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SUBJECT: English I


“ Glossary based on
Engineering terms.” Terms you
should know
Edwin I. Flores Aguirre
Docente: Dra. Rosa Luz Vallejos Trauco

In this opportunity I am going to present my glossary work

referring to my career in the English I course.
This glossary helps us better understand the technical terms used in
the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering career, providing
definitions in English and Spanish to strengthen our knowledge and
understand the terms used by professionals in this branch of
engineering. The objective of this work is to help the reader to use
and understand the technical terms used in Mechanics and
Electrical, so that he can function in everyday situations and in his
Radiator n n
Definition: Device, usually containsCita water or
some coolant substance, part of the cooling or
An agreement for a meeting arranged in advance.

Example: The radiator of that car is broken;

therefore, it does not fulfill its function of cooling
engine. We made an appointment to meet again.

Turbine n n
Definition: Type of machine that uses aCita fluid that
can be water, steam or air to generate movement
and convert
Definition: it into energy.
An agreement for a meeting arranged in advance.

Example: Steam turbines in boilers use water

vapor to generate electrical energy.
. Example: We made an appointment to meet again.

Weld n n
Definition: Action of joining two or more
Citaparts of
a material.
Definition: An agreement for a meeting arranged in advance.
Example: You must use the correct electrodes to
weld the steels.
Example: We made an appointment to meet again.

Appointment n



Definition: An agreement for a meeting arranged in advance.

 This glossary of terms of reference for the

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering career will
allow people who have access to this material to
Example: We made an appointment to meet again.
know the meaning of the aforementioned terms.
 This glossary includes words related to the
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering career.
 The terms developed in this work will provide
knowledge to professionals who are in training for the
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering career or
related careers.


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