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In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Dear Almighty God
We praise and thank You for being so good and kind to us
We praise and thank You for making our burdens, light
We praise and thank You for always lighting our path
Guide us, Oh Lord how to be morally upright
In this situation full of fake news and misinformation,
Help us to stand for the truth even the pressures are strong
Sustain us, so that we may remain firm
Amidst problems and trials, that often confronts us

Help us to be a responsible persons

Always willing to help anyone who needs care and attention
A humble and a selfless heart grant us, Oh God
So we may serve You and our neighbours with all our heart. Amen

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Chapter 2 :
Carrying out Christian Social
Being part of the Church
• Within the Church there are different
ways of responding to the call for social

• Being part of the Church, we turn to

ourselves now and ask specific things we
can to contribute to social development.
Jesus’ teaching about Social responsibility
Read Luke 16: 19-31
“There was a rich man[a] who dressed in purple garments and fine
linen and dined sumptuously each day. 20 And lying at his door was a
poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, 21 who would gladly
have eaten his fill of the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table.
Dogs even used to come and lick his sores. 22 When the poor man
died, he was carried away by angels to the bosom of Abraham. The
rich man also died and was buried, 
and from the netherworld,[b] where he was in
torment, he raised his eyes and saw Abraham far off
and Lazarus at his side. 24 And he cried out, ‘Father
Abraham, have pity on me. Send Lazarus to dip the
tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am
suffering torment in these flames.’ 
Abraham replied, ‘My child, remember that you

received what was good during your lifetime while

Lazarus likewise received what was bad; but now he
is comforted here, whereas you are
tormented. 26 Moreover, between us and you a great
chasm is established to prevent anyone from
crossing who might wish to go from our side to
yours or from your side to ours.’ 
He said, ‘Then I beg you, father, send him to

my father’s house, 28 for I have five brothers, so

that he may warn them, lest they too come to
this place of torment.’ 29 But Abraham replied,
‘They have Moses and the prophets.
Let them listen to them.’ 
He said, ‘Oh no, father Abraham, but if
30 [c]

someone from the dead goes to them, they

will repent.’ 31 Then Abraham said, ‘If they
will not listen to Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded if someone
should rise from the dead.’”
A. Alertness to the suffering of others

“I confess to Almighty God and to you my

brothers and sisters that I have greatly
sinned in my thoughts and in my words in
what I have done and in what I have failed
to do….
A. Alertness to the suffering of others

He failed to do:
• To help the poor man Lazarus
• Jesus stresses the urgent need of
awareness and concern for the
suffering of others.
B. Responding according to one’s means and capabilities

• We cannot give what we do not have

• Jesus tells us, we help according to what is given to us:
Our talents, time, resources, etc.
Question: Can you pass a law in congress? Can you build a
school for street children?
(Time, Talent, resources)
Can you tutor other students? Write a letter to Government
officials? Can you keep your environment clean?
• Keep in mind:
“We are called by God where we are
presently at.”
C. Listening to the Prophets
Jesus was telling us to:
1. Listen to the Word of God
2. Believe in the Word of God
3. Obey the Word of God (Take action)
Word of God calls us to love.
“If God’s word does not move us to love neither any miracle.”
Faith is a free choice, and social responsibility is very essential part
of it”
C. Listening to the Prophets
To listen means:
1. To pay attention
2. To reflect on
3. To carry out the message of Jesus (Love like Jesus, Live
like Jesus
• Love Like Jesus
• Fully
• Freely
• Unconditionally
• (The best time to love a person is when he
least deserve it.)
• Live Like Jesus
• Jesus live with integrity (words and deeds)
• Jesus lives in constant prayer
 To remember Jesus is to invoke him to be present again in our lives
 The society in which Jesus grew up was quite similar to the kind of society we have nowadays.
Injustice, discrimination, and oppression permeate all areas of our social life
 Jesus confronted the social evils of his time by going to the root cause of them,
which is human sinfulness-
1. pride (Arrogant),
2. indifference (Apathy) and
3. selfishness (Avarice). 3As
 Jesus sought the
conversion of human heart
that had led to acts of social and structural injustices
 Jesus offered salvation that is holistic:
1. personal and social,
2. spiritual and physical.
Love is to seek the good of
the one you love without
expecting in return.
Obey- Ob audiere (Audio)
Value- mahALAGA
(Mahal + alaga)
 The Church is a community of believers whom Jesus entrusted with the salvific mission (Co-missionaries)
(Threefold Mission of Christ) these are our mission too
1. Prophetic (Truth) Who is the Truth-Jesus (John 14:6,)
2. Priestly (Pray) The way you live could the way you pray.
3. Kingly (Serve) = non condition, not expecting anything in return, humble service
 The Church is both human and divine. It is the sacrament of Christ that makes present Jesus’ mission today,
using its human and divine means and resources
 two approaches in carrying out Mission: Works of Charity and Social action
 The Rich Man and Lazarus shows us how to exercise our Social responsibility
 Jesus tells us (Carry out Social Responsibility) Christian Social Responsibility
1. to be alert to the suffering of others,
2. consider our gifts and present circumstance,
3. to and believe in the Word of God in the Scriptures and the Church teaching.
Models of Charity and Social Action

1. Look for modern day Church people or institutions

who serve as models of charity and social actions.
2. What specific things do they do to serve God’s
3. As a college student what do you think are the
things you can do to help bring about social
change? Give specific examples.

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