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English tenses

The tense song!
1. The Simple Present tense
-Egyszerű jelen idő-

Form (Alak):

The simple present tense has the same form as the

infinitive but adds an –s or –es for the third person singular.
1. szótári alak ( to nélküli főnévi igenév) egyes szám 3-ik
személyben + -s/ -es.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
( Állító alak) ( Tagadó alak) ( Kérdő alak)
I swim (én úszok) I do not (don’t) swim ( én nem úszok)
Do I swim?(én úszok?)
You swim (te úszol) You do not (don’t) swim ( te nem Do you swim? (te úszol?)
He swims (ő –fiú úszik) He does not (doesn’t) swim (ő nem Does he swim? ( ő úszik?)
goes (megy) úszik)
She swims (ő –lány She does not (doesn’t) swim (ő nem Does she swim?(ő úszik?)
úszik) goes (megy) úszik)
It swims (ő- seml. It does not (doesn’t) swim (ő nem Does it swim?(ő úszik?)
úszik) goes (megy) úszik)
We swim (mi úszunk) We do not (don’t) swim (mi nem Do we swim? ( mi úszunk?)
You swim ( ti úsztok) You do not (don’t) swim (ti nem Do you swim? ( ti úsztok?)
They swim ( ők úsznak) They do not (don’t) swim ( ők nem Do they swim? (ők úsznak?)
Use (Használata):
Past Present time Future


 Present tense is used to express a state or a single action at the

present moment. Ezt az igeidőt a jelenben végbemenő , általában
rövid ideig tartó cselekvés vagy történés leírására használjuk.
I work in the factory.
It’s used for expressing habitual actions. Szokásos, ismétlődő,
rendszeres cselekménynél a jelenben.

E.g. I always get up at 7 o’clock.

I go to school every day.
Peter likes to read in the evenings.
Expresses usual truth. The Earth moves around the
Expressing things that are Sun.
always true or true for a Birds fly.
long time. Water boils at 100 C°.
Általános igazságok The Sun rises in the East
kifejezésekor használjuk. and sets in the West.
Winter is cold.
Kép beszúrásához kattintson az ikonra

- For a planned future action or series of actions , particularly

when they refer to journey.
Egy előre megtervezett jövőbeli cselekmény vagy cselekmény
sorozat, amely utazásra vagy kirándulásra vonatkozik.

E.g. Tomorrow is 22 August.We leave London at 10 o’clock next

Tuesday and arrive in Paris at 13.00. We spend two hours in Paris
and leave again…
Simple present tense is used chiefly with the
verb ‘to say’ , when we are asking about or
quoting from books , notices or recently
received letters.
Adverb phrases (
E.g. What does that notice say? – It says ,’No
 Shakespeare says : ‘ Neither a borrower nor a …’
always (mindig), never (soha),
regularly (rendszeresen), ever
 in newspaper headlines : (valaha), often (gyakran), rarely
E.g. Mass Murderer Escapes ( ritkán), usually (rendszerint),
 dramatic narrative e.g. used by radio sometimes (néha), once a week/
commentators or at sport events month/ year… (egyszer egy
E.g. Suddenly the window opens and a masked héten/ hónapban/ évben…),
man enters. every day, generally…..
2. The Present
Continuous tense
-Folyamatos jelen
Form (Alak):
Present tense of the verb ’to
be’ + verb in present participle.
‘Be’ ige jelen idejű ragozott
alakja + ige+ ing
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
( Állító alak) ( Tagadó alak) ( Kérdő alak)
I am (I’m) working (én I am not (I’m not) working (én Am I working?(én dolgozok?)
dolgozok) nem dolgozok)  
You are ( you’re) working You are not ( you aren’t) working Are you working? (te
(te dolgozol) (te nem dolgozol) dolgozol?)
He is (he’s) working (ő – He is not (he isn’t) working (ő – Is he working? ( ő dolgozik?)
fiú dolgozik) fiú nem dolgozik)
She is (she’s) working (ő – She is not (she isn’t) working (ő – Is she working?(ő dolgozik?)
lány dolgozik) lány nem dolgozik)
It is (it’s) working (ő- It is not (it isn’t) working (ő- Is it working? (ő dolgozik?)
semleges dolgozik) semleges nem dolgozik)
We are (we’re) working We are not (we aren’t) working Are we working? ( mi
(mi dolgozunk) (mi nem dolgozunk) dolgozunk?)
You are (you’re) working You are not (you aren’t) working ( Are you working? ( ti
( ti dolgoztok) ti nem dolgoztok) dolgoztok?)
They are (they’re) They are not (they aren’t) Are they working? (ők
working ( ők dolgoznak) working ( ők nem dolgoznak) dolgoznak?)
 Present continuous is used for
an action being performed at
Use (Használata): the moment of speaking or
Past Present time Future writing. Olyan cselekményt
fejez ki, ami a beszéd
pillanatában zajlik.
E.g. I’m making tea.
For action happening now. Pillanatnyi cselekedet kifejezésére
használjuk, olyankor amikor a cselekvés lefolyására vagyunk
kíváncsiak és nem a kezdetére vagy a végére! Tehát a cselekvés éppen
akkor történik amikor beszélünk róla!
E.g. Listen! He is singing in the bathroom.
I am listening to music.
It is raining.
I am writing a letter now. ( write + ing, szó végi e betű
Why are you sitting at my desk?
What’s the baby doing?
For an action happening about this time but not necessarily finished at
the moment of speaking.
A jelen bizonyos időszakára jellemző (ideiglenes) cselekedet
kifejezésekor használjuk. (temporary activity: usually)
E.g. I am reading a play by Shaw. (This may mean ‘at the moment of
speaking’ but may also mean ‘ now’ in a more general sense.)

