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Group 3

Loaning Equipments
1 2

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

1. Project helmet, is 2. Electric tools, are the result of use borrowing after going
must to borrow tool through all the lending processes

3. A pen, is a tool for later we weite a paper to borrow a tool

4. The paper, was actually given by the lab staff and contains our
biodata 4

Put on the project

helmet and come to
the loan room
• Wearing a helmet is a condition for
borrowing tools, obey to be safe
Ask for loan paper
from lab staff
• Ask for a paper containing biodata
and tools that will be borrowed to
be filled in
Fill in your personal data and the
equipments you want to borrow

• Fill in your personal data correctly then

write down the tool you will borrow
using a boulpoin
Handing loan papers to lab
• After writing the biodata and tools you
wants to borrow then hand the paper
over to the lab staff
Then the officer handed over
the borrowed equipments
• The officer handed over the tool you
borrowed, which means that`s the end of
the tool borrowing process
THANK YOUU!!!!!!!!!

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