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SHS Work

Immersion Program
One of the goals of the K12 Basic
Education Program is to develop in learners
the competencies, work ethic, and values
relevant to pursuing further education and/or
joining the world of work. To achieve greater
congruence between basic education and the
nation’s development targets, Work Immersion
has been incorporated into the curriculum.
This subject will provide learners with
1. to become familiar with the workplace;
2. for employment simulation; and
3. to apply their competencies in areas of
specialization/applied subjects in
authentic work environment.
Work immersion will help develop
among the learners life and career skills, and
will prepare them to make decisions on post
secondary education or employment. It aims
to make the learners
1. appreciate the importance and application
of the principles
2. enhance their technical knowledge and
3. enrich their skills in communications and
human relations; and
4. develop good work habits, attitudes,
appreciation and respect for work
Duties and responsibilities of the
S/he shall:
a. attend Pre and Post Immersion Activities
b. report to the Work Immersion Partner Institution
Supervisor during actual immersion
c. perform the duties and tasks as indicated in the prescribed
template for work immersion list of tasks/activities; and
d. prepare the documentations and reports required in the
curriculum and by the Partner institution
a. The Work Immersion teacher and the
Work Immersion Partner institution
supervisor will jointly assess the learner’s
performance following Deped Order No.8
s. 2015 Policy Guidelines on Classroom
Assessment for the K12 Basic Education
Grading System
Written work – 35%
(Work immersion portfolio, Classroom
discussion narratives)
Performance Task – 40%
(Classroom performance, Actual work immersion
Quarterly Assessment – 25%
Before we immerse into the workplace, we
need to understand first the immersion
process, proper work ethics, workplace
safety, confidentiality, and teamwork skills.
Moreover, we need to hone our skills in
writing a resume, filling of application
forms, and complying requirements.
Learner’s Activity
1. Attends the pre-immersion
2. Prepares and secures the following:
a. Resume
b. Essay on how to conduct oneself
inside the company establishment
Learner’s Activity
c. Application Letter
d. Clearance documents such as
1. medical certificate
2. barangay clearance
3. police clearance
4. mayor’s clearance(if applicable)
e. Job interview skills training
Activity No. 1
Work is on your way. Are you
prepared to work? Do you have the
potential, character, talents and skills to
take up the vigor of being a worker?
What should you possess to become a
good worker? How will you prepare
yourself for the world of work? (Essay)
Work ethics
 The work ethics is a cultural norm that
advocates being personally accountable and
responsible for the work that one does and is
based on a belief that work has intrinsic value.
The term is often applied to characteristics of
people, both at work and at play.
 Work ethics is usually associated with people
who work hard and do a good job (Center for
Career Guidance)
Considerations toward better Work ethics

Attendance and punctuality have a
large impact on individual and team
success. Tardiness or absenteeism can
also profoundly impact job performance
and retention.
Considerations toward better Work ethics

Attendance and punctuality have a
large impact on individual and team
success. Tardiness or absenteeism can
also profoundly impact job performance
and retention.
Considerations toward better Work ethics

2. Character
An employer expects employees to work
together toward achieving the objectives of
the company. The wise employee who is
intersted in having a good relationship
with an employer will try to help the
employer achieve success. Thus
Considerations toward better Work ethics

2. Character
An employer expects employees to
work together toward achieving the
objectives of the company. The wise
employee who is intersted in having a
good relationship with an employer will
try to help the employer achieve success.
Considerations toward better Work ethics

2. Character
Thus, employer expects employees to
develop certain desirable traits that
will help them to perform their jobs
well so that the company can succeed.
Considerations toward better Work ethics

2. Character (Important Traits)

• loyalty
• honesty
• trustworthiness
• reliability
• initiative
•Self-discipline and self-responsibility
Considerations toward better Work ethics

3. Teamwork
It is vital that employees work as a
team. It is important not only to their
personal success and advancement, but
also to that of their co-workers and to
the company.
Considerations toward better Work ethics
3. Teamwork
Teamwork involves the following aspects
• Respecting the rights of others
• Being a team worker
• Being assertive
• Displaying a customer-service attitude
• Seeking opportunities for continuous learning
• Demonstrating mannerly behavior
•Respecting confidentiality
Considerations toward better Work ethics

4. Personality and Good Grooming

If you dress as a professional,
your impression to your employer
will be great.
Considerations toward better Work ethics

5. Attitude
It is very important to
demonstrate a positive attitude,
appear self confident and have
realistic expectations for self
Considerations toward better Work ethics

6. Productivity
In order to be productive, a
person must follow safety
procedures, conserve materials,
keep the work area neat and clean
and follow directions properly.
Considerations toward better Work ethics

7. Organizational Skills
Employers consider effective time
management and organizational
skills as good work habits.
Considerations toward better Work ethics

8. Communication
•is how we interact with each other.
Communication whether it is verbal
or nonverbal must be clear,
empathetic, and one must keep in
mind that we must always treat others
as we would like others to treat us.
Considerations toward better Work ethics

9. Cooperation
• involves developing good working
relationships, following the chain
of command, good at conflict
management, and being a good
problem solver.
Considerations toward better Work ethics

10. Respect
Every working relationship
from the top to the bottom of the
chain of command is based on
respect. Respect your subordinates
as you do your superiors.
Activity No. 2 Do’s and don’ts in the
Do’s Don’ts
1. 1.
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
8. 8
9. 9
10. 10
Confidentiality in the Workplace

 Confidentiality: the quality or state of

being private or confidential (Merriam-
Webster Dictionary)
 Confidential workplace information can
generally be broken down into three
categories : employee information,
management information, business
Conflict Resolution and Team Work

 Four key conflict resolution skills

1. Quickly relieve stress
2. Recognize and manage your emotions
3. Improve your nonverbal communication
4. Use humor and play o deal with
Conflict Resolution and Team Work

 Four key conflict resolution skills

1. Quickly relieve stress
2. Recognize and manage your emotions
3. Improve your nonverbal communication
4. Use humor and play o deal with
Conflict Resolution and Team Work

 Tips for managing and resolving

1. Make the relationship your priority.
2. Focus on the present.
3. Be willing to forgive.
4. Know when to let something go
5. Learn how to listen
Activity No. 3 Situational Analysis

Confidentiality in the Workplace

Suppose you work in a police station or a
law firm and signed a confidentiality
agreement regarding all their cases at hand,
suddenly your friend who was a suspect to a
crime asked you for some documents that
are in your office that may help him in his
case. How would you deal with the situation?
Activity No. 4

• Application Letter Writing

Activity No. 5

• Resume Writing
Secure the following requirements on
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020
 Barangay clearance
 Police clearance
 Medical certificate
Activity No. 6
Give the process and fees required for a barangay
clearance. Attach also your barangay clearance.
1. Steps in securing barangay clearance
2. Attach barangay clearance
Activity No. 7 (Police Clearance)

Activity No. 8 (Medical certificate)

Note: Use the template on Activity #6 for Activities 7-9.

Submit the following documents:
2.Consent Form
3.Barangay clearance
4.Police Clearance
5. Medical certificate
Immersion Attire:
Male: White long sleeves, black slacks,
black shoes, black socks

Female: White blouse (long sleeves),

black skirt, black heeled-shoes, stockings

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