questions:
1. What have been your coping skills during this pandemic?
2. Do you think you have been coping well? Why or why not?
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

Where should we seek psychosocial support?

Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 1. Family
 Open up or share to your family
your thoughts and emotions
about this pandemic during your
meal time. If a family member
is a front-liner or patient, you
may do it virtually by utilizing
video chat/conferencing
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

2. Teachers/Guidance Counselor
 The ASMA faculty and staff consists of the
most dedicated teachers and guidance
counselor who are quick at extending help
and support virtually. The school
Guidance Office shall administer
standardized self-report psychological
tests through GENYO e-Learning program
to gauge the students’ level of stress,
anxiety, depression, self-esteem,
resilience, and other important domains.
Virtual counseling sessions are also
scheduled accordingly for everybody most
particularly for those who are in greater
need of assistance.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 3. Mental Health Experts

 Appropriate referral to board
should she made my the
guidance services provider if
the situation warrants when
the student has suspected
mental disorder that needs
official diagnosis by such.
These professionals may most
likely employ telepsychology
or counseling via internet.
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

How should you reach or connect with your

psychosocial support providers?
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

1. ASMA School
 You may reach Mr.
Demuel O. Montejo RPm
through his FB account at
Dem Montejo:
2. Other Support Groups:
 Mental Health Hour Cebu
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

 USC Mental Health

Online Support for
covid-19 Crisis at
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)
 Resources:
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)
 Resources:
Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)

Mental Health Awareness And Psychosocial Support
(Peri-COVID 19 Pandemic)


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