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Managing Teams

Laura Riavitz, M.Sc.

Marine Scientist
Managing Teams
1. Managers lead the course
a. Sorting Team Expectations
b. Setting Team Goals
c. Delegating responsibilities
d. Motivating the team
2. Managers are motivators
a. The team development cycle
b. Coming back from setbacks
c. Relationship building within
3. Managers shape each person on their team
a. Manager as a motivator, coach, mentor and sponsor
4. Best Practices in Managing Teams
a. Managers as entrepreneurs
b. Communicating within the team
5. Managing different types of teams
a. Managing virtual teams
b. Managing culturally diverse teams
c. Managing difficult personalities
d. Managing cross-functional teams
Managers Lead The Course: Sorting Team Expectations

Set Expectations:
1. Interaction with you
2. Interactions within the team
3. Work Deliverables
What are the Behavioural Norms
4. Be on time
5. Information on progress
6. Being respectful
Managers Lead The Course: Setting Team Goals
1. Goal Setting Process
a. Brainstorm and discuss goals
b. Align goals to the organisation
c. Provide the bigger picture context
2. Select and Goal Setting Framework
a. SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable,

Relevant, Timespecific)

b. OKRs Goals (Objective and Key Results)

3. Make Goals visible
a. Whiteboard, online
4. Plan regular Check-Ins
a. Monthly, weekly, daily
5. Adjust Goals as necessary
Managers Lead The Course: Delegating Responsibilities

● What… ● Why…
○ ...tasks need to be completed? ○ this work important for the
● When… team?
○ the deadline? ○ ...does this task matter?
● Who…
○ the best fit for this particular
→ 4 Ws of
task? delegation
○ ...has the best skills for this?
○ ...could be trained for this task? Be patient, specific,
flexible, grateful
Managers Lead The Course: Unacceptable Behaviour

Difference between underperformance and unacceptable behaviour!

● Fraud
● Discrimination
● Theft
● Harassment
Managers are Motivators: 5 Stages of Group Development
Tuckman 2011
Managers are Motivators: The Team Development Cycle

● Forming
○ Introductory phase of engagement
○ Learning more of team members
○ → make a group charter: communication, conflict management,
decisions- making process, accountability
● Storming
○ Emerging of individual personalities
● Norming
○ Managed conflicts
○ Healthy debates and discussions
○ Collaboration toward goals
● Performing
○ Optimal output
● Adjourning
Managers are Motivators: Coming Back From Setbacks

● Addressing Setbacks: ● Reflect:

○ Reframe it for yourself and the team ○ What happened?
○ Think about the big picture ○ How or why did it happen?
○ Learn and grow as a team ○ What steps can be taken to avoid
this in the future

● Addressing Obstacles:
○ Make a decision
○ Regroup and reevaluate
○ Consider alternative strategies
○ Encourage participation
Managers are Motivators: Building Relationships

● Get to know each individual on a personal level

● Find one thing to connect on
● Notice things that make each individual unique

Maintain a healthy professional distance

Create opportunities for team building and socialicing

Managers Shape Each Person On Their Team

A coach talks to you

Provide developmental feedback → often unsolicited

A mentor talks with you

Provide guidance and council

A sponsor talks about you

Advocate on behalf of people

Managers as Entrepreneurs

● Learn about your Organization and Industry

○ Invest time outside of your domain
○ Connect your work to a brother system
○ Help build these connections for your team
● Create the Entrepreneurial Environment
○ Encourage out of the box thinking
○ Regularly organize brainstorming sessions
● Cultivate Entrepreneurial Spirit
○ What could be
○ What would you do differently
Communicating with and about the team

● Response Times ● Show a Positive Outlook

○ Set expectations ○ Your attitude affects everyone
○ Check with company policies ● Representing the Team
○ Highlight the team’s great work
○ Manage its impression
○ Position your entire team to
Managing Virtual Teams

● Create Opportunities to Connect Virtually

● Schedule a Time for Life Updates and Team Building
○ Virtual Happy Hour
○ Coffee Time
○ Icebreaker for Meetings
● Maintain a Pulse on External Activities
○ Establish clear deadlines
○ Plan for additional time and coordination

Empower your employees to give input on their best way

to track their work
Managing Culturally Diverse Teams

Create a Culture of Inclusion

● Types of Diversity:
○ Geographical
○ Political
○ Thinking styles
● Celebrate their Diversity
○ Life Experiences
○ Religions
○ Perspectives

Keep an open mind

Keep an open door policy
Encourage open dialogue
Managing Cross- functional Teams

● Share ownership
○ Allow anyone a sense of ownership in the team and product
○ Give teammates the opportunity to contribute ideas
● Give input on performance appraisals
○ Get involved in the process
● Encourage discussion around uncommon knowledge

Leverage the expertise of others

Managing Difficult Personalities

● Difficult Behaviour:
○ Acknowledge what’s happening
○ Deal with it discreetly
○ Record some notes for your own records
○ Empathize
○ Seperate the behaviour from the person
○ Show grace


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