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Tips for Writing a

Personal Narrative Essay

Warming up
Just a Minute:
1) In one minute, the first student should tell a story about a problem
that the student have experienced.
2) Then, In one minute, the next students should complete the story
towards the end.
What you need to know about peer
It is a process of reading and commenting on each other’s written
work to improve our writing.

You should the following steps:

1) Compliment the writer. What are a few things that you liked
about the author’s writing?
What you need to know about peer
2) Refer to the checklist to make specific suggestions regarding the
a) Word choice
b) Use of details
c) Organization
d) Sentence length
What you need to know about peer
3) Identify corrections on the writing piece (editing):
Look for spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes.

You did a great job of …..
I would like you to…
Be kind with each other. Be honest
with each other.
Create wonderful writing!
Personal Narrative writing
Refer to your worksheet.
Let’s analyze the use of some personal narrative techniques :
Technique of introduction – use of dialogues – descriptive language – figurative language – sentence openers –
emotions - Technique of ending – varied length of sentences- one word expression.

A Surprising End

“ We need to get prepared for the Eid,” a mother of 5 children said to her husband, “ I need to go shopping
urgently.” Her husband gave her a good amount of money for purchasing 5 outfits for their five children. Thrilled
with the joy of the joy of the soon coming Eid , the wife dashed to get a taxi and headed to the nearest shopping
center . It was not an easy job. The roads were stuffed with cars and people were rushing everywhere. Moving
around with her restless and sometimes crying baby , the tired wife moved around trying to match shirts with
suitable pants and get the dresses that could match to the different favorite styles of her daughters. Finally, the job
was done. Waiting reluctantly in a long queue, the mother started to feel dizzy. At last, it was her turn to pay.
To her surprise, she couldn’t find her purse. Looking
everywhere, nothing was found. Stolen ! The purse had a lot of
important documents, health reports in addition to the money.
With great disappointment the mother apologized for the
cashier, “ Sorry ! it seems that my purse is stolen .Can you keep
these things aside till I come back and pay for them ?”. With
head held down, she had a taxi to go back home. To her
astonishment, she found her purse thrown on the taxi back
floor with all the documents and health reports. However,
there was no trace of the money. On seeing the scattered
document laid on the taxi floor, a spark of joy struck the lady
and started to collect all the documents. All were found.
“Thanks God!” It seems the thief who stole the purse had the
same taxi, took the money from the purse and left everything
behind,” she guessed. With a smile from ear to ear, the
content lady went back home . Much to her surprise, she
found the money on the dining table . Upon seeing the money,
she realized that she had forgotten to take the money with her.
What a surprise!
Read the text and find the following:
Task A Task B task c
6 different sentence 4 different sentence 3 different sentence
openers openers openers
3 quotations 2 quotations 1 quotation
2 Figurative language Figurative language Descriptive language
Descriptive language Descriptive language Exclamation
Exclamation Exclamation Interrogative
Interrogative Interrogative 3 different emotions
5 different emotions 4 different emotions

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