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The Simple Past tense
-Egyszerű múlt idő-
Form (Alak):
The simple past tense at regular verbs is formed by adding – ed to the
infinitive. !!!Irregular verbs must therefore be learnt, but once this is
done there is no other difficulty..

E.g. for irregular verbs :

be (is, are)- was/ were- been,
have- had- had a.s.o.
Verbs which end in ‘e’ add ’d’ only. (love- loved)
When a verb ends in a consonant + y = i+ ed (study- studied) verbs song Irregular verbs karaoke Irregular verb karaoke irregular song learn in easy way
Az ige 2. szótári alakja + ed.
( infinitive = to work, simple past = worked)
!!!!Vigyázz a rendhagyó igékkel, azokhoz
nem lehet –ed végződést tenni, hanem a
második alakját használod!!!!

Azokhoz az igékhez, melyek e betűben végződnek csak d betűt

teszünk! Pl. move- moved
Azok az igék, amelyek mássalhangzóban végződnek + y = i+ ed
lesz .
Pl. study= studied
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
( Állító alak) ( Tagadó alak) ( Kérdő alak)
I worked (én dolgoztam) I did not ( didn’t) work (én nem Did I work? (én
dolgoztam) dolgoztam ?)
You worked (te dolgoztál) You did not ( didn’t) work (te nem Did you work? (te
dolgoztál) dolgoztál?)
He worked (ő dolgozott) He did not ( didn’t) work (ő nem Did he work? (ő
dolgozott) dolgozott? )
She worked (ő dolgozott) She did not ( didn’t) work (ő nem Did she work? (ő
dolgozott) dolgozott? )
It worked (ő dolgozott) It did not ( didn’t) work (ő nem Did it work? (ő
dolgozott) dolgozott? )
We worked (mi We did not ( didn’t) work (mi nem Did we work? (mi
dolgoztunk) dolgoztunk) dolgoztunk? )
You worked (ti You did not ( didn’t) work (ti nem Did you work?
dolgoztatok) dolgoztatok) dolgoztatok?)
They worked (ők They did not ( didn’t) work (ők nem Did they work?
dolgoztak) dolgoztak) dolgoztak? )
Use (Használata):
!!!! Egyetlen másik nyelvben sincs ennyiféle múlt idő, mint az
angolban. Angolul gondolkodni a múlt idő kiválasztásánál és
használatánál kezdődik!
Past Tenses

-azok az események, előbb történt valami események, események események

amelyekről tudni lehet, másnál (pl. mielőtt amelyekről nem amelyeknek amelyek
hogy mikor történtek idejöttem.) tudni, hogy mikor az időtartamát egyidőben
történtek. akarod lezajlott
kiemelni dolgokról
E.g. Peter fell off the tree after he had climbed onto it.
Peter had climbed onto the tree before he fell off it.
Mindegy melyik időhatározót használjuk, hisz az értelemhez van kötve, hogy
melyik cselekedet történt előbb.
The girl you met yesterday was Peter’s wife. (most is a felesége.)
The girl you met yesterday had been Peter’s wife. ( már elváltak.)

Future in the past … Egy cselekmény a múlt időponthoz (cselekvéshez) képest

a jövőben zajlik, de a jelenből visszatekintve már elmúlt az egész.
E.g. He said he would walk. Azt mondta, hogy fog sétálni.
Peter said he would come in the afternoon. Péter azt mondta, hogy délután
eljön. (most már este van, Péter reggel tette a kijelentést. Reggelhez képest a d.u.
még jövő volt. Mivel most már este van, az egész esemény a múlté.)
This tense is used for actions completed in the past at a specific time and place
…we use question tags to check
…the time is asked about:
what you think you already
…the time is given: When did you met him? know:
I met him yesterday. When did you open theThe children were all very
The writer died in window? Who did you happy, weren’t they? She
1895. see yesterday? wasn’t at the seaside, was
she? Mike went camping,
… when the action clearly took place at didn’t he?
a definite time, even though this time is
not mentioned: …sometimes the time becomes definite
The train was 10 minutes late. I as a result of a question and answer in
bought this car in Montreal. the present perfect:
Where have you been? I’ve been to the
opera. Did you enjoy it?
Past simple is used for an action wholly completed at some
point in the past so it is used for a past action that is finished.
Egy múltban megtörtént dolgot mesélünk el, amelynek a
jelennel már semmilyen kapcsolata sincs.

E.g. Last night I went to the cinema.

Habitual actions which took place over a specific period in
the past.
Egyszeri, szokásos, pillanatnyi cselekedet a múltban .

E.g. I bought a new hat yesterday.

