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❏ Smart Parking System :

❖Requires less area,removing the driver

from the parking process.
❖Efficient, Clean and Maximizes available
space with Greater car safety.
❖Requires an area approximately 70%
smaller to park an equivalent number of
❖No need for driving lanes or ramps .
❖optimize parking space usage.
❖improve the efficiency of the parking
operations and help smoother traffic flow.
What triggered the startup idea !!

❏Traditional Parking System:

❖Separate parking spaces are created for

smooth entry and exit .
❖Requires a lot of space.
❖Searching for vacant space is stressful.
❖Traditional garages are operational round
the clock.
❖Increases organization
❏ The Aim of this project is to develop an automated CAR PARKING SYSTEM.
❏ The main purpose of this project is to develop a computer system which allows
the users to book for the parking and checking the availability of the parking within
that Area.
❏ A mobile application will be used by the users .
❏ Users will be able to supply the details such as, e-mail,Username,slot etc…
❏ After Booking the slot the users will get the confirmation code along with the
● The aim of this project is to create a prototype of a parking application,

● This system will be used by the university, mall and any parking area

● The main purpose of this project is to develop a system that will ease the
parking process around malls.

● The system will help control the parking slot availability and also allow
drivers to book for a parking slot before reaching the parking area.

● In this , car is placed in a multilevel rack so it reduce the space it takes.

● Two wheeler parking also will combined with this.

❖ The following points are the summaries of the objectives.
➢ To build a website that allows users to book for a parking system.
➢ To allow the administrator to have good control of the parking.
➢ To allow users to be aware of their parking status.
➢ The system provide more user friendly, affordable,efficient, and secure
➢ Guides the driver to find an parking space more easy and convenient by
using this system.
Problem Statement
❖ Smart Parking system is made up of interchangeable components and fully integrates
parking, guidance, payment and analytics as well as a host of other complementary services
and options.
❖ It enables parking administrators to define and manage parking spaces as well as enables
parking operators to authenticate users against their reservations when users enter the
parking area.
❖ One goal of Smart Parking is to reduce the time taken and the hassle factor of locating an
available parking place .
❖ Users access location and information they can request system services through mobile
applications and parking operators verify reservations whereas parking admins may manage
the parking area details via a web application.
❖ The smart parking application features use of cloud computing to improve user services.
❖ Smart parking systems typically obtains information about available parking spaces in a
particular geographic area and process is real time to place vehicles at available positions
❖ It involves using low-cost sensors , real time data collection , and mobile phone enabled
automated payment systems that allow people to reserve parking in advance or very
accurately predict where they will likely find a spot
Business Model Canvas :
Further processing
❏ We would like to conduct surveys based on what facilities should be included
in this system.
❏ This application allows the users to view if there are parking slots available in
their surroundings with the help of sensors and IOT.
❏ To build the application we will use the real time database both for parking
and booking so that it would be easy to handle.
❏ The users can book the slot timings and expires in limited period if not used.
❏ For all these we will collaborate with the parking companies and also local
Government in every place.
❏ The parking areas would be equipped with sensors which would send data to
database if the slot is available without the aid of human.

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