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Welcome To

Our Presentation
Presented By Group-4

“ Serial No
Members Name
Md Sagir Hossain
Suma Akter
17 AIS 005
17 AIS 014
03 Tanziun Omar Zinnat 17 AIS 021
04 Md Shahed Ali 17 AIS 024
05 Fatema Akter 17 AIS 035
06 Md Nazmul Hasan 17 AIS 038
07 Md Nirzhor Ali 17 AIS 044
08 Md Saidur Rahman 17 AIS 054
09 Md Rakibul Hasan 17 AIS 066
10 Sabbir Hossen Rana 16 AIS 032

C o u r se N a m e : R e s e a rc h M e t h o d o l o g y
C o u r se C o d e : A I S 4 2 0 5
P re s e n t e d B y : G ro u p 4
Presentation Topic:

“Questionnaire Design ”

Let’s start with the first set of slides

Area No Our Focus Areas Slide No
01 (a) Introduction 06-07
(b) Questionnaire quality and design: Basic considerations

02 What should be asked? (a) Questionnaire Relevancy 08-10

(b) Questionnaire Accuracy
03 Wording Questions: (a) Open-ended response vs Fixed-alternative questions 11-14
(b) Using open-ended response questions

04 Uses and types of fixed-alternative questions, Phrasing questions 15-17

05 Guidelines for constructing questions 18-19
06 What is the best question sequence? 20-22
07 What is the best layout? 23-25
08 Layout issues 26-32
09 Software that makes questionnaires interactive 33-34
10 (a) How much pretesting and revising are necessary? 35-36
(b) Designing questionnaires for global markets
“ I n t ro d u c t i o n
Each stage in the business research process is
important and interdependent. The research
questionnaire development stage is critically
important as the information provided is only as
good as the questions asked. Good questionnaire
design requires far more than correct grammar.

Questionnaire Quality and
Basic Considerations
A planned questionnaire design will be required to make several
decisions- typically but not necessarily, in the following order:
 What should be asked?
 How should question be phrased?
 In what sequence should the questions be arranged?
 What questionnaire layout will best serve the research
 How should questionnaire be pretested? Does the
questionnaire need to be revised?
What should be
asked in
o q u e s decisions
Certain t i o n n amade
i r eduring the early
stage of the research process will
influence the questionnaire design.
o The specific question to be asked will
be a function of previous decisions
made in the research process.

Questionnaire Relevancy
 A questionnaire relevancy addresses research questions to
help the decision makers to identify the current business
 Wrong question or irrelevant question is a common
 Irrelevant questions are more than a nuisance as they
make the survey needlessly long.
Example of Questionnaire Relevancy: A group of
students research why children are obese.

Questionnaire Accuracy
 Accuracy means that information is reliable and valid
and questionnaire should be simple, understandable,
unbiased, unambiguous and non-irritable.
 Question wording and subsequence also substantially
influence accuracy, which can be particularly
challenging when designing a survey for technical
Examples of Questionnaire Accuracy:
(a) Do you eat more when stressed out?
(b) How often do you exercise?
(c) How often do you eat fast food?

Wo r d i n g Q u e s t i o n s

There are many ways to phrase questions and many

standard question formats have been developed in
previous research studies. This section presents a
classification of question types and provides some
helpful guidelines for writing questions.

Open-Ended Response versus
Fixed-Alternative Questions
Open-ended response questions: Questions that pose
problem and ask respondents to answer in their own
words. If the question is asked in a personal interview,
the interviewer may probe for more information, as in
the following examples:
 What comes to mind when you look at this
 What names of local banks can you think of?
 How would you describe your supervisors
management style?

Fixed-alternative questions: Questions in which
respondents are given specific, limited-alternative
responses and asked to choose the one closest to their
own viewpoint.
For example:
(1) Did you use any commercial feed or supplement for
livestock or poultry in 2015?
Yes No
(2) Do you think Renewable Energy Partnership
program has affected your business?
Yes, for the better
Not especially
Yes, for the worse

Using Open-Ended Response Questions

 Most beneficial when the researcher’s conduct

exploratory research.
 More valuable at the beginning of an interview.
 Provides freedom to respondents to answer with
whatever is foremost in their minds.
 The cost of administering is higher than that of
fixed-alternative questions because of job editing,
coding and analyzing of extensive data.

Using fixed-alternative

“ questions
Fixed-alternative questions require less interviewer
skill, take less time, and easier for the respondent to
Ty p e s o f F i x e d - A l t e r n a t i v e
(a) Simple-dichotomy (dichotomous) question: A fixed
alternative question that requires the respondent to
choose one of the two alternative.

b) Determinant-choice question: A fixed alternative
question that requires the respondent to choose one
response from among multiple alternative.
c) The frequency-determination question: A fixed-
alternative question that asks for the an answer about
general frequency of occurrence.
d) Checklist question: A fixed alternative question that
allows the respondent to provide multiple answer to a
simple question by checking off items.

(e) Totally exhaustive: A category exists for every
respondent in among the fixed alternative categories.
(f) Mutually exclusive: No overlap exists among the
fixed alternative categories.

