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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Calculus 3

Topic: Limits of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. compute the limits of exponential and logarithmic functions using table of values.
b. describe the limits of exponential and logarithmic functions;
c. illustrate the limits of exponential and logarithmic functions;
d. show sportsmanship in participating group work.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Limits of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
B. Reference: Basic Calculus book by Verzosa Earnhart
C. Materials: Book and PowerPoint Presentation
D. Strategies: Evaluating limits of exponential and logarithmic functions
E. Values: “Teamwork makes the dream work.”- Bang Gae
III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Motivation:
Good day, class! I prepared an activity to
introduce you to our new topic. I will discuss
first the instruction of this task. This puzzle is
called a “cryptogram”. A cryptogram is a word
puzzle featuring encrypted text that the user
decrypts to reveal a message of some sort. Once
used for message security, cryptograms are now
typically only used for entertainment purposes
in newspapers and magazines. Cryptoquotes
and cryptoquips are common variations that
feature quotations. In our case I put some level
up to make you think, where you have to solve
the equation every box to identify what letter
should be in box. And the more you solve a
many box, the more clue you will have that will
lead to the answer or word. I will group you into
4 to do this game, the first group that will give
to me the correct words, will have a plus five
points in exam. You have to write the answer
through a ¼ sheet of paper together the name of
members. Lastly you only have 10 minutes to
finish this task. Is that clear class?

Yes ma’am.

Okay, class you may start now.

A √𝑎
B sin x
C 1
D 234
E 16
F 343
G 5
H tan x
I 125
J 𝑎𝑏 𝑥
K 521
L 𝑎𝑥
M 64
N 1
O 4
P 25
Q 𝑎𝑥 2
R 1
S 27
T 2
U 144
V 120
W 3
X 243
Y 𝑐2
Z 33
Well done. Congratulations everyone and the
group who give first correct answers. Okay
class, do you have any idea what would be
our lesson for today?
(Teacher gives them time to think)

What do you think?

Limits of exponential functions

Limits of logarithmic functions

Very good class!

B. Presentation:
Today we will discuss about the limits of
exponential and trigonometric functions.
C. Lesson Proper:
Let us talk about first the limits of exponential
functions. Class, on your own understandings,
what is exponential functions?

A function whose value is a constant raised to the

power of the argument, especially the function where
the constant is e.

A relation of the form y =𝑎 𝑥 , with the independent

variable x ranging over the entire real number line as
the exponent of a positive number a.

Very good. Real world situations can be

expressed in terms of functional relationships or
so called mathematical models in applications
of calculus. It is quite important that one can
generate these mathematical models they
sometimes use functions like exponential
functions. Hence we start our topic by recalling
the definition and graphs of exponential
function. When we see exponential function it
is a function in which the exponent of
expression has a variable.
It is denoted by:
𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎 𝑥
where a> 0, 𝑎 ≠ 1
Now let us recall the graphs of exponential

𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 , 𝑎 > 1

First if the base a is greater than 1 then the graph

increases as x increases. It is very obvious by
looking at this graph

Again as x increases, y increases.

On the other hand if the base a is between 0 and

1, then the graph is decreases.
𝑦 = 𝑎 ,0 < 𝑎 < 1

Meaning to say that as the value of x increases

then y decreases. To further understand this, let
us consider the exponential function
𝑓(𝑥) = 2𝑥
Let us analyze the table of values and the graph
of this function.
First, let us begin with the table of values

x f(x)
-2 0.25
-1 0.5
0 1
1 2
2 4

Looking at this table, we use negative two and

one, zero, one, and two as the values of x. To
find the values of f of x, we can do direct
substitution by plugging in each value of x to
the given function. For example when x is
negative two, so we have two raised to negative
two will give us 0.25. Do the same procedure
with the other values of x, then we can find
these values of f of x which are 0.5, 1, 2, and 4.

From this table of values we can have the graph

of the function f of x is equal to two raised to x
as shown below
As we can observe both table of values and
graph show the values of x increase so as the
values of f of x or y increase.