I am looking for a well -paid job. ( A csel. nem pont most

történik, de ezidőtájt keresek egy jól fizető állást.)
He is teaching French and learning Greek. (He may not be doing
either at the moment of speaking.)
When we are talking about an unaccustomed action. Amikor
egy szokásostól eltérő cselekedetet foglalunk mondatba.

E.g. She usually drinks tea but this morning she is drinking
I usually walk to school but today I’m taking the bus.
For a definite arrangement in the near future / Activities happening in
the near future. A folyamatos jelen úgy vetít előre egy jövő idejű
cselekvést, mint egy jelen terv, program részét, mint egy előre
megnevezett eseményt. Ilyenkor szükség van jövő idejű
határozószóra is.

E.g. Next summer I am travelling to Italy.

I’m playing tennis this afternoon.
We are leaving tomorrow.
I am meeting Tom tonight. He is taking me to the theatre.
Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?
Aunt Betty is arriving on Sunday.
They’re getting married next autumn.
With a point in time to indicate an action which begins
this point and probably continues after it.

E.g. At six o’clock I am bathing the baby. (I start bathing

him before six.)
I am sitting here now. Most itt ülök. (és nem itt vagyok ülő.)
\___ segédige ami segít a főigének . Mivel csak segít nem lehet szó
szerint fordítani.
Fordításkor gondot okozhatnak az olyan mondatok, mint:
Mit gondolsz….?
Where do you think he lives?
What do you think his name is?
How old do you think he is?
Fordításkor pl. az olyan kérdést, mint: Mit gondolsz ki segített neki?
Gondolatban át kell formálni úgy, hogy: Kit gondolsz, hogy segített
neki? = Who do you think helped him?
Általában nem használjuk folyamatos jelenben az érzéki
(feeling), érzelmi (emotions) és értelmi tevékenységet kifejező
igéket! Ezek nem képzelhetőek el hosszan tartó cselekvésként!
Pl. see, hear, feel, know, hope, want, decide, love, hate, smell,
forget, remember, taste ….
De a ‘live’ lakni értelemben már lehet living.
You are always seeing ghosts. (seeing =átvitt értelemben
szerepel, nincs időpont.)
Az érzékelést kifejező igék után az infinitiv ‘to’ nélkül áll.
E.g. I saw him enter the house .( Láttam bemenni a házba.)
He has never heard me cry. ( Soha sem hallott engem sírni.)
!!!De más igéket is követhet ‘to’ nélküli infinitiv Pl. to make, to let, to
watch, to notice stb.
E.g. Sue was watching Joe eat the meal. (Sue figyelte ahogy Joe evett.)
They let her ride the wildest horse.( Megengedték, hogy a legvadabb
lovon lovagoljon.)
!!!! Vannak igék amelyek után több lehetőség is van és helyes.
Pl. to help ige
E.g. He helped me carry The suitcase.
He helped me carrying The suitcase.
He helped me with carrying the suitcase.
(segített cipelni a bőröndöt.)
He helped me to carry the suitcase.
( segített, hogy vigyem a bőröndöt)
(lásd ezt a problémát még a future continuous tense-nél is!)
Differences between the present simple tense and present
continuous tense!

