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Emergency Medicine

School of Science and Technology

Nazarbayev University

Luiza Niyazmetova
November 7, 2011
 Definition of Emergency Medicine (EM) and
common skills for EM doctor
 10 commandments for EM physician
 Structure of EM hospital
 Conclusion
 References
Definition of EM
 Emergency Medicine - branch of medicine
that deals with evaluation, stabilization,
diagnosis, and disposition of ill or injured
 Some skills for EM doctor to have:

• Airway management
• Cardiac support
• Resuscitation of trauma
• Obstetrical (accoucheur) skills
10 Commandments for EM doctor
1. Remember ABC (airway, breathing, circulation) and
DEFG (defibrillation, expose, fetal heart and guard
2. Give naloxone, thiamine or glucose to patient with
unstable mental status
3. Get a pregnancy test
4. Assume the worst (evaluate patient’s complaints)
5. Do not send very sick patient to radiology
6. Assume all vital signs, age and risk factors
7. Believe in facts not someone’s words
8. Learn from mistakes
9. Do everything you can for patients
10. Prefer patient’s interests and safety
Structure of EM hospital. Main parts.
 Entrance/reception/triage area (allocate patients
according to their physical and mental status, information
is recorded)
 Resuscitation room (for severely ill or injured patients)
 Acute treatment room (for patients with serious diseases)
 Isolation room (for patients with infections)
 Mental health care room (for stabilization and treatment

of patients with psychological treatment)

 Consultation room (for examining patients with non-

acute conditions)
 Staff room
 Administration room

Each of these room is provided with proper equipment

 Emergency medicine doctor need to have skills and
knowledge in all fields of medicine
 To stabilize and help patient EM physician need to

remember 10 commandments
 EM hospital open 24 hours/7 days a week
 EM hospital is divided into several areas (rooms)

and each should be provided with necessary

 EM physician have to think quickly and make quick

decisions about patients state, and make everything

in doctor’s power to prolong patient’s life.
Department of emergency medicine. (2011).
Retrieved from
Guidelines on emergency department design.
(2007). Retrieved from
Slovis, C.M., Wrenn, K. (1991). The ten
commandments of emergency medicine. Annals
of Emergency Medicine. 20(10): 1146-1147

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