She lived in Spain between 1984 and 1994.
Régi szokás kifejezésére használjuk , amely
az alanyra már nem jellemző.(used to
kifejezést használjuk)
E.g. At that time we used to play bridge.
I used to play football when I was a child! (valamikor
gyermekkoromban igen, de most már nem focizok, tehát rég
rendszeres cselekedet volt, de most már nem az )
Did you use to play tennis?
I used to smoke but I don’t smoke any more.
They used to be good friends but now they don’t speak to
each other.
I used to
sing in the chorus.
\_____ used to+ infinitive ( this refers to habitual
actions which no longer happen.)
E.g. My father used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
Before I had a car, I used to cycle to work.
It can also refer to actions that did not happen before, but
happen now.
E.g. I didn’t used to have foreign holidays. Now I go
abroad every year.
He never used to watch TV at breakfast time.
Where did you use to go for your holidays?
!!!!Sentences with used to do not need frequency adverbs ,
although they are sometimes included for emphasis.

E.g. I always used to be late for school.

Ne téveszd össze:

- to be used to sg. = hozzászokni (állapot)

E.g. He is used to cold weather. Hozzászokott a hideg
-to be used to + ing (=means to be accustomed to)
E.g. I must go to bed early. I’m used to having ten hours sleep a
-to get used to sg. = hozzászokni (folyamat)
E.g. Slowly they got used to strange noise. Lassanként
hozzászoktak a különös zajhoz.
- To get used to + ing(= means to become accustomed to,
often to something unusual or strange.
E.g. If you come to England, you’ll have to get used to
driving on the left- hand side of the road.

- to use sg. = Használni ( szabályos ige)

E.g. She used an old car to go to the beach. Egy régi kocsival
járt strandra. (régi kocsit használt)
The differences between used to and would
used to can refer to permanent situations as well as habitual
I used to be able to see Big Ben from my bedroom window.
Would can only refer to actions, not situations. You can say: He’d
catch the 7.30 train. but not He’d work in London.
Every summer our parents would take us to the seaside. ( Avoid
would in questions and negative sentences, as its meaning can be
completely different.)
Adverb phrases ( Időhatározók): yesterday, the day before,
last…, once, ago, then, at that time a.s.o.

A past time reference must either be given or understood from the context. Akkor
hagyható el az időhatározó, ha teljesen egyértelmű, hogy a beszélő milyen konkrét
múltbeli ponthoz köti a cselekvést. Ilyenek:
- tetszőleges időpont, amely megelőzi a beszéd időpontját: ten days ago,
- a beszéd napját megelőző bármely dátum/ nap: in 1685, on the 10th March,
on Friday…
E.g. We made several excursions last year.
He told me he was ill.
She said she would bring me the book when she came to my place.
The Past Continuous (Progressive) tense
-Folyamatos múlt idő-

Form (Alak):
Past of the verb ‘be’(was/were)+ the present
Was/were + ige 1. szótári alakja + ing
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
( Állító alak) ( Tagadó alak) ( Kérdő alak)
I was cooking I was not (wasn’t) cooking Was I cooking ?

You were cooking You were not (weren’t) cooking Were you cooking ?

He was cooking He was not cooking Was he cooking ?

She was cooking She was not cooking Was she cooking ?
It was cooking It was not cooking Was it cooking ?
We were cooking We were not cooking Were we cooking ?

You were cooking You were not cooking Were you cooking ?

They were cooking They were not cooking Were they cooking ?
Use (Használata):

Past Present time Future

- Is used to denote an action going on at a given past moment
which must or must not be unfinished. We use past continuous
tense to describe a past action in progress which is or is not
necessarily interrupted by an other shorter activity. Olyan
folyamatos cselekményt fejez ki, amely a múltban történik és
amelyet félbeszakíthat egy másik rövidebb esemény vagy
cselekmény sorozat!
E.g. I was reading when the phone rang.
Dick was working for his uncle when I knew him.
What were you doing yesterday at 6 o’clock?
- Is chiefly used for past actions which continued for some
time but whose exact limits are not known and are not
important. Indicates uncertainty about times of starting or
finishing .
E.g. I was walking.
- Ezzel az igeidővel fejezzük ki , hogy a múlt egy adott
pillanatában milyen hosszabban tartó cselekmény történt.
E.g. When you called yesterday, I was writing a letter for my
A temporary event in the past which was interrupted by an
other event.
Egy már elkezdett cselekedetet félbeszakít egy nem tartós
/ spontán cselekedet

E.g. He came in when (while) I was eating.

He called me just as I was leaving.
I was eating dinner when the phone rang.
While I was doing my shopping, somebody tried to
steal my wallet.
\__ezt használjuk a hosszabb cselekedetre.
I was doing my shopping where somebody tried to steal my
\___a rövidebb cselekedetre
Two simultaneous, continuous actions in the past. Két
párhuzamos cselekményre is használjuk, amelyek a
múltban zajlanak.

E.g. She was eating while I was washing.