Az egyszerű jelen idő általánosan Ezzel ellentétben a folyamatos

érvényes, általánosan jellemző jelen egyedi cselekvésekre,
cselekvéseket jelöl. időleges állapotokra utal.
 E.g.He speaks Spanish. ( He E.g. He is speaking Spanish. (He
always spoke Spanish.) Ő tud is speaking now, at this moment
spanyolul beszélni . Ismeri a Spanish.)Éppen most spanyolul
nyelvet! beszél nem pedig más nyelven!
Adverb phrases ( Időhatározók):

now (most), right now (éppen most), at the

3. The Present Perfect tense
-Befejezett jelen idő (Félmúlt)-

Form (Alak):

Present simple of have/ has + the past participle. Have/ has

+ ige 3. alakja (ed)
 Ha az ige rendhagyó, akkor nem tehetünk -ed végződést,
helyette a rendhagyó ige harmadik alakját írjuk!
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
( Állító alak) ( Tagadó alak) ( Kérdő alak)
I have (I’ve) worked I have not (haven’t) worked Have I worked?

You have (you’ve) worked You have not (haven’t) worked Have you worked?

He has (he’s) worked He has not (hasn’t) worked Has he worked ?

She has (she’s) worked She has not (hasn’t) worked Has she worked ?

It has (it’s) worked It has not (hasn’t) worked Has it worked ?

We have (we’ve) worked We have not (haven’t) worked Have we worked?

You have (you’ve) worked You have not (haven’t) worked Have you worked?

They have (they’ve) worked They have not (haven’t) Have they worked?
Use (Használata):
Past Present time Future

The present perfect expresses the present result of a past action
or experience. We use present perfect for a past action when we
refer to an indefinite past meaning at any time up to the present.
Olyan igeidő , amely múltbeli eseményeket, cselekvéseket a
jelenhez kapcsol.
E.g. I have closed the door. (Now it is closed.)
My father has retired now. Apám nyugdíjba vonult.
Your taxi has arrived.
We can use present perfect simple for an action which started in
the past, continues in the present and may continue in the future.
Olyan cselekedet, amely a múltba kezdődött el és még most is
E.g. How long have you known John? I have known him for a
We have bought a new car.
I’ve come.( Megjöttem. Nem érdekes, hogy mikor, a
lényeg, hogy itt vagyok.)
I’ve bought a book.
My parents have been married for over twenty years.
For actions happening in the near past before the moment of
speaking. Olyan cselekedet, ami nem sokkal a beszéd pillanata
előtt történt (pontosan nem lehet tudni mikor) tehát valamikor a
közel múltba, de hatással van a jelenre is!

E.g. I have read that book.

I have forgotten my notebook at home, that is why I can’t
write. ( Otthon hagytam a füzetem, ezért nem tudtam írni.)
An event which happened in the past but in unfinished time
(with expressions like today, this month, this year…)Ha valami
éppen ezen a héten, hónapba stb. fejeződött be akkor is present
perfectet alkalmazunk.