Let’s go to the another function

𝑓(𝑥) = 5𝑥

x f(x)
-2 0.04
-1 0.2
0 1
1 5
2 25
The same behavior also shown in the table of
values and the graph of this function.

As we can see as the values of x increase so as

the value of f of x and it’s also obvious in our
graph as x increases, y increases.

At this let us go to the limits of exponential

function. Let a and b represent two constants,
and x represents a variable. A function in terms
of x is written as f (x) mathematically. In this
case, the constant a is a value of x, and the
exponential function in terms of b and f (x) is
written as 𝑏 𝑓(𝑥) in mathematics.

The limit of exponential function 𝑏 𝑓(𝑥) as x

approaches a is written in the following
mathematical form in calculus.
lim 𝑏 𝑓(𝑥)
It is equal to the limit of the function f(x) as x
approaches a with base b.

Let’s begin with an exponential function whose

base is greater than one.

lim 2𝑥

To answer this, let us begin with the use of table

of values.

Let us say we have positive values such as one,

two, three, five, and ten. Since according to the
given, x approaches positive infinity. To find
the values of f of x, we need to do the direct

x 1 2 3 5 10
f(x) 2 4 8 32 1024
So observe here, the values of f of x are
increasing as x increases. Thus making the limit
of the function two raised to x as x approaches
to positive infinity equal to positive infinity.
What does it mean? It means that there is no
limit at its values, it goes positive infinity. If we
use the graph of the function, two raised to x as
x approaches to the positive infinity or as we go
to the right, the graph goes up which means to
say that the y or the f of x values are
approaching positive infinity. Hence, we can
now conclude the answer to the limit of 2 raised
to x as x approaches positive infinity is positive

Now using the same function 2 raised to x, let

us evaluate the limit as we approach different

lim 2𝑥 = 0

Let's say the limit of 2 raised to x as x

approaches negative infinity we can answer this
by looking at the graph of the function

As you can see in our graph, the graph is

approaching zero. Therefore the answer to this
is equal to zero.

lim 2𝑥 = 1

the limit of two raised to x as x approaches zero

as we can see in our graph, as x approaches zero
either from the left or from the right both
approach one. Therefore the limit is equal to


lim 2𝑥 = 4

The limit of 2 raised to x as x approaches 2. So

let us approach 2 from the left and from the
right, from the left side the graph goes at 4 and
then from the right the graph goes at 4 as well.
Therefore the answer is equal to 4.

lim 2𝑥 =
𝑥→−1 2
the limit of 2 raised to x as x approaches
negative 1 so let us approach negative one from
the left and from the right so they meet at this
point which is equivalent to one half so the
answer here is equal to one half. As you can see
the last three items can be evaluated using direct

To summarize the limit of exponential function

when the base is greater than 1 we can have the

𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎 𝑥 , 𝑎 > 1

 lim 𝑎 𝑥 = +∞

The limit of a raise to x as x approaches

positive infinity is equal to positive infinity.

 lim 𝑎 𝑥 = 0

The limit of a raised to x as x approaches

negative infinity is equal to zero.
 lim 𝑎 𝑥 = 𝑎𝑐

The limit of a raise to x as x approaches c where

c is a constant is equal to a raised to c or where
c is in the domain of the function.
Let us analyze the graph and table values of
exponential functions whose base is between 0
and 1.

For example,

𝑓(𝑥) = ( )𝑥

The exponential function f of x is equal to one-

half raised to the power of x.

Let us take a look at the table of values and the

graph of this function.

