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By: Maura O’Hare

What is it?
• Edpuzzle is a learning platform in which your teachers can find
or create a video, add questions or comments and then assign it
to students to watch and complete as an assignment.
• Throughout the video, it will pause at certain points and ask
either a multiple choice or short answer question that the
student can click or type the answer.
• The teacher can also leave comments or tips for the student that
will pop up during the video.
• Edpuzzle is beneficial for students because it makes it
hard to not pay attention to the video if they want to
answer the questions correctly. It forces them to pay
attention and allows them to replay the portion of the
video where the answer is said.
• Because of this, students will obtain more information,
rather then just skimming through a video for a
homework assignment.
• It also makes it easy for a teacher to grade because you
receive your grade at the end of the video, unless the
teacher assigns short answers.
More information
• Edpuzzle is great for visual learners, which is about 65% of
students worldwide.
• Edpuzzle is a website and an app, so teachers can post a
link and students can access the platform for free!
• Edpuzzle is one of the most interactive ways to quiz your
students on information.
• Also, many students prefer to watch a video over reading
pages in a textbook to learn information, so Edpuzzle
makes it more enjoyable to study or do homework..

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