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 “The process of conveying one’s thoughts,

ideas, concepts, beliefs and emotions to
another with the purpose of attaining some
specific end state, using oral/written words,
expressions & gestures as well as objects”
The Communication Model
 Sender
 Message
 Channel/Medium
 Encoding
 Receiver
 Decoding
 Feedback
The Communication Model
 Sender – Responsible for designing clear,
concise, message, selecting the appropriate
channel, asking receiver's feedback
 The Receiver is responsible for taking the
information listening and observing carefully,
asking questions and providing feedback
The Communication Model
 The Message is the information or what the
sender wants the receiver to understand
 The Channel is how the sender sends the
message – a written memo, a phone call, a
meeting, a gesture.
 Feedback is the critical link that ensures
Purpose of Communication
 “A Change in State”
 “Current State to a desired end state”
 Common Purpose becomes important and
critical for successful communication
Purpose of Communication
 Statement of Objectives – Clarity with the
 Ideally the Receiver should also be aware of
what the objective of the communication is
Barriers in Communication
 Semantic problems
 Status effects
 Physical distractions
 Information overload
 Time pressures
 Cultural differences
 Trust level
 Absence of two-way communication
The Barriers
 Semantics
 Physical
 Cultural
 Body Language
 Similar sounding words might have different
 Use of Jargon
 Obstacles
 Noise
 Distances
 Telephone
 Improper Ventilation
Cultural Barrier
 Same gesture might mean different things in
different cultures
 Country side and city dwellers would have
their own cultural barriers
 Linguistic cultures might pronounce the same
English word differently
Body Language – as a barrier
 Voice Intonation
 Pace
 Emphasis
 Facial Expression
 Incongruent gestures
 “What is worn”

Feedback is the process that ensures

that two-way communication occurs
so that the sender and receiver of the
message can make sure that the
“intended ” and the “received”
message are the same .
Body Language
 “Signs, signal, gestures & expressions that
come in a cluster while in the process of
interacting with others which can be adding
more meaning to the words or might have
independent meaning their own”
Body Language
 Adds Meaning to the words
 Comes in Clusters
 Can be interpreted even if not accompanied by
Body Language
 Voice Intonation
 Eye Movement
 Hand Movement
 Posture & Position
Body Language
 Reflection of state of mind
 Supplements or contradicts verbal communication
 Gestures, postures, facial expressions and eye
movements collectively looked at as body
 Understand cluster gestures rather than isolated
body part movements
 Voice pitch & Intonation can be as important
Thank You
Mobile: +919903387508

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