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Unit 6A: A busy

- vocabulary: commitments
- Grammar: future forms
- Listening: a weekend away
- Speaking: talk about your future plans / intentions
Vocabulary: commitments (audio 15)
• A birthday party: tiệc sinh nhật
• A blind date: a social engagement or date with a person one has
not previously met.
• A business meeting: cuộc họp kinh doanh
• A conference call: cuộc gọi hội nghị
• A doctor’s appointment: cuộc hẹn với bác sĩ
• A job interview: buổi phỏng vấn xin việc
• Soccer practice: buổi tập luyện bóng đá
• A violin lesson: buổi học / bài học đàn vĩ cầm
What is George’s plan for the weekend?
George’ s plan for the weekend (audio 16)
• A. are you doing
• B. am taking – is going – leaves
• A: Are you doing
• B: have
Audio 18
• 1. False (nothing special)
• 2. True
• 3. False (grandmother)
• 4. False (on Saturday afternoon)
• 5. True
• 6. False (doctor’s appointment)
• Describe a future plan. You should say
• - what the plan is
- when you thought of the plan
- who is involved in the plan
- and say how you think you will achieve the plan.

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