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1. Describe the end behavior of the function. Be specific!

End behavior is determined by the degree and the sign of the leading coef -
ficient. In this polynomial, we can guess that the degree is 4, and the lead-
ing coefficient is positive. As x approaches negative infinity, the Y values in-
crease (approaching positive infinity). As x approaches positive infinity,
Y values increase (approaching positive infinity).
f(x) → + ∞, as x → - ∞
f(x) → + ∞, as x → + ∞

2. What is the power of the function? What would the sign of the leading
term be for this function?
The power of this function is 4 (degree 4), and the sign of the leading term
is positive (+). That is why this function has three turns and a w-shape.

3. What are the zero(s) of the function. Describe the nature of each zero in
terms of multiplicity. Be specific and justify your answers!
Zeros are where the graph touches or crosses an x-axis. So the zeros of this
5. Write an equation of the polynomial function function are -2, -1(multiplicity 2), and 1. At first, we factor this polynomial
displayed above. Use what you have identified to function. If the multiplicity is even, the graph touches the x-axis, and if the
construct a polynomial function. You can write multiplicity is odd, the graph crosses the x-axis. In this graph, when x=-2
your equation in factored form. and x=1, the graph crosses the x-axis, and when x=-1, the graph touches the
x-axis. The zeros of this function are x=-2, x=-1 and x=1.

When we put x=0, we can get the y value is -2. 4. What is the y-intercept? Write your answer as a point.
(y-intercept) The y-intercept is the point where the graph intersects the y-axis. (0,-2)

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