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Factor that cause over-exposure to the electromagnetic wave

Stainless steel / Plastic bags

travel mug Plastic storage - are unsanitary
- the chemical in -can cause a fire
-The heat will plastic could end -emit toxic fumes
be blocked up in your food
from warming
the liquid
-Microwave radiation can heat body tissue the same way it heats food.
Exposure to high levels of microwaves can cause a painful burn. Two areas of
the body, the eyes and the testes, are particularly vulnerable to RF heating
because there is relatively little blood flow in them to carry away excess heat

Potential harmful -The water molecules rotate rapidly in the microwave and in the food in high
effects to users due frequencies which creates molecular friction and heats up your food. This
to exposure to the causes the molecular structure in your food to change, and as a result diminishes
electromagnetic the nutrient content in the food

-When you head foods that are wrapped in plastic in the microwave, you can create
carcinogens in the food.The plastic containers used to heat these microwave meals
have been found to release the carcinogens along with other harmful toxins into your
food which is then absorbed by your body.
Steps to be taken to reduce exposure to the electromagnetic wave

Modern technology has made

our lives more efficient and
more comfortable. Laptops, We are radiated with 300 Where and when are we
tablets, cell phones, MHz to 300 GHz of in an area saturated with
computers, baby monitors, microwave radiation?
dimmer switches and many
EMFs each day of our
other devices have become lives, being exposed to It's quite simple to find
part of our daily life. way more microwave out. As long as we have
However, all the convenience radiation than our a signal on our cell
that occurs with electronic
ancestors were. phone, we are in such an
device usage comes with
harmful secondary effects that According to scientists area, being exposed to
can affect our health and the frequency of this microwave radiation.
overall well-being. This is
primarily due to
radiation keeps
electromagnetic radiation that increasing.
comes from these devices.

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