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dr. Jauhar Firdaus

 (1) skeletal muscle
 (2) cardiac muscle
 (3) smooth muscle.
 Menghasilkan gerakan.
 Mempertahankan postur dan posisi
 Melindungi jaringan lunak
 Menjaga pintu masuk dan keluar
 Mempertahankan suhu tubuh
skeletal muscle
 Myosin + kepala
 Tropomyosin
 Actin
 Troponin I,T,C
 Pita I : terang, filamen actin
 Pita A : gelap, filamen
actin+myosin overlap
 Lempeng Z : melekat actin
 Sarkomer : antara 2 lempeng Z
 Zona H : filamen myosin
The Contraction Cycle
Neuro muscular junction
Excitation-Contraction Coupling
 The link between the generation of an action
potential in the sarcolemma and the start of a
muscle contraction
 Coupling occurs at the triads.
 Triggers the release of Ca2+ from the cisternae
of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
 Ca2+ concentration in and around the sarcomere
reaches 100 times resting levels
 The binding of Ca2+ to troponin exposes the
active sites along the thin filaments, initiating the
STEP 1: Active-site exposure
STEP 2: Cross-bridge
STEP 3: Pivoting
STEP 4: Cross-bridge
STEP 5: Myosin reactivation
 Action potential arrives at the NMJ
 Ca2+ concentrations in the sarcoplasm return to
normal resting levels. mechanisms :
 (1) active Ca2+ transport across the cell membrane
into the extracellular fluid
 (2) active Ca2+ transport into the SR.
 As Ca2+ concentrations in the sarcoplasm fall
 (1) calcium ions detach from troponin,
 (2) troponin returns to its original position, and
 (3) the active sites are covered by tropomyosin.
Rigor Mortis
 Kekakuan mayat
 Tidak ada ATP menyebabkan:
 Active Ca2+ transport
 Cross bridge detachment kepala miosin tidak
 When the muscle fiber is stimulated to
contract, only myosin heads within the
zone of overlap can bind to active sites
and produce tension
Besar tegangan otot ditentukan:
 Frekwensi rangsangan

 Banyaknya serat otot yang dirangsang

cardiac muscle
 Intercalated disc
 sinsitium
Gambaran Potensial Aksi
 Depolarisasi : Pembukan channel Na
 Repolarisasi awal : Penutupan channel Na
 Plateau : Pembukaan channel
Ca yg lebih lambat tapi lebih lama
 Repolarisasi akhir : Penutupan channel Ca
dan efluks K
 Hiperpolarisasi : tidak terjadi
smooth muscle

Multi unit smooth muscle
 Unit individual= Pot aksi = kontraksi
 Tidak terjadi sinsitium
 Rangsangan : sinyal saraf
 Contoh : m cilliaris mata, otot
reproduksi pria, dinding arteri besar, m
errectorpili kulit
Visceral smooth muscle
 Serat otot bersatu, ada gap junction
 Sinsitium
 Rangsangan : regangan
 Contoh : otot dinding usus, uterus
Mekanisme kontraksi otot polos
 Ach berikatan dg reseptor muskarinik
 Peningkatan influks Ca dari CES
 Ca berikatan dg calmodulin yg mengaktifasi
enzim myosin light chain kinase, yg
memecah ATP dan menginisiasi kontraksi
 Defosforilasi myosin oleh myosin fosfatase
 Relaksasi
Property Skeletal Muscle Fiber Cardiac Muscle Cell Smooth Muscle Cell
(diameter x
length) 100 µm x up to 30 cm 10-20 µm x 50-100 µm 5-10 µm x 30-200 µm
Generally single,
Nuclei Multiple, near sarcolemma centrally located Single, centrally located
Filament In sarcomeres along Scattered throughout
organization In sarcomeres along myofibrils myofibrils sarcoplasm
Dispersed throughout
Terminal cisternae in triads at zones SR tubules contact T sarcoplasm, no T
SR of overlap tubules at Z lines tubules
(pacesetter cells),
Control Neural, at single neuromuscular Automaticity (pacemaker neural or hormonal
mechanism junction cells) control
From extracellular fluid
Ca2+ source Release from SR and release from SR Extracellular fluid
Slower onset, cannot be Slow onset, may be
Rapid onset, may be tetanized, tetanized, resistant to tetanized, resistant to
Contraction rapid fatigue fatigue fatigue
Aerobic metabolism at moderate Aerobic metabolism,
levels of activity; glycolysis usually lipid or Primarily aerobic
Energy source (anaerobic) during peak activity carbohydrate substrates metabolism

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