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Nama Kelompok:
Anggelina Ananda Putri
Amilia Zannahtul Putria
1. Requirement : Persyaratan

2. Qualification : Jenis keterampilan / kepribadian pangalaman yang

membuat seseorang cocok untuk suatu pekerjaan tertentu

3. Enclosed : Terlampir

4. Resume : Daftar riwayat hidup / curriculum vitae (CV)

5. Consideration: pertimpangan

6. Colleagues : kolega

7. Ba Suited : Cocok untuk

8. To Appear: Termuat di koran

Application Letter EXERCISE

1. what is application letter

2. Social function of application letter
3. Language feature of Application letter
4. Text structure of application letter.
1. Application letter is a letter to express your
interest in applying for a job. It is aletter to an
Institution or a company so, it is written in a
formal way and tone as well as clear in saying
what the writer mean without any ambiguous
2. The Social function of
application letter is to apply for a
particular Position offered by a
company or an organization
3 - use the present tense.
- use the Verbs to Indicate actions and
- use the future tinse for suggesting
solutions to problems the job.
4 - Sender address and date (1)
- Company address (2)
- Salutation (3)
- Opening paragraph (4)
- Body of letter (5)
- Closing paragraph (6)
- Closing (7)

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