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Pengantar Teknik Mesin

Ir. H. Nefli Yusuf, M.Eng

Mampu menjelaskan bidang keahlian Teknik
Mesin, sehingga mempunyai persepsi total
untuk mengembangkan diri sebelum dan
setelah lulus menempuh perkuliahan.
• Rujukan:
– A. Jonathan Wickert, Kemper Lewis, 2013, ”An Introduction to
Mechanical Engineering”, 3rd edition, Cengage
– B. NCEES, 2000, “Fundamental of Engineering supplied-
Reference Handbooks”4th ed.
– C. Pravin Kumar, 2013, “Basic Mechanical Engineering”,
– D. Agerico U. Llovido , Basic Engineering Sciences Reviewer”
Materi Kuliah
1. Pendahuluan 8. Termodinamika
2. Teknik Mesin dan 9. Pepindahan panas
Profesinya 10. Sistem energi dan
3. Program Studi Teknik termal
Mesin 11. Kinematika dan
4. Teknik Mesin masa kini dinamika
5. Ilmu Material 12. Getaran Mekanis
6. Mekanika 13. Sistem kendali
7. Mekanika fluida 14. Ekonomi Teknik
– Absensi: 10 %
– Tugas: 20 %
– UTS: 30 % PROSES
– UAS: 40 %

• Proses itu penting! Ia

merupakan kumpulan dari
waktu dan daya-upaya SUCCESS
aktifitas anda.
• Tidak ada sukses tanpa hasil,
keluaran, dan dampak, semua
diperoleh melalui proses.
History of science
• Science (scientia) ”natural philosophy” until at least the modern
period; ”natural sciences” emerged only later
• The Scientific Revolution (~1500-1700)
• ”Scientific method” articulated only in late 19th century – but
inseparable from the entire history of science
• The term ”scientist” relatively new (Whewell, 1833)

• For Aristotle, science was the

study of drawing inferences, given
the premises that are known
(deduction, syllogism)
• Reason, argument and experiment
have always been important...
History of Technology
• The term ”technology” quite young Bigelow, Elements of Technology,
– “Under this title it is attempted to include . . . an account . . . of the
principles, processes, and nomenclatures of the more conspicuous arts,
particularly those which involve applications of science, and which may
be considered useful, by promoting the benefit of society, together with
the emolument of those who pursue them.”
• (Before this the word was rather the ’techniques’)
– “Technology, in the present century and almost under our eyes . . . has
advanced with greater strides than any other agent of civilization, and
has done more than any science to enlarge the boundaries of profitable
knowledge, to extend the dominion of mankind over nature, to
economize and utilize both labor and time, and thus to add indefinitely to
the effective and available length of human existence.”
• The founding of the MIT (1861), the polytechnics etc.
Science and Technology Developtment
Scientist and Engineer
• Theodore Von Karman

“Scientists discover the

world that exists;
engineers creat the world
that never was.”
What do the following have in common?
What do you mean about?

Engineering and Engineer

What is Engineering? (1)
• Merriam-Webster’s dict.:
1 : the activities or the function of an engineer; especially: the
art of managing engines
2 : the science by which the properties of matter and the
sources of energy in nature are made useful to man in
structures, machines, and products
• Oxford dict.:
– The branch of science and technology concerned with the
design, building, and use of engines, machines, and
• The application of science & mathematics to design,
build, and maintain devices and processes that are
useful to humankind.
What is Engineering? (2)
Engineering is an art requiring the
judgement necessary to adapt knowledge
to practical purpose, the imagination to
conceive original solution to problems, and
the ability to predict performance and cost
of new devices or processes. Source:
Encyclopedia Britannica.
What is Engineering? (3)

convert Things

– Matter – Cars
– Sources of Energy – Air Conditioners
–… – Bridges
– Clean Water
– …

…useful to humankind
What is an Engineering? (4)
• Engineering is the profession in
which knowledge of the
mathematical and natural sciences
gained by study, experience, and
practice is applied with judgments to
develop ways to utilize,
economically, the materials and
forces of nature for the benefit of
mankind. [ABET]
Engineer is a person who designs,
invents, or contrives the engineering
• What Engineers Do ?
– Build a Bridge?
– Make a Robot?
– Work on a Computer?
– Drive a Train?
– Repair Car Engines?
– Some things making profit/benefit?
– Or what …?
• Kata Engineering dalam bahasa Indonesia dapat
diartikan sebagai kata Teknik atau Rekayasa,
• Berarti Rekayasa Keteknikan untuk mencapai
efektifitas, efisiensi dan produktifitas kerja yang
tinggi melalui inovasi pemanfaatan potensi alam
yang bersahabat.
• Lebih jauh lagi bekerja dengan metoda
keilmuan, peralatan kerja agar praktis, mudah
dan punya nilai tambah ekonomi tinggi
What kind of engineering?
• Ceramic
Civil Engineering,
• Mechanical Engineering,
Communication Engineering,
• Electrical Engineering,
Engineering geology,
• Industrial Engineering,
Geophysical Engineering,
• ChemicalEngineering,
Highway Engineering,
• Bio Engineering,
Human Engineering,
• Hydraulic
Military Engineering,
• Municipal
Social Engineering,
• Sanitary Engineering,
Engineering Job Descriptions
•Analytical engineer
•Design engineer
•Test engineer
•Manufacturing engineer
•Development engineer
•Research engineer
•Sales engineer
•Engineering manager
•Consulting engineer, …. etc
Why might YOU want to be an
• You have high goals in life and want to get a
strong college education!
• You like math and sciences, and would like to
apply them to real world problems!
• You enjoy hands-on work and tinkering with
• You were told that engineers make a lot of
• You were told that you can get a good job with an
engineering degree!
• You want to help humanity!
Be Professional

Be ethical people (know what is

right and wrong, what should
and shouldn't do.)

• Mechanical engineering is the

one of the oldest disciplines;
broadest of all engineering

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