Let's begin with the table of values as we can

see here the values of x are increasing while the
values of f of x are decreasing and if we are
going to continue getting higher values of x we
can see that the values of f of x are getting closer
to zero.

x f(x)
-2 4
-1 2
0 1
1 0.5
2 0.25

This can easily be observed with the use of a


As we can see at the right as x increases the

values of y or f of x decreases and it gets closer
and closer to zero but will never touch zero or
will not go beyond the negative values. On the
y axis.
Let's have another example,

𝑓(𝑥) = ( )𝑥

Let us use f of x is equal to one fourth raised to

the power of x. As we can see the base 1 4
satisfies the condition that a is between 0 and 1.
looking at the table of values and the
graph of this

x f(x)
-2 16
-1 4
0 1
1 0.25
2 0.0625

Same behavior is shown here as x increases f of

x decreases and the values are getting closer to
zero and it's very obvious with our graph. Again
it will never touch zero and it will never go
beyond zero.

Now, let us find the limits of exponential

functions whose base is between 0 and 1.

Let us use the function one half raised to the

power of x

𝑓(𝑥) = ( )𝑥

So let's find the limit of one half raised to the

power of x as x approaches positive infinity.

lim (1⁄2)𝑥
To find the limit of this function, let us use first
the table of values

x f(x)
1 0.5
2 0.25
3 0.13
5 0.03
10 0.016

Let's say we have the values of x and they are

one, two, three, five, and ten. Since in our given
x approaches positive infinity. Again to find the
values of f of x we'll just simply do direct
substitution. Let x be 1 so the answer is 0.5. Let
x be 2 the answer is 0.25. And continue the
procedure so we have 0.13, 0.03, and 0.016.

Let's observe the table of values as x increases

the values of f of x decreases and again they are
getting closer and closer to zero. We can easily
observe this with the use of the graph

As we go to the right going to positive infinity

the values of f of x are getting closer to zero.
Hence we can now have the answer for this, the
answer is zero or the limit is equal to zero.

Now using the same function, let us evaluate the

limit as we approach different values limit of
one half raised to the power of x as x approaches
negative infinity

lim (1⁄2)𝑥

Let us use the graph to answer this, so as we go

to the left that goes to negative infinity the graph
goes up continuously.
Therefore the answer is positive infinity.


lim (1⁄2)𝑥

The limit of one half raised to the power of x as

x approaches zero. Let us approach zero both
from the left and from the right so from the left
it goes at one, from the right it approaches one
as well.

Therefore the answer is equal to one.


lim (1⁄2)𝑥
The limit of one half raised to x as x approaches

Let us approach 2 both from the left and from

the right here is 0.2. From the left the point is
here, from the right the point is here as well. So
this is equal to one-fourth.


lim (1⁄2)𝑥

We have the limit of one-half raised to x as x

approaches negative one. Here is negative one
at x approaching this. From the left or based on
the graph here it goes at 2. From the right it
approaches 2 as well. Therefore the limit is
equal to 2. Same with the previous example the
last 3 items here can be evaluated using direct

Meaning to say by just plugging in the value of

x that we are approaching to the variable in the
function we can simply get the limit of it for
example when x is 0 or when we approach zero
let this be zero. One half raised to zero is equal
to one. Let this be equal to two one half raised
to the two is equal to one fourth let this be
negative one so one half raised to negative one
is equal to 2.

Let us have more examples where we can apply

direct substitution. Let's say you're asked to find

lim 3𝑥−1
As we can see, we are approaching a real

lim 3𝑥−1


lim (1⁄3)1−𝑥 -1

lim ( 1⁄3)1−𝑥 -1
=(1⁄3)1−3 -1
= -1
= 1
1 9
= x -1
1 1

Same procedure to be done just plug in three to

our given function. This becomes one third
raised to one minus three minus one. Simplify
the exponent. We have one third raised to
negative two minus one. Applying the laws of
exponent so this becomes 3 raised to the power
of 2 which is equivalent to 9. Then 9 minus 1 is
equal to 8. So the limit is 8.

Do you have any questions class?

None so far, ma’am.

Okay, if you have none question, let us check

your understanding based on our discussion.
Can you kindly evaluate the
lim 1⁄2 − 3

Tell me if you are done, then let us check your


lim 1⁄2 -3
= 1⁄2 -3
=1⁄2 − 3

Well done! How about the

lim 2𝑥 − 4

lim 2𝑥 − 4
=2 −4
= 8-4

Very Good!