While I was trying to phone her, she was trying to
phone me.
While I was driving, my wife was just talking.
While I was watching TV she was learning.
!!!! Két múltbeli cselekmény esetében amikor a
cselekvést végző személy ugyanaz, akkor nem ismételjük
meg a was / were-t.
E.g. I was listening to the radio and *reading a book.

- Repeated actions occuring over a period of time in the past.

Before I got my own flat, I was always arguing with my
- Olyan cselekmény ami fokozatosan történik.
E.g. The water was getting warmer and warmer.

- Used with a point in time, it expresses an action which

began before that time and probably continued after it.
E.g. At eight he was having breakfast. (= implies that he was
in the middle of breakfast at eight, so probably he started
eating before eight.)
He had breakfast at eight. (= would imply that he started
it at eight.)
We use the past continuous tense in descriptions
E.g. A wood fire was burning on the heath and a cat was
sleeping in front of it…

- Can be used as a past equivalent of the present continuous

Direct Speech: He said : ’I’m living in London.’
Indirect Speech: He said he was living in London.
Other E.g.
He was always ringing me up.
I was cooking all day yesterday.
Peter was singing when the bell rang.
!!!! Continuous tenses are used only for apparently
continuous uninterrupted actions. If we divide the action up,
or say how many times it happened, we must use the simple
past tense:
E.g. I talked to Tom several times.
Bob washed both cars.

But we may, of course use the continuous for apparently

parallel actions:
E.g. Between one and two I was doing the shopping and
walking the dog.
Adverb phrases ( Időhatározók): yesterday, a day before, at
noon, ago…

Past continuous tense used without a time expression can

indicate gradual development .

E.g. It was getting darker. The wind was rising.

Past Perfect tense
-Befejezett múlt idő (Régmúlt)-


Affirmative Negative Interrogative
( Állító alak) ( Tagadó alak) ( Kérdő alak)
I had (I’d) worked I had not (hadn’t) worked Had I worked?

You had worked You had not worked Had you worked?
He had worked He had not worked Had he worked?
She had worked She had not worked Had she worked?
It had worked It had not worked Had it worked?
We had worked We had not worked Had we worked?
You had worked You had not worked Had you worked?
They had worked They had not worked Had they worked?
Use (Használata):

Past Present time Future

- Used to express a single action or repeated actions which took place before a
given past moment. Olyan cselekvést fejez ki , amely a múlt egy adott
pillanata előtt, vagyis még régebben történt. Általában két múlt idejű
cselekvés esetében használjuk. A két cselekvés közül azt jelöli, amelyik már
befejeződött, amikor a másik elkezdődött, tehát a régebbi cselekmény
kifejezésére használjuk.
E.g. I had left the room, when they began to discuss the question. Már
kimentem a szobából , amikor elkezdték megvitatni a kérdést.
After I had had breakfast I went to school.
When she arrived , the train had already left the station. Amikor kiért az
állomásra a vonat addigra kifutott. (elhagyta az állomást)
- Használatához a kulcsszó: előidejűség
E.g. He had been in the classroom for two minutes when the
teacher came in.

- Olyan múltbeli cselekmény amit egy másik múltbeli

cselekedet követ
E.g. I had learnt the lesson and I passed the exam.
We use the past perfect tense to indicate a past event or
situation which occurred before an other past event or

E.g. I’d been aware for quite a while before the alarm rang.
Although I arrived on time, Mike had already left.
Can be used with since, for, always etc.. for an action which began in the
past and is still continuing or has only just finished. The past perfect can
be used similar for an action which began before the time of speaking in
the past, and:
- was still continuing at this time
E.g. Bill was in uniform when I met -stopped at that time or just before
him. He had been a soldier for ten it
E.g. The old oak tree, which had
years / since he was seventeen and
stood in the churchyard for 300
planned to stay in army till he was years / since before the church was
thirty. built, suddenly crashed to the
ground.(had been standing would
also be possible).
- for an action which stopped some
time before the time of speaking.
E.g. He had served in the army for
10 years, then he retired and
married. His children were now at
The past perfect tense is the
equivalent of the present perfect

E.g. Present: Ann had just left.

If you hurry you’ll catch her. Past: When I arrived Ann
I’ve lost my case. had just left.
He had lost his
case and had to borrow
Tom’s pyjamas.
The past perfect is also the past equivalent of the simple past tense
and is used when the narrator or subject looks back on earlier action
from a certain point in the past.

