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Nutrition Tools – Standards

and Guidelines

Chapter 2

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Nutrient Recommendations
 Standards for healthy people’s energy and
nutrient intakes
 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)
 Set values

 Vitamins & minerals

 Carbohydrates

 Lipids & Proteins

 Daily Values – Food Labels

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Nutrient Recommendations
 DRI Values
 Recommended Dietary Allowances - RDA
 Goal for vitamin & minerals
 Adequate Intakes - AI
 Goal for vitamin & minerals
 Tolerable Upper Intake Levels – safety - UL
 Estimated Average Requirements - EAR
 Average vitamin & mineral / population
 Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution
Ranges – energy-yielding nutrients - AMDR

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Nutrient Recommendations
 RDA and AI – Recommended nutrient intakes for vitamins
& minerals
 RDA – meet needs of almost all healthy people – 97-

98% healthy population

 Experimental evidence

 Highly researched

 AI – Vitamins and minerals

 Scientific evidence & educated guess

 Insufficient evidence to generate RDA

 Educated Guess

 AI for sodium 1500 mg

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Nutrient Recommendations
 EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) – Nutrition
research and policy
 Assess nutrient intake of populations – 50%

healthy population HALF

 Used to make general recommendation

 Population – Groups of different people

 UL – Safety – Vitamins and Minerals

 Supplement use

 Prevent toxicity

 Too much

 UL for sodium 2300

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

The Naïve View Versus the Accurate
View of Optimal Nutrient Intakes

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Nutrient Recommendations
 AMDR – Calorie percentage ranges
 Intake ranges for energy-yielding nutrients

 Carbohydrates, protein, and fat

 Expressed as Percentage of Total Calories

 Carbohydrate: 45-65 %

 Fat: 20-35 %

 Protein 10-35 %

 On every test

 More overweight (20) than there is lean

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney
Understanding the DRI Intake
 DRI helps to evaluate:
 Differences between individuals
 Men, women, different ages

 Adequate intake over time – Not daily

 100% of DRI recommended intake

 DRI are designed for healthy people

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Daily Values
 DV - Found on Food Labels
 Apply to the “average” person
 Based on consuming a 2,000 calorie diet

 Allow for comparisons among foods

 Not nutrient intake goals for individuals

Bottom of food label is identical on all labels –

stands as a reminder of the DV

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Dietary Guidelines for Americans
 Dietary Guidelines
(established every 5 years)
 Science-based advice
 Promote health

 Reduce risk of major

chronic disease
 Maintain healthy body

 Apply to most people Age 2
and older

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Dietary Guidelines for Americans
 Dietary Guidelines Evaluate 4 Topic Areas
 Balance calories to manage weight

 Increase Intakes of certain nutrient-dense

 Reduce Intakes of certain foods and food

 Healthy Eating Pattern

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Dietary Guidelines 2015
 USDA & DHHS develop new dietary guidelines
every 5 years
 Set of objectives to improve overall health
 Changes with 2015 guidelines
 Limit added sugar to <10% of calories

 No longer restrict cholesterol (eggs)

 Discussing intake of coffee as a benefit

 Not focusing on total fat intake


Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Choosing Nutrient-Dense Foods

 Nutrient Density
 Vegetables are the most nutrient dense – most
nutrients / gm
 Energy Density
 Fat is the most energy dense –
 Calories / gm

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

MyPlate Educational Tool
 Online educational tool

 Guides users through diet planning

 Flexibility of the USDA Food Patterns
 Mixed dishes

 National and cultural foods

 Vegetarians

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

A Note About Exchange Systems
 Exchange System
 Used with diabetics
 Discusses food servings

from groups
 Foundation of many weight
loss plans
 Used for calorie control

by discussing food

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Controlling Portion Sizes at
Home and Away
 Portion Sizes
 Difficult to judge
 U.S. trend
 Larger portion sizes
 More fat and sugar
 Tips on weights and
 Dining out trends

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

A Shift Toward Colossal Cuisine

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Checking Out Food Labels
 Iron and calcium on the new (stayed)
 Vitamin D and Calcium replace Vitamin A
and C (replaced)

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Current Nutrition Facts Panel
 Need for Nutrition Facts Panel - DV
 Serving Size
 Common measures allow for comparison
 Servings per container
 Calories/calories from fat
 Nutrient amounts and percentages of DVs
 Total fat, cholesterol, sodium, total
carbohydrate, protein

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Current Nutrition Facts Panel
 Need for Nutrition Facts Panel - DV
 Vitamins and minerals- listed on all labels
 Current Nutrients - Vitamin A, vitamin C,
calcium, and iron
 Future Nutrients – Potassium, Iron, Calcium,
& Vitamin D

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

More About Percentages of Daily
 Daily Values assists in:
 Comparing foods

 Ingredients found in product and amount

 Listed in order of predominance by weight

 Descending by weight (first item listed is the

item that is most in the product)

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

What Food Labels May Include
 Nutrient Claims
 Food must meet specified criteria

 Examples

 “Good source” of a nutrient

 “High” in a nutrient

 FDA … A through D list

 D = barely squeezing by

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

3 – 5 Test Questions from Claim Information

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney
Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney
Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney
Reliable Health Claims on Labels

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

 Phytochemicals – Non-nutrient components of
plants (Fruits & Vegetables)
 Identified by their COLOR
 Emerging as potential regulators of health
 Antioxidants

 Regulate protein synthesis

 Mimic hormones

 Alter blood chemistry

 Bitter Taste

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

 Blueberries
 Flavonoids

 Chocolate
 Flavonoids & antioxidants

 Flaxseed
 Lignans & phytoestrogens

 Garlic
 Antioxidant organosulfur compounds

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

 Soybeans and soy products
 Chronic diseases
 Downsides - Estrogen
 Tomatoes
 Antioxidant Lycopene Red
 Tea
 Grapes and wine
 Yogurt

Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 13th edition, Sizer & Whitney

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