Next, kindly evaluate

lim 5𝑥−3

lim 5𝑥−3
= 54−3
= 51
Great job class! here are the things
that you need to take note about
finding the limits of exponential
when 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎 𝑥 , 𝑎 > 1

 lim 𝑎 𝑥 = +∞
 lim 𝑎 𝑥 = 0
 lim 𝑎 𝑥 = 𝑎𝑐
when 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎 𝑥 , < 𝑎 < 1

 lim 𝑎 𝑥 = 0
 lim 𝑎 𝑥 = +∞
 lim 𝑎 𝑥 = 𝑎𝑐

Do you have any questions or clarifications


None so far, ma’am.

Okay, if you don’t have any questions, can you

give an example of limits of exponential
functions then try to evaluate it and explain this
in front of your classmates base on what I’ve

(The student will give his/her own example and will


Well done students! You understand the topic.

Let’s proceed to the next part of our topic and
that is the limits of logarithmic functions.

Logarithmic functions are the inverses of

exponential functions, and any exponential
function can be expressed in logarithmic form.
Similarly, all logarithmic functions can be
rewritten in exponential form. Logarithms are
really useful in permitting us to work with very
large numbers while manipulating numbers of a
much more manageable size.
The logarithmic function is of the form f(x)=
log 𝑏 𝑥, where x and b are positive real numbers.

Now let's look at the limits of some logarithmic


𝑦 = log 𝑥

The basic log function is y equals the log of x

and when we don't specify a base underneath
the log down here we assume that it's base 10.
this is y equals log base 10 x and here's a graph
of this function

From this graph we can deduce

two basic limits:

 lim log 𝑥 = ∞

We see the limit as X approaches infinity of the

log of X is infinity. We can see that as X gets
larger and larger the log seems to be going off
to infinity.
 lim+ log 𝑥 = −∞

The other limit, we can look at is as X

approaches zero from the right and we see that
it goes down to negative infinity notice that it
wouldn't make any sense to ask about
approaching zero from the left because well
there is no log over here.

Remember that the domain, here consists of

everything on the positive x axis.
Using this idea we can look at our two basic
limits, now we had log base 10 what if I have
another base b so for a base b greater than 1 we

In general, for b > 1:

 lim log 𝑏 𝑥 = ∞
 lim log 𝑏 𝑥 = −∞

In particular, if b=e:
 lim ln 𝑥 = ∞

If we happen to have the base being equal to e

then we have a natural log and the limit as x
approaches infinity of the natural log of x is

 lim ln 𝑥 = −∞

The limit as x approaches 0 from the right of the

natural log of x is negative infinity.

Let's look at an example,

lim log(𝑥 2 + 2)

This would be a log base 10 so here's a graph of

x squared plus 2

We notice that x squared plus 2 as x goes to

infinity also approaches infinity. If this thing
inside here is approaching infinity we would
expect that maybe the log of this thing would
also approach infinity so we're going to guess
that this is probably going to equal infinity.

If we look at the graph of the log of x squared

plus 2 that does seem to be the case as x gets
bigger and bigger. It does seem to be
approaching infinite.
Okay here's another example,

lim ln(4 − 𝑥)
𝑥→4 −

Here's a graph of 4 minus X

Let's say that we let a be equal to 4 minus x.


We'll just do a little change of variables here

then we can rewrite this in terms of a. If we see
look at the graph

Here we see that as we approach 4 from the left

this seems to be approaching 0 from the right
and there we have positive values as we get
closer here. So I can rewrite this,
lim ln 𝑎 = −∞

In terms of a is saying that this is the same thing

as a is approaching 0 from the right of the
natural log of a. Well we know what that is
we've seen this already this is a limit we had

lim ln(4 − 𝑥) =−∞

𝑥→4 −

This is negative infinity so for the same reason

we would expect that this would probably be
negative infinity.

let's look at a graph

Here it is as x approaches 4 from the left it does

indeed appear that the natural log of 4 minus x
is approaching negative infinity.