E.g. Tom was 23 when our story

begins. His father had died five He met her in Paris in 1985 . He
years before and since then Tom has last seen her 10 years before.
had lived alone. His father had Her hair had been grey then, now it
adviced him not to get married till is white. OR He met her in1985 and
he was 35 and Tom intended to again ten years later. Her hair which
follow his advice. had been grey at their first meeting
was now white.
BUT no past perfect is necessary:

Tom’s father died when Tom

was 18. Before he died he
adviced Tom not to marry till He met her in 1985 when her
he was 35, and Tom at 23 till hair was grey. He met her again
intended to follow this in 1989. He didn’t meet her
advice. again till 1999. Her hair was
now white.
‘After’ is normally followed by a perfect tense. Általában
az ‘after’ szó után perfect igeidő van!!!!

E.g. After the will had been read there were angry
Adverb phrases ( Időhatározók):
when, before, after, till, until, as soon as…
Past Perfect Continuous tense
-Folyamatos szemléletű
befejezett múlt idő-

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
( Állító alak) ( Tagadó alak) ( Kérdő alak)
I had (I’d) been I had not (hadn’t) been working Had I been working?
You had been working You had not been working Had you been
working ?
He had been working He had not been working Had he been working ?

She had been working She had not been working Had she been working ?

It had been working It had not been working Had it been working ?

We had been working We had not been working Had we been working ?

You had been working You had not been working Had you been
working ?
They had been working They had not been working Had they been
working ?
Use (Használata):

Összeköti a régmúltat, a Past Present time Future

múltat és az ahhoz
viszonyított jövőt , ami
már szintén elmúlt. A
jelenhez és tényleges
jövőhöz semmi köze.
Is concerned with the continuity of an action rather than its
completed state. Shows an action begun before a given
moment in the past and continued into the past moment or
come very close up to that past moment.
Olyan cselekvés kifejezésére szolgál , amely valamikor a
múltban kezdődött és egy későbbi cselekedet
megindulásáig vagy azon túl is tartott (a régmúlttól a
múltig). Azt a bizonyos időpontot ameddig a cselekvés
tartott egyszerű múlt idővel vagy egy időhatározóval
fejezzük ki.
E.g I had been writing for at least two hours when he arrived. Már
legalább két órája írtam, amikor megérkezett.
It was now six and he was tired because he had been working
since dawn.( but is also correct: …he had worked…)
They had been playing football all morning.
I had been learning English for two years when my sister got
married. Két éve tanultam angolul, amikor a nővérem férjhez
ment… (Két évig tanultam az esküvő előtt akkor is meg utána is
egy darabig, de most már nem.)
- We use the continuous form when we want to emphasize
the continuity and duration of this event.
E.g. Brian had been trying to get a job for over a year before
he was offered his present one.
- A repeated action in the past perfect can sometimes be
expressed as a continuous action by the past perfect
E.g. He had tried five times to get her on the phone. He
had been trying to get her on the phone.
He had been writing poems for two years when I met
!!!!Ha kiemeljük a mennyiséget, akkor Past
Perfect Simple-t használunk !
Pl. He had written fifty poems when I met
Differences between a single action in the Simple Past
Perfect and an action in Past Perfect Continuous!

Past Perfect Continuous

Simple Past Perfect
He had been repairing the
By engine.
six o’clock he had
 ( Tells us how he had spent
repaired the engine. (This
the previous hour/ half hour
job had been completed.) etc.. It doesn’t tell us whether
or not the job was completed.)
Simple Past Perfect
 He had painted the door.
(Perhaps recently, perhaps
some time ago.) An action in
past perfect may occur shortly Past Perfect Continuous
before the time of speaking ,
but there could be quite a long He had been painting the
interval between them. door. (The paints were
probably still wet.)
Generally about the past tenses

1. Peter walked on the hill yesterday. Péter a tegnap a hegyen sétált.

-Ismert a cselekvés (a sétálás) időpontja.

Konkrét időpontkor = Egyszerű múlt időt alkalmazunk.(Simple Past)
Present Perfect-et használunk. Magyarban mi nem
tudunk hasonló szerkentyűt létrehozni. Befejezett jelen
időnek nevezzük és mégis a múlt időhöz sorolható.
!!!!Teljes bevégzett jelent nem kell magyarra fordítani. A
present, past, future jelző csupán arra utal, hogy a
cselekmény mikorra vált befejezetté , vagyis mostanra
vagy egy jövő/ múlt időpontra.
Szituáció: esküvő idején a vőlegény mondhatja
a mennyasszonynak: I have bought a car.
(Vettem egy autót. Nincs konkrét időpont, tehát
bármikor vehette.) Most viszont barátainak azt
mondhatja :
E.g. Peter fell of the tree after he had climbed onto it.
Peter climbed onto the tree before he fell off it.

- Mindegy melyik időhatározót használjuk, hisz az

értelemhez van kötve, hogy melyik cselekmény történt
!!! Értelmi változáshoz a Past Perfect kiváló herkentyű.

E.g. The girl you met yesterday was Peter’s wife. (most is a
The girl you met yesterday had been Peter’s wife. (már

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