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What is a nerve impulse?

An electrical signal that passes along

nerve cells (neurones)
What is a voluntary action? (Higher/Supplement)

An action completed with conscious

thought and under our own will
What is an involuntary action?
What is an involuntary action? (Higher/Supplement)

An action completed without conscious

Name the neurone shown below

Sensory neurone
Name the neurone shown below

Relay neurone
Name the neurone shown below

Motor neurone
Stimulus detected by a receptor

Impulse passed along sensory neurone to relay neurones in

the CNS

Impulse passed along motor neurone to effector

Effector brings about the response

What is a reflex action?

A rapid response to a stimulus by an

effector (muscle or gland)
What is a synapse?

A junction between two neurones

- The impulse reaches the end of one neurone
- Vesicles release neurotransmitter into the synaptic gap
- The neurotransmitter diffuses across the gap and binds to
receptors in the membrane of the next neurone
- A new impulse is triggered in the next neurone
To ensure that impulses travel in one
direction only
What are sense organs?

Groups of cells that detect changes in

the environment
A pupil F choroid

B iris G sclera

C lens H optic nerve

D cornea I blind spot

E retina
What is the cornea and what is its function?

The transparent layer in front of the eye

that protects the eye from damage
What is the iris and what is its function?

The coloured ring around the pupil that

controls its diameter
What is the pupil and what is its function?

The pupil is the hole in the middle of the

iris that lets light into the eye
What is the optic nerve and what is its function?

The nerve coming out the back of the

eye that sends signals to the brain
What is the function of the lens?

The lens focuses the light rays onto the

State the response of the eye to bright light

The pupil decreases in diameter to let

less light in
The circular muscle contracts and the
relaxes muscle relaxes, making the pupil
State the response of the eye to a lack of light

The pupil increases in diameter to let

more light in
The radial muscle contracts and the
circular muscle relaxes, making the pupil
- The ciliary muscles loosen and the suspensory ligaments
- The lens becomes thinner
- Light is refracted less
- The ciliary muscles contract and the suspensory
ligaments loosen
- The lens becomes thicker
- Light is refracted more
Mostly more rods than cones in the eye
however in the fovea there are more
cones than rods
What is the fovea? (Higher/Supplement)

An area on the retina with lots of

photosensitive cells so it has the highest
visual acuity
What is the function of rods? (Higher/Supplement)

They function in low light intensities

What is the function of cones? (Higher/Supplement)

There are 3 different types of cone cells

that all help to detect colour
What is a hormone?

A chemical secreted by a gland into the

blood that brings about an affect on
one or more target organs
Where are the adrenal glands located?

Behind the kidneys

What hormone do the adrenal glands secrete?

Where is the pancreas located?

Behind the stomach

What hormone does the pancreas secrete?

What hormone do the testes secrete?

What hormone do the ovaries secrete?

What does insulin do in the body?

Insulin decreases blood glucose

When is adrenaline secreted?

During ‘fight or flight’ situations

- Widens pupils
- Increases heart rate
- Increases breathing rate
- During scary situations
- During stressful situations
- During exciting situations
- Travels in the blood to the heart
- Binds to receptors on the heart cells
- Binding causes a cascade that
increases the heart rate
How does adrenaline cause an increase in blood
glucose concentration? (Higher/Supplement)
- It travels in the blood to the liver
- It binds to receptors on the liver cells and causes
a cascade which causes glycogen to be broken
down into glucose which enters the blood
Nervous Hormonal
Fast to take effect Slow to take effect
Short lasting Long lasting
What does oestrogen do?

Oestrogen causes the uterus lining to

- Main male sex hormone
- Involved in growth of testes and penis
- Triggers many changes in males during
puberty (hair growth, deeper voice, increased
muscle mass)
They are examples of chemical control in
They are examples of chemical control in
- Auxin is made in the shoot tips of the plant and spreads
through the plant
- It is unequally distributed in response to light and/or
- It stimulates cell elongation and the growth of the shoot on
the side with most auxin
- The 2,4-D is very effective in entering the plant but it
cannot leave the plant and so it builds up and kills the
- It is very specific to weeds and broad leaved plants rather
than grasses and other similar vegetation
Define homeostasis

Maintaining a constant internal

Define homeostasis (Higher/Supplement)

Maintaining a constant internal

environment within set limits despite
external change
A negative feedback mechanism
Insulin decreases blood glucose
- Feeling very thirsty
- Feeling very tired
- Blurred vision
- Insulin injections
- Diet monitoring
- Pancreas transplant
A hair follicle E sweat duct

B erector muscle F blood capillaries

C sweat gland G nerve fibre

D sweat pore
Sweating - Cools the body by evaporation
Vasodilation - Allows blood to flow closer
to the surface of the skin where it can cool
- Vasoconstriction
- Shivering
- Erection of hairs on the skin
Describe the process of vasodilation
- The body detects a rise in
- Blood vessels supplying the capillaries at the
skin surface dilate (the muscles in the vessels
- More blood flows closer to the skin where it can
- The body detects a drop in temperature
- Blood vessels supplying the capillaries at the skin surface
constrict (the muscles in the vessels contract)
- Less blood flows closer to the skin surface so less heat is
lost to the surroundings

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