Using our understanding of exponential

functions, we can discuss their inverses, which
are the logarithmic functions. The exponential
function f(x) = 𝑏 𝑥 is one-to-one, with domain
(−∞, ∞) and range (0, ∞). Therefore, it has an
inverse function, called the logarithmic function
with base b. For any b>0,b≠1 , the logarithmic
function with base b, denoted 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑏 , has domain
(0,∞) and range (−∞,∞) ,and satisfies
log 𝑏 (𝑥) = 𝑦 𝑖𝑓 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑖𝑓 𝑏 𝑦 = x

For example
log 2 (8) = 3 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 23 = 8,
1 1 1
log10 ( ) = −2 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 10−2 = 2
= ,
100 10 100
log 𝑏 (1) = 0 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑏 0 = 1 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑏 > 0

Furthermore, since y= log 𝑏 (𝑥)and y =𝑏 𝑥 are

inverse functions,
log 𝑏 ( 𝑏 𝑥 ) = 𝑥
𝑏 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑏 (𝑥) = 𝑥
To understand, I will give an example
ln(𝑥) − 1
𝑥→𝑒 𝑥 − 𝑒
1 −1

1. lim 𝑙𝑜𝑔3 𝑥
=𝑙𝑜𝑔3 3

2. lim 𝑙𝑜𝑔5 (𝑥+1)


=𝑙𝑜𝑔5 (24+1)
=𝑙𝑜𝑔5 25

3. lim 𝑙𝑜𝑔3 𝑥

=𝑙𝑜𝑔3 9

Do you have any question students?

None so far, ma’am.

Okay, good. If you have no question, can you

evaluate the
lim − log( 𝑥 + 7)
lim − log( 𝑥 + 7)
=-log 100
=102 = 100

Well done!

Class, I will group you into 5. I will give

you the functions that you have to
evaluate the limits. Write the answers of
your group in a manila paper, cartolina, or
in a power point presentation. Show the
complete solution and each group must be
prepare to present this in the next
1. Compute
lim (1⁄5)𝑥 by using the
table of values and graphs.
2. lim 𝑙𝑜𝑔5 (𝑥+2)

Is that clear students?

Yes, ma’am.

Do you have any question?

None, ma’am.

If none, get a one whole sheet of paper

then determine the limits of the
following and show your solution:

1. lim 𝑒 𝑥 + 1
2. lim ln 𝑥
3. lim 𝑙𝑜𝑔8 (𝑥+1)
4. lim 5𝑥−3
5. lim 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 𝑥
Students, this will be your assignment
for today:
1. Give 2 limits exponential
function example and compute
this by using the table of values
and graph.
2. Give 2 limits logarithmic
function examples and evaluate.
3. Read about trigonometric

D. Generalization
I will use wheel of names to call someone and
he/she will give an example then he/she have to
solve it and show the solution in white board so that
the class can see it. After you get the answer, tell
this in a form of jokes. Is that clear class?

Yes, ma’am.

Do you have any question regarding this?

None, ma’am.

IV. Application
I will group you into 5. I will give you the functions that you have to evaluate the limits. Write the
answers of your group in a manila paper, cartolina, or in a power point presentation. Show the
complete solution and each group must be prepare to present this in the next meeting.
1. Compute
lim (1⁄5)𝑥 by using the table of values and graphs.
2. lim 𝑙𝑜𝑔5 (𝑥+2)
V. Evaluation
Determine the limits of the following:
1. lim 𝑒 𝑥 + 1
2. lim ln 𝑥
3. lim 𝑙𝑜𝑔8 (𝑥+1)
4. lim 5𝑥−3
5. lim 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 𝑥
VI. Assignment
1. Give 2 limits exponential function example and compute this by using the table of values and
2. Give 2 limits logarithmic function examples and evaluate.
3. Read about trigonometric functions.

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