Phrasing questions for self-administered,

Telephone, and personal interview
surveys: The means of data collection -telephone
interview, personal interview, self-administered
questionnaire will influence the question format and
question phrasing.

Guidelines for Constructing
Developing good business research questionnaire is a
combination of art and science. Few hard and fast
rules exist in guiding the development of a
questionnaire. Fortunately, research experience has
yielded some guidelines that help prevent the most
common mistakes.

Here are some guidelines that help
prevent the most common mistakes
 Avoid Complexity: Use simple, conversational
 Avoid leading and loaded questions
 Avoid ambiguity: Be as specific as possible
 Avoid double-barreled items
 Avoid making assumptions
 Avoid burdensome questions that may tax the
respondent’s memory

What is the Best Question
 Order Bias
 Funnel Technique
 Filter Question
 Pivot Question

Order Bias: Bias caused by the influence of earlier

questions in a questionnaire or by an answer's position
in a set of answers.

Funnel Technique: Asking general questions before
specific questions in order to obtain unbiased responses.
Filter Question: A question that screens out respondents
who are not qualified to answer a second question.
Pivot Question: A filter question used to determine which
version of second question will be asked.

EXHIBIT 15.2 Flow of Questions to Determine the level of Prompting Required to Stimulate Recall

Where you watching television last night between 7 &10:00pm? No Tabulate and
When you were watching last night, did you see a commercial for
a brand of orange breakfast drink?
What brand? Tang
Not Tang Category
No Unaided recaller
What other Tang
Not Tang
Do you remember seeing a commercial last night for Tang? Classify
Yes Category prompt,
Aided recaller

Series of questions on details of the show’s dramatic content,ratings of

the shows quality and overall television viewing frequency; then: Classify
Do you recall a scene when Ben’s landlady went back to bed and Yes Commercial prompt,
watched television after he told her he would go to the housing authority Prompted recaller
as she wanted to increase his rent to repair the ceiling in his apartment?
Right after this, there was a commercial for Tang showing. Do you recall
seeing the commercial?

Seven questions regarding the content and per

suasiveness of the Tang commercial being tested
Classification questions on product usage, television viewing
habits, household characteristics etc; terminate interview 22
What is the best layout?
Good layout and physical attractiveness are crucial in
mail, internet and other self-administrated
questionnaires. A good layout in questionnaires
designed for personal and telephone interviews is also

Tr a d i t i o n a l Q u e s t i o n n a i r e s
Telephone questionnaire is one kind of traditional
questionnaire. The layout must be neat and organized
and the instructions for the interviewer be easy to follow.
The responses “It depends,” “Refused,” and “Don’t
know” are enclosed in a box to indicate that these
answers are acceptable but responses from the five-point
scale are preferred.

Internet Questionnaires
 Layout is an important issue for internet
 Questionnaires on Web site should be easy to use,
flow logically.
 Questionnaires must have clean look and motivate
respondent to cooperate from start to finish
 Web publishing software packages and Web survey
host sites are important source of data collection.
 Web based software generally adjust to a user’s
browser and make neat appearance.


The Paging
 Going from Screen to Screen
 Facilitates Skip Patterns
 Automatically Insert Relevant
The Scrolling
 Moved up or down
 Ability to read any portion of the
questionnaire at any time
 Absence of page boundaries can cause
 Category or section headings
Push Button:
In a dialog box on an Internet questionnaire, a
small outlined area, such as a rectangle or an
arrow, that the respondent clicks on to select
an option or perform a function, such as
Status Bar
In an Internet questionnaire, a visual
indicator that tells the respondent what
portion of the survey he or she has
Radio Button
In an Internet questionnaire, a circular
icon, resembling a button, that activates
one response choice and deactivates others
when a respondent clicks on it
Drop-down box, Open
In an Internet questionnaire, a space-
saving device that reveals responses
when they are needed but otherwise
hides them from view.
Pop-up Boxes

In an Internet questionnaire, boxes

where respondents can type in their
own answers to open-ended questions
Software that makes questionnaire

Computer code can be written to make Internet questionnaire

interactive and less prone to errors. Internet software allows
the branching off of questioning into two or more different
lines, depending on a particular respondent’s answer, and
the skipping or filtering of questions. Questionnaire-writing
software with skip and branching logic is readily available.

Variable piping software: Software that allows variables to
be inserted into an internet questionnaire as a respondent is
completing it.
Error Trapping: Using software to control the flow of an
internet questionnaire-for example, to prevent respondents
from backing up or failing to answer a question.
Forced answering software: Software that prevents
respondents from continuing with an internet questionnaire If
they fail to answer a question.
Interactive help desk: In an internet questionnaire, a live,
real-time support feature that solves problems or answers
questions respondents may encounter in completing the

How much pretesting and
revising are necessary?
 The pretesting process allows the researcher to
determine whether respondents have any difficulty
understanding the questionnaire and whether there are
any ambiguous or biased questions.
 Tabulating the results of a pretest helps determine
whether the questionnaire will meet the objectives of
the research.

Designing questionnaires for
global markets
Back translation is the process of taking a questionnaire
that has previously been translated from one language to
another and having it translated back again by a second,
independent translator.

Any Questions?

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