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​Prokaryotes have a simple
cell structure without
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Outline the major differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Every cell is either a prokaryotic or a
eukaryotic cell. There are many
differences between the two cell

Bacteria and archaea are

prokaryotes. All other life, including
plants, animals, fungi, and protist
are eukaryotes.
Sin orgánulos unidos a la Orgánulos contenidos por membrana
membrana Ribosomas
División por fisión binaria, mitosis
División por fisión binaria
ADN o meiosis
pared celular con celulosa (plantas)
Pared celular con peptidoglicano Membrana celular de quitina (hongo)
ADN en nucleoide(sin membrana ADN en núcleo (con membrana
nuclear) nuclear)
Flagelo se mueve lateralmente
Flagelo rota
El ADN es lineal y está asociado
El ADN es circular y desnudo con proteínas histonas.

70s ribosomas Ribosomas 80s

Puede tener plasmidos Sin plasmidos

unicellular Unicelulares o pluricelulares

● Cell (plasma) membrane: responsible for regulating what
List the functions of the following materials move into and out of the cell
structures of a prokaryotic cell: ● Nucleoid: DNA with ends that come together to form a circle
and is NOT wrapped around proteins (termed “naked”)

● Cytoplasm (cytosol): gel-like fluid substance (mostly water

with many dissolved molecules), site of metabolic reactions

● Ribosome: build proteins during translation

● Plasmid*: extra piece(s) of small, circular DNA that can be

shared between bacteria, often contain genes for antibiotic

● Cell wall*: provides shape and allows the cell to withstand

turgor pressure without bursting

● Pili*: enable the cell attach to surfaces, swap DNA with other
cells and may be used to harpoon DNA in the environment

● Capsule*: helps the cell keep from dehydrating and adhere to


● Flagellum*: Long extensions used in cell locomotion

You’ll need to draw prokaryotic cells too (1.2.S1)

* Structure is found in SOME but not ALL prokaryotic cells.

Define “extracellular.”

» Extracellular means
outside of the cell.
» Any structure outside of
the cell membrane is
considered extracellular
⋄ Cell wall
⋄ Pili
⋄ Capsule
⋄ Flagellum

PC: Ali Zifan

Contrast the size of eukaryotic and prokaryotic ribosomes.
» In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes,
○ catalyzes the synthesis of proteins during translation
○ are composed of two subunits that come together to form
a functioning structure.
Both subunits contain dozens of proteins arranged on a scaffold
composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA).

» Prokaryotes have a smaller (70s) ribosomes.

» Eukaryotes have a larger (80s) ribosomes.
The s stands for “Svedberg unit,” a measure of particle sedimentation rate.
It is because of the differences in ribosome structure that some antibiotics are able
to kill prokaryotic cells without affecting eukaryotic cells (6.3.U7).

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