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Childhood Development and

Health promotion.
Submitted to: Mam Samina shoukat
Submitted by: Group 2
Rida Batool
Atika Noreen
Javaria Zafar
Noor Shoukat
Ayesha Ghaffar
1. Define what is chilhood development.
2. Define growth and development.
3. Discuss difference between growth and development.
4. Describe stages of development.
5. Describe areas of development.
6. Describe laws of growth and development.
7. Define health promotion.
8. Discuss programes for health promotion.
9. Discuss health promotion for developmental milestones.
10. Describe nurses roles in health promotion.
What is childhood development :
The study of a child from conception to age 18
is called Childhood development.
Child development can be defined as the
process by which a child changes over time. It
covers the whole period from conception to an
individual becoming a fully functioning adult.
Child development incorporates, physical
growth as well as intellectual, language,
emotional and social development.
Growth & Development :
It is the change in size resulting from increase in the number or size of cells
of the body.
It is therefore quantitative increase in the size of the body and can be
measured in terms of centimeters and kilograms.
It is the qualitative , functional maturation of the organ system.
It can be assessed in terms of acquisition of skills and ability to adapt to new
situation as the nervous system matures.
Difference between growth &
Stages of development:
Infancy- birth to 12 months
Toddler- 12 months to 3 years
Preschool- 3 years to 6 years
School Age- 6 years to 12 years
Adolescents- 13 years to 18 years
Areas of development:
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: –Includes muscle coordination and control,
growth in size and in proportion. Examples: a child rolling over, lifting its
head, or sitting up.
COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT: –The ability of the brain or mind to take
in and process information. Examples: a child recognizing their name, or
recognizing a parent, recognizing that when they shake a rattle it will make a
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: –A child learning and discovering the
expectations and rules for interacting with others. Examples: a child smiling
at mother, a child learning to share a toy with a friend.
EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: –The ability to recognize and understand
feelings and how to respond to them appropriately. Example: a child feeling
jealousy due to a new baby in the family, a child feeling love for another
person, a child being afraid of the dark.
MORAL DEVELOPMENT: –Identifying personal values. Examples: right
or wrong, behaving according to what others need or want, respecting
Laws of Growth and Development:
■ Growth proceeds from head to foot (cephalo=head, caudal=tail)--lift
head, pick up objects, walk to objects.
■ Growth proceeds from near to far (proximal-distal)-- from body trunk
outward, scoot body, wave arms, grab object, and pick up object.
■ Growth proceeds from the simple to the complex-- sleeping, being fed,
holding the bottle, feeding self.
■ Growth is continuous and orderly--both legs grow at the same time and
■ The tempo of growth is not even. Both the rate and pattern of growth can
be modified by conditions within and outside of the body. Each child
grows in his/her own unique way.
■ Growth is complex. All of its aspects are closely interrelated. Growth is
predictable since individual differences remain constant. Growth
proceeds from the general to the specific.
Every individual normally passes through each stage of development.
■ Each developmental phase has characteristic traits. Many forms of
problem behavior are normal due to the age in which they occur.
■ Most traits in development are correlated. Behavior is caused.
■ The impulse to use the capacity or power in an exaggerated way is
associated with the development of a capacity or power. Learning must
wait on maturation.
■ Whenever an act results in a feeling of satisfaction to an individual, the
act is likely to be repeated.
■ Children's concepts grow out of their experiences. Experimentation is an
important part of learning. The urge to grow is innate.
Health Promotion:
■ Health promotion is the process of empowering those in need to improve
their physical, mental, and social well-being. Health promotion
specialists are communicators and problem solvers who identify solutions
to advance the health and wellness of those in need.
■ Health promotion is an important component of nursing practice.
Health promotion as a “behavior motivated by the desire to increase
wellbeing and actualize human health potential” (Pender ,Murdaugh and
Parsons, 2006)
■ Health promotion is a process of enabling people to increase control over
the determinants of health and their by improve their health.
Programmes for Health promotion:
• Information dissemination.
• Health risk appraisal and wellness assessment.
• Lifestyle and behavioral change.
• Environmental control programs.
Health promotion for developmental milestones:
• Infant parent attachment/bonding • Breast feeding • Sleep patterns • Playful
activity to stimulate development • Immunization • Safety promotion and
injury control.
Health promotion topics.. • Nutrition • Dental checkup • Rest and exercise •
Immunizations • Safety promotion and injury control.
• Communicating with the teen • Hormonal changes • Nutrition • Exercise
and rest • Peer group influences • Self concept and body image • Sexuality •
Safety promotion and accidental prevention.• Adequate sleep • Appropriate
use of alcohol • Dental/oral health • Drug management • Exercise • Foot
health • Health screening • Hearing aid use • Safety precautions • Weight
control etc.
Nurses Role in Health Promotion:
1. Model healthy life style behaviors and attitudes. Facilitate client
involvement in the assessment , implementation and evaluation of health
2. Teach client health care strategies to enhance fitness improve
nutrition ,manage stress and enhance relationships.
3. Assist individuals, families and communities to increase their levels of
4. Educate client to be effective health care consumers .
5. Guide clients development in effective problem solving and decision
6. Reinforce clients personal and family health promoting behaviors.
7. Advocate in the community for changes that promote a healthy
Any Question…..
Thank You

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