E.g. I didn’t see Tim last week but I’ve been out with him twice
already this week.
I have just finished it.
I have been to Udvarhely this morning.
A cselekménynek a jelenre is kiható eredménye van
E.g. She has cleaned all the windows.
Befejezett jelent akkor használunk, ha figyelmünk
középpontjában a jelen áll, s a múltbeli cselekvést, eseményt a
jelen magyarázására ,jobb megvilágítására ,a kiváltó tényező
megnevezésére hozunk fel.
E.g. Betty knows London very well. She has been there many
It’s very hot in here. No wonder , someone has closed the
Your finger is bleeding. What have you done?
Used with ‘just’ for a recently completed action. A cselekmény
a múltban kezdődik, de a jelen pillanat előtt befejeződött vagy
most is tart.
E.g. He has written three novels so far .(eddig)
I have just arrived.
He has just gone out. = means that he went out a few
minutes ago. (= affirmative)
…. Just is situated between the auxiliary (segédige)and
the main verb (főige)
Has he just gone out? (= interrogative)
He has just phoned.
She has just finished cleaning the window.
!!!!! De a ‘yet’ időhatározó mindig a mondat végén áll.!
E.g. I have not finished my work yet.
Have you met this man yet?
‘Yet’ is used to express:
? (to ask if an action has been done)
Have you met her, yet?
- (to show that an action hasn’t been done up to now.) No, I
haven’t met her, yet.
+ ( To show that an action happened sooner that expected) Yes,
I have already met her.
Adverb phrases ( Időhatározók):
!!!! Az olyan időhatározókat, mint: today, this morning, this month,
this year, recently lehet használni akár befejezett jelen időben, akár
múlt időben annak fügvényében, hogy :
-a cselekménynek határozott vagy határozatlan a jelleme
E.g. Did you hear Tim play recently? (on a certain occasion)
Have you heard Tim play recently? (in the near past, not a
long time ago)
-a cselekmény időtartama befejezett vagy sem
E.g. Did you see him this morning? (Now it’s 5 o’clock p.m.)
Have you seen him this morning? (Now it’s 11 a.m.)
Differences between the Simple Past Tense and Present
Perfect Tense!
Simple Past Tense Present Perfect Tense
( Befejezett jelen idő)
(Egyszerű múlt idő)
(indefinite time)
(definite time)
 Zsigmond Móricz wrote several novels  Ambrus Csata has written several
and short stories.(= Zsigmond M. is novels and short stories.(= Ambrus
dead.) Cs. is alive.)
 Did you see the exhibition? (=the  Have you seen the exhibition? (= the
exhibition is closed now.) exhibition is still open.)
 John injured his arm. ( = It does not  John has injured his arm.(= it still
hurt him any longer.) hurts him.)
Present Perfect Tense
Simple Past Tense
(Befejezett jelen idő)
(Egyszerű múlt idő)
He stayed in this hotel. 
He has stayed in this hotel for a week.
(= Ebben a hotelban van már egy
( Ebben a hotelben volt.) hete.)
 we use present perfect for a past action with a
present result.
E.g. People have polluted the sea.
They have not taken care of animals.
 Múlt idővel olyan időhatározókat  Befejezett jelen időhöz olyan időhatározókat
használunk, amelyek a befejezettséget illesztünk amelyek a nyitottságot
fejezik ki. érzé today, this week / month stb.
 E.g. I went to the theatre last week.  E.g. I’ve been to the theatre this
 Az egyszerű múlt ídőt olyan week.
cselekményekkor használjuk, amelyek a  Befejezett jelen időt használunk amikor az
múltban történnek és a cselekvést végző
események a múltba zajlanak, de az
alanyok ma már nem léteznek / nem élnek.
alanyok(cselekvő személyek) vagy az
E.g. I bought a book. (Vettem egy könyvet. esemény hatásai még a mai napig is
Egyszer valamikor régen vettem, talán nincs is léteznek / érezhetőek.
már meg!)
 E.g.I’ve bought a book. (Vettem egy
 I bought a dress yesterday.
könyvet.Itt van, te is láthatod azt a
 Tom was in Greece last summer. könyvet!)
 I have bought a new dress.
 Tom has never been to Greece but I’ve
Since (mióta) For (mikortól)

 We use it with a point of time and  Is used for a period of time, exactly
means ‘from that point to the time denotes a terminated period of time.
of speaking.’ If the answer refers to (időtartam megadására használatos,
a precise point in time the question vagyis a cselekmény időtartamára utal!)
is ‘since when’? For isn’t used before expressions
( időtartam megjelőlésére használjuk, beginning with all:
tehát a cselekmény kezdőpontjára  E.g. I have this house for two
utal. Általában ismert a pontos dátum weeks.
vagy időpont amikor a csel.
 E.g. I have this house since 1993.
I have known him since 2004.  He has lived in Bucharest
 He has studied English since thefor ten years. \
beginning of the school year. __this preposition can be omitted! = He
(valamikor tanult, tehát az has lived in Bucharest ten years.
anyagot tudja, de nem ( Ez azt jelenti, hogy a cselekmény be
feltétlenül folytatja van fejezve, hisz valamikor
tanulmányait a jelen Bukarestben lakott, de most nem lakik
időpontban.) ott, talán csak lehetséges, hogy valaha
visszaköltözzön oda.)
since now
Adverb phrases ( Időhatározók):
We use those adverb phrases which express temporality. (le nem zárt
időre utaló időhatározókat használunk.): already(már), yet(még),
recently (minap) , always, before, ever/ never ,lately( mostanában), up
till now, so far….

E.g. Have you seen the new film already?

Have you ever been to Paris?(+)
No, I have never been to the South of France. (-)
Have you played tennis before?
Up till now we have had five cases.
John’s been to the shops. (elment s már haza is jött)
John’s gone to the shops. ( elment s még ott van)
4. The Present Perfect Continuous tense
-Folyamatos szemléletű befejezett jelen idő-
Form (Alak):

have/has+ present perfect of the verb ‘be’+ the present

participle. Have/ has + been + ige + ing
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
( Állító alak) ( Tagadó alak) ( Kérdő alak)
I have been working I have not (haven’t) been working Have I been working?

You have been working You have not been working Have you been working?

He has been working He has not (hasn’t) been working Has he been working ?

She has been working She has not been working Has she been working?

It has been working It has not been working Has it been working?
We have been working We have not been working Have we been working?

You have been working You have not been working Have you been working?

They have been working They have not been working Have they been working?
Use (Használata):

Past Present time Future


He started

a long time to wait. NOW

Present perfect continuous tense is used to express the same
kind of meaning as the present perfect ,though the action is
very often still happening. This tense answers the question
‘How long?’ or emphasizes the length of time the action has
taken . There is no clear division between the use of the
present perfect and the present perfect continuous.
E.g. The Smith have been living in the same house ever since
they got married.
Használatához a kulcsszó: időtartam!
Expresses an action which began in the past and is still continuing, or
has only just finished. A cselekmény a múltban kezdődött, de a
jelenben is tart vagy épp befejeződött. Az eltelt időben a cselekvés
folyamatosan zajlott! Kiemeli a cselekmény folyamatosságát!

E.g. The doors have been painting green. (now they are green)
I have been waiting for you for twenty minutes. (Várlak 20 perce!
Tehát a cselekedet a múltban kezdődött , hisz már 20 perce várlak, de
még a jelenben is tart, hisz még nem érkeztél meg, de én még mindig
I’m sorry I’m late. Have you been waiting long?
She has been cooking in the kitchen all day.
An action which began in the past and still continuing or has only just
finished , can with certain verbs be expressed by either present perfect
simple or the present perfect continuous with no real change of meaning ,
although the continuous form is often preferred .. Verbs which can be
used in this way include expect, hope, learn, lie, live, look, rain, sleep,
sit, snow, stand, stay, study, teach, wait, want, work.
E.g. I’ve driven since I was eighteen
I’ve been driving since I was eighteen.
How long have you learnt English?
How long have you been learning English?
He has slept for ten hours.
He has been sleeping for ten hours.
To indicate that a continuous activity in the recent past is
responsible for a present situation. This activity may or may
not be unfinished.

E.g. I’m not crying. I’ve been peeling onions.

Present perfect continuous can’t be replaced in the following
They’ve always had a big garden.
How long have you known that?
He’s been in hospital since his accident.
!!!! We mentioned earlier that some verbs normally are not
used in continuous but that some of these can be used in this
form in certain cases:
E.g. Tom has been seeing about a work…
She has been having a tooth out.
I’ve been thinking it over.
I’ve been hearing all about his operation.
!!!! Összetett igéknél, mint pl. to be married, to be engaged
stb. a Pres. Perf. Cont. nem helyénvaló, helyette a Pres.
Perf.-et használjuk.

E.g. I have been engaged lately. Az utóbbi időben elfoglalt

I have been married for 8 years. 8 éve vagyok házas.
Differences between the
Present Perfect Simple and the Present Perfect
Continuous Tense!
I’ve polished the car. (=
means that this job has  I’ve been polishing the car. (=
been completed.) this is how I’ve spent the last
hour. It doesn’t necessarily
mean that the job is completed.)

He has taken photos. (=

 He has been taking photos. (=
this action may or may not
be very recently.) he’s probably still carrying his
I’ve written six letters
since breakfast. I’ve been writing six
letters since breakfast.
I have knocked five
times.( I don’t think I’vebeen knocking. (I
anyone is in.) don’t think anybody’s
E.g. I have been learning English for two years.

Két éve tanulok angolul.( Eddig tanultam két évig és most

is tanulok és még fogok is. Tehát összeköti a múltat, a jelent
és a jövőt is . A már eltelt időtartam a lényeg.)
Adverb phrases ( Időhatározók):

Present perfect continuous tense can be used with or

without a time phrase.

In this way it differs from the simple perfect tense which

can only be expressed with a time phrase.
In several cases when present perfect is used without a time
phrase it refers to a single